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Posts posted by geaux_sioux

  1. They still send those emails out to students and they may as well be sending out spam. I never look at them and just delete them right away. I agree with putting up notices on the bulletin boards around campus but I think they also need something that will grab someone’s attention when the students are walking to class. Something like a board on campus displaying all the upcoming athletic events or something like that. Another thing is getting to the Alerus as a student is a pain. I think they still have shuttle buses going from campus to the Alerus but I'm not sure. If they do, they really need to start advertising it. I think that would help a little. For the students staying for the game, they really need to improve the atmosphere in the Alerus before and during the game. I know this has been brought up before. Some of the pregame videos and in game contests such as minute to win it seem like something straight out of high school. One of my pet peeves that still makes me cringe a little is when they have the players on the video screen doing something goofy or cheering on the fans. It seems out of place. The Alerus should really take a page out of the Ralphs playbook when it comes to building that game time atmosphere.

    New pre game video that fans will actually get excited for like the hockey games, a theme song for the team entrance, fog machine and lasers coming out of the helmet, and have a fan blackout with the teams new black uniforms. Those would help. No more minute to win it is right, its a joke. Leave that crap for halftime when nobody is watching and so the players dont have to see it and get embarrassed and distracted. It's not hard, all it takes is effort, which, apparently, nobody in charge of the football atmosphere has.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Student turnout is an easy fix. Return tailgating to what it was. Kick the crap out of USDMTMTSSD and run up the score so every player gets some touches for the fans to see. Beat Portland St. Finally get an FBS win in San Diego.

    With that the attendance for the Poly game would be huge. And I'm sure if fans will be clamoring to get a glimpse of the first all black football uni in program history as well. Add all of that together with hype for the new qb and conference and turf and you have a potential powder-keg that could launch the football team to new heights.

  3. I'd like to see UND go to a common theme for uniforms across the board (meaning all sports).

    I'd like to see a common color for helmets (hockey, football, ... lacrosse some day ;) ). I think that would end up being black because greens are tough to match to jerseys, and given the current trend, I'd like to see that matte or flat black be taken on as the theme.

    I'd like to see a common mode in uniforms also where the teams have three jerseys: white, green, and a black alternate.

    I'm not sure what to say about pants. Hockey tends to a single color, home or road. Football tends to have two color pants depending on home/road and which jersey. BB tends to just match to the jersey.

    How's that geaux_sioux? Good enough restart of the primary discussion? :D

    Wait, but would these black helmets fit or be loose? Cause my grandpa liked his helmet loose back in WWII. I mean yea thats better.

    • Upvote 1
  4. FWIW the most losses by a Big Sky winning team in conference since '03 is 2.... I feel like that won't be as common now that there are more quality teams in the Big Sky like Poly and us and Davis and SUU

  5. Awesome, I love this!!!

    PS - How ironic that you mention transferring VHS to DVD... that is actually something that I do regularly. :D

    Hate to break it to you but its probably a laser disk....

  6. Ask the defensive player who can no longer grab the ball carrier by the jersey if this is an improvement or not. You want a fact, I'll give you a fact : The fact of the matter is that this topic is a matter of personal preference despite what so many of you stubborn people try to tell me.

    Fact is 100% of todays players like em tight. 100% of Dick Butkus likes em baggy.

  7. It's not necessarily about loose or tight fit, it's about the evolution of the jersey. The newest jerseys which came out a couple years ago were more of a sculpted fit and weighed 30% less than the jerseys mostly used at that time, which probably already weighed a lot less than the jerseys of say the 70's or 80's. The new material also has much better ventilation, and because it was a tight fit as mentioned before it made it harder for the defense to latch onto. When you're talking about 300 pound guys running around in the heat for 3 hours, less weight and better ventilation is a huge deal.

    So much like the newer streamlined body suits that swimmers have, it's all about being lighter and faster, and in the case of football keeping cooler.

