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Everything posted by SWSiouxMN

  1. 3rd and 5 another big conversion here
  2. Smith throwing his weight around now first down again
  3. first down, but that was almost more
  4. 3rd and 3 need to convert this one
  5. Go score and win this game
  6. Special teams is winning this game for UND
  7. BLOCKED!!!!
  8. TD USD
  9. He just got hurt
  10. 1st and goal for USD time for another legendary goal line stand UND?
  11. Got to get him moving east and west and slow him down. 2nd and 8
  12. 1 more quarter UND Finish and the playoffs are yours
  13. #5 for USD is just chewing up UND
  14. That had to be a miskick no?
  15. Just like in Spring 2021, couldn't stop it then can't stop it now
  16. B-E-A- utiful screen for a TD
  17. 3rd and goal. Nearly fit that into Maag
  18. Just swing pass and screen them to death they can't stop it
  19. UND wanted the kill shot right there. Instead, a solid gain
  20. Got to score here and see if that makes USD change their approach on offense.
  21. They got home!!!!!
  22. Can't get home
  23. Bo! x2 TD!
  24. 3rd and goal at the 3
  25. Those snaps are getting a little high
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