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Benny Baker

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Everything posted by Benny Baker

  1. What about when the NCAA executive committee adopts a new policy sanctioning schools for using Crusaders, Pioneers, Roughriders, and the like because those names are culturally insensitive to other ethnic groups and religions!?!?!?! Crap, now we can't even go with Roughriders because of possible sanctions! Spread the news!!!! The only viable options are Sundogs, Nodaks, North Stars, and Fighting Hawks.
  2. Have there been schools that complained about UND's nickname situation over the last three years? Or does the NCAA expect that some administration is going to now become upset about all the Fighting Sioux logos in Engelstad Arena, which will not even be removed when UND becomes the North Stars? Honest question, but feel free to attack.
  3. I think so. But peter's email most certainly did not say automatic sanctions if someone from inside UND complains. Where were you on that one, Lefty?
  4. The NCAA gave the green light for UND to proceed with no nickname as far as the settlement goes. If other schools start complaining about the lack of a name, albeit over three years later, the NCAA may look at sanctions. See the email goon received below: Eric, thanks for the email and the support for our university. The NCAA says there would not be a violation of the settlement agreement as far as they are concerned if UND didn't adopt a new nickname. However, the NCAA did say that if fans resumed using Sioux or Fighting Sioux, the NCAA believes other schools will complain and that, in turn, would very likely result in sanctions. The NCAA does seem to believe that UND has done its best to comply with the settlement agreement. Peter Johnson Executive Associate Vice President for University Relations (701) 777-4317
  5. I know, right? The NCAA mandates that UND protect, if not use, the Fighting Sioux logo. The NCAA allows UND to keep hundreds of Fighting Sioux images in their hockey arena. The NCAA sanctions UND because other schools start complaining that UND fans are wearing the Fighting Sioux logo that the NCAA required UND to protect in the arena where the NCAA allowed UND to keep hundreds of Fighting Sioux logos. Makes perfect sense to me.
  6. I understand everyone's concerns about possible sanctions if UND supporters (or too many of them) wear Fighting Sioux gear, but is UND in violation of the settlement agreement if it moves forward with "North Dakota" for its nickname?
  7. I understand everyone's concerns about possible sanctions if UND supporters (or too many of them) wear Fighting Sioux gear, but is UND in violation of the settlement agreement if it moves forward with "North Dakota" for its nickname?
  8. Spot on. There's definitely some about facing taking place on this message board today. Sure seemed to be a lot of bar-stool lawyers on here last week who were certain that UND's decision to not chose a new nickname would be in violation of the settlement agreement. Looks like Goon did a great job of clearing up those errors as I don't seeing anyone willing to stick by their (old) position today.
  9. Nice try, Sitacoka. And then you eagerly cite an article that begins with: "When the University begins the process of choosing a nickname and logo" Haha, you're too funny.
  10. hmmm. I do recall a process to transition away from "Fighting Sioux", but there was never any effort to transition to a new nickname until 2015. http://nickname.und.edu/logo/
  11. I guess I have to disagree, because in this situation it went: The NCAA asked, "Have you tried transitioning to a new nickname?" And North Dakota said, "Hell no, we created a law that prohibited any transition for three years."
  12. There is a distinction between the general use of a name (word) and the context in which it used for purposes of trademark. North Dakota can certainly use "North Stars" as its nickname, but it would need the NHL's permission to use the actual Minnesota North Star logo.
  13. I'm flattered that you're looking me up! My answer to your question is, no. But I think your hypo neglected to point out some distinguishing facts. Although your hypo gave a "firm" deadline like the August 15, 2011 deadline for UND to transition to a new nickname, the NCAA subsequently choose to remove sanctions when North Dakota obviously had not met that deadline. Quite to the contrary, North Dakota thumbed its nose at the idea and said that it wasn't even going to consider transitioning to a new nickname for over three years!
  14. He probably means "mistrial" as in the prefix "mis", meaning wrong or incorrect.
  15. Okay, 82SiouxGuy clarified that he doesn't have any concrete evidence. How about anyone else, though?
  16. And that's more than fine that you believe this. All I've wanted to know is if anyone has any concrete evidence that the NCAA will slap sanctions against UND more than four years after UND was seemingly in violation of the settlement agreement. I am not asking about people's opinion on the matter. So, I'll be more direct, has anyone been told by a NCAA or UND representative that failure to adopt something other than "North Dakota" will result in sanctions? Has anyone read anything from a NCAA or UND representative that failure to adopt something other than "North Dakota" will result in sanctions?
  17. Hey Pot-- What about the the fact that the transition must be "completed on or before August 15, 2011"? Thanks, Kettle
  18. Other than "UND has retired the 'Fighting Sioux' nickname and logo" and that "the University of North Dakota will be removed from any list of institutions not in compliance with the Policy."
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