    EDIT: I just looked it up, it's called TECHFIT compression football jersey, although there may be more companies marketing similar products by now.

    Yea but they're not baggy. That's a problem. Dick Butkus liked em baggy so yer wrong.

  8. The NCAA is trying to exterminate the use of all Native American based team nicknames. That is a hate crime against Native Americans in my opinion, and any school that states a refusal to schedule teams with Native American based nicknames is guilty of being an accomplice to said hate crime. In my 41 years on this earth, very few issues have angered me as much as this one. From now on I will make a conscious effort to support the Florida State Seminoles, Cleveland Indians, Atlanta Braves, Washington Redskins, Kansas City Chiefs, Chicago Blackhawks, etc... Any team in any sport with a Native American based nickname is okay with me, and there are no words strong enough to express the disgust I feel towards the NCAA and anybody who agrees with, goes along with, defends, or tries to rationalize their policy. Their policy is a hate crime, plain and simple.

    Have I made myself clear enough for you to understand?

    So I'm assuming you're old enough to have known our friend Abe ....

    “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”

    • Upvote 1
  9. looking at Portlands vs what we saw with ours we have a ways to go although obviously you don't have as much to work with in a spring game vs a real one. I just think that darker lighting on the Portland one makes it seem more edgy like a movie.

  10. It's all the same to me though...

    It's all quitting to me. Maybe some think I'm off base here, and that's fine.

    It's cowardice. Put a chip on your shoulder and improve and be the best player on the team the next year. Taking the easy way out is becoming too common with football and hockey players and it's pathetic.

  11. O' Donnell- Knight- Kristo

    Macmillian- Grimaldi- Parks

    Chyzyk, Sanderson- Rowney-Rodwell

    Gaarder-St. Clair- Caggiula

    First 2 lines look good unless you want to switch Grimaldi and O' Donnell around but I think they want Grimaldi at center and I'm sure O'Donnell can replace Nelson, and I don't think you want to split up the chemistry between Parks and Macmillian. I think Rowney should center the 3rd line with Rodwell and not sure between the other 2. I think Gaarder played good enough last season to keep him on the 4th line. I cant remember what St.Clair is so I put him at center. Then I guess sitting will be Pattyn and Senkbeil, they should both see playing time sometime though. I think Sanderson was a forward, my bad if he's not.

    MacWillian- Mattson

    Forbort- Schmaltz





    Gleason or Rowney-A

    For some reason I can't picture the lineup without Pattyn. He plays with too much grit to not be out there. Every time he was on the ice he made a physical impact on the opposing team and cycles really well along the boards.

    • Upvote 1
  12. Jerseys should have a baggy fit. Go back and watch some old NFL highlights from the '70s and '80s, they had it figured out back then. These new style tight jerseys with no sleeves look ridiculous.

    wellllll back when I played we had to drive the ball up hill both ways into a 95mph wind on a gravel field with lead based paint lines while smoking cigarettes without pads or shoes in a blizzard 76 below zero and we had to sew our jerseys ourselves from potato sacks and the ball was really a boulder and there were no fans in there because there were no stands but we didn't want fans there because we played for the love of the game and there was no halftime because we refused a halftime and it was pouring rain and 100 degrees and there were no coaches because we didn't need one because back then we had true leaders on the field wellll it really wasn't so much a field as it was an old land mine training course for tank drivers and we all had polio and the forward pass was illegal because nobody can throw a greased pig very far anyway which is what we used for a ball and wellllll what was I talking about again?

    • Upvote 3
  13. I'm not sure if our pass defense has ever been outstanding. I can remember good individual corners and solid safeties but it's always been about the front seven from what I've seen. This next year will be the first time since Digger was playing that the front 7 will be up to snuff. This new version is the most athletic by far and the D-line is shaping up very well. The starters are monsters and hopefully the youngsters can turn into the same. I'm not sure if any team can stomach the type of smash mouth D we used to play and seem to be getting back to. They'll be able to assert themselves next year with an actual offense to give them rest and leads to work with. SACK CITY is coming back.

  14. I have nicer hair than mel kiper.

    Hmm....And let me guess, you knew Ryan Leaf was going to suck.  You knew Jimmy Clausen wasn't the next Joe Montana at Notre Dame.  Want to pick my lottery numbers too?  This transfer might end up being a good one, but it might be a good idea to ease up on the expectations before you see him play.

    For the record I thought Clausen was over rated and had bad mechanics and too weak of an arm. I also thought Mertens and Goska would suck. Goska wasn't good but he got the job done some games and was a man possessed for 1.75 quarters against USD and in all 4th quarters last year. I've seen enough of this guy to know he's legit, since you haven't seen him in person maybe you should take my word for it

  15. Looked up his stats. His "best game" was a 7-13 for 86 yards and a pick. In a 13-0 defeat against NC St. He very well could end up being good, but watching some film of him playing when the other team isn't prepared for him doesn't say much to me. He was a backup at North Carolina. He isn't a Rhett Bomar from Oklahoma to Sam Houston St. or anything like that.

    If you want to be super excited about him thats fine, but claiming that he is going to be UND's Savior at QB just seems a bit over the top when he hasn't played a down of significant football for you, or for anyone in a long time.

    I'm a bigtime Notre Dame fan. We pull in awesome recruits every year. Some of them end up great, some of them end up alright, and some of them end up bad. Just because someone was recruited to play for UNC, doesn't mean anything about them other than they were a good high school player.

    I've seen enough good quarterback play to know a good one when I see one. I said the same thing about Brock Jensen when I saw him play in his first spring game. He should've started the first game, he didn't. When he did play you guys were able to make your run and actually score points and not turn it over. Hansen will probably throw for over 3000 yards this year, he is that good.

  16. I'm predicting you are wrong on many levels. Montana and Montana St. are to be respected and used as a benchmark when looking at what your team is accomplishing. What makes you think that the quarterback is capable? A few spring practices? A spring game? At NDSU, we learned our lesson about trusting that back in the Mertens time. Until Bradley, or Hansen or whoever is playing QB plays consistently well against the Big Sky teams, it would be best not to assume anything.

    I don't expect UND's offense to be a nightmare but it should do fine. I'll have UND get 4th or 5th in the Sky. Montana, Montana St., EWU, and Poly I think will all be in front of them. It should also be noted that UND's secondary couldn't stop a nosebleed last season. In the Big Sky, that could be a problem.

    I've seen Hansen throw enough throws and watch his make correct reads and throw people open to know he's the real deal. I'm confident in my opinion from watching quality qb play and UND and even occasionally at NDSU (Mertens and Mohler not so much). Hansen has an ease about his throws that reminds me of Freund except Hansen is fully 6'5" and has a stronger arm than Freund did.

  17. I'm hoping/thinking our team will take a different stance then some of us fans seem to take. We don't have to play up to them, they have to play up to us. We need to look at it as the Big Sky is our conference now and they need to play at our level to have a chance. We need to be more like Rorschach

    the black guy is the Montanas by the way

  18. I say the top 3 will be the Montana's and Cal Poly with UND #4. If our QB situation is solid we win the BSC. But with a winnable road schedule (except MSU) we could sneak into the contender role.

    I'm wondering why alot of UND fans are looking up at the Montanas like they're FBS teams. We've shown that we can play with anybody. Don't forget what that comeback against South Dakota may have done to the psyche of the players and coaches. And add to that the fact that the entire playbook will be at the disposal of the OC with a capable QB and depth everywhere and I think you'll see a nightmare offense to defend.

    • Upvote 2
  19. Big year, new team, new conference, new expectations. Where will UND finish in the first crack at tha Big Sky? Will we hang a new banner next to the Great West co champs banner? I feel alot of positive energy around the program so I'm thinking miniumum top 3.

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