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Posts posted by SiouxTupa

  1. I think it's crazy that UW can still (presumably, and riduculously luckily) tie for 4th!!

    It looks like we're either UW or MTU at home? Hopefully, anyway. I think another crack at MTU would be just dandy after their sweep at the Ralph a few months ago.

  2. My webcast is great! No skips, stops, glitches or anything.

    ...but I have no audio, because I'm working on my computer (drivers and such)...no big loss ???

    Good speed by both teams in the first, but UND has to start putting the puck on net from everywhere. Didn't they learn from last night?

  3. I noticed that yesterday too.

    Not to mention that this guy is an even bigger rube than the last one to write the WCHA column. He may just as well have said "my Badgers will finish above North Dakota".

    I guess I don't care who does the writing, it's still fun to read.

  4. All I am saying in a player like Turris is likely to be in the Parise/Towes class. Trupp is not. CSS does not make many mistakes in the top 10.

    ...YEAH...and drafts are highly valid predictors of performance in 17 year olds

    There are always a few duds. Never say never when it comes to scouting.

  5. Yeah, having just graduated, I too know what turmoil students have endured the last 5 years since the new arena opened.

    If the suites were elevated, there would be no sight line issues. Because they are not, if students stand in front they block the view of those people in the suite seats. Bad design for standing...take a look at the Excel center in St. Paul if you don't believe it.

    The issue of standing has been run into the ground, and it'll get the same response from anyone on this board...anyone who decides to reopen that book anyway.

  6. Actually I thought that was a well played game by both teams. It was very fast paced at times, but the goalies were pretty good.

    There were obviously a couple calls let go on both sides, but it kept the flow consistent.

    Duluth may be 9th in the league (tied for it), but they are playing their best hockey now. If they can get some steady goaltending, they definately have the scoring to put the hurt on. Mason Raymond is a flash out there, and definitely had chances. Also the McGreggor/MacGreggor line rocks.

    I think UND will win tomorrow in front of the home crowd. There's much more on the line for the Sioux, and the captains will let everyone know. Bottom line for tonight is that any point in the league is a good one. Let that one slip away and it's all knotted with Sconnie.

  7. Wow, I can honestly say I've never heard this before. :D:ohmy:

    In any case, I completely sympathize with you because from everything the students are told the Ralph WANTS you to stand and cheer at IMPORTANT moments of the game. I would classify overtime as very important.

    However, the Ralph wasn't designed properly for this to happen. It sucks for whoever sits there, so next time don't sit back there.

  8. Besides, when Toews and Oshie were severely snake-bitten/injured who was racking up goals? Duncan was apparently not Sophomore slumping. He'll be fine, it's not like UND won't have marquee players on a line with a guy who can shoot like that.

  9. UND has completely dominated UMD in the last 4 years. Since the Bulldogs had their 1 Frozen Four season UND has won almost every game, and several by large margins. I don't know what it is, maybe the similar systems.

    I think UND will come out fired up from a hard week of practices. They need to focus on Duluth and continuing to improve after taking a step back tonight.

  10. Actually Denver is 5-4-1 in their last 10... including losses to



    St. Cloud

    Michigan Tech

    Basically... UND needs to work their A$$es off the rest of the way, BUT it's not too crazy to ask 4-2 in the next 6.

    However, playing to not lose will mean losses against every other team UND plays. The performance tonight was lackadaisical and uninspired. Hak will work them hard this week.

  11. Yes and what is Denver's record in their last 10??

    And who did they just take only 1 point from this weekend?

    We've done well in SCSU's concrete heaven and if UND keeps working hard they should be able to win at least one in each place. A split on the road is NOT too much to ask when UND is 9-1-2 in their last 12.

  12. Maybe it'll be good for them. Yes they had been working hard, but maybe they were getting things too easy. A little adversity WITHOUT losing may be just the ticket. Put a little fear into them.

    This should light a fire behind the late season run and they will hopefully come out guns blazing against UMD.

    Besides, Denver is obviously not unbeatable at this point. :lol::huh: Just keep working hard, and DON'T LET UP EVER!!

  13. It's true about St. Louis' size, but he also has several years on Duncan. And he can't be more than 5' 9"... 3" taller than Duncan, but certainly small by NHL standards.

    It's really up to Ryan if he plays in the NHL I think. He may not have those goals, and may just want to finish out his degree and do something else. I think Duncan is one of the fastest players on the team and maybe in the league. His shot accuracy and his patience are really amazing.

    If he can put on some muscle and continues to develop, I honestly think he'll get more of a shot than Panzer. You are absolutely right that Panzer didn't get a fair look, and it was because of the old system. Guys like Gionta are excelling in the "new NHL" because of the different system. Teams are looking for small, fast players, not just big power forwards or Chara-like defensemen.

    Duncan needs to prove he can play with the bigger players, and I think he's on the right track. He didn't seem to have trouble with Eric Johnson (or Jack Johnson for that matter)...both of whom will be in the NHL next year.

  14. It still blows my mind that Kaip had such patience and will power in his scrap. He literally got clocked HARD twice when the Mankato player was on top of him. These were really bad hits. He did pop right up, but I think pretty high of him for not getting DQ'd again. SMART move from a player who's more and more reminding me of Prpich...without the scoring touch (yet).

    I'm recording this game, and hope that there are more than just scraps. I hope the goals are just as pretty as last night.

    These Mankato games are becoming really fun to watch! Aside from the cheap shotting that is.

    I'm thinking 5-2 UND.

  15. I think he will follow Jason Blake's lead, and become an undrafted free agent. He'll sign and be a good scorer for some team. Just look at...

    Martin St. Louis

    Steve Nash

    Little guys who play really really BIG

  16. no, not if we are suppose to treat them like everyone else.

    Who says they are supposed to be treated like everyone else? Where in the world is this the case? What sport, city? Tabloids are a classic example. Complaining about this makes people sound like Lindsay Lohan.

    Maybe it's not fair, but I don't think it's fair that I can't shoot the puck 100mph. If I could, then I would expect to have more eyes on me than normal.

    ...But I do think this thread, and this topic has definitely run its course. The players have work to do.

  17. I know people who were there, and this is how it went:

    Oshie, Toews, Bina and others go into Judy's under cover of darkness. A shadowy figure slips through the door behind them and moves unobserved to a booth on the far side of the room--about six feet away. This person, a gopher fan whose name rhymes with "Slappy," cannot take his eyes off Toews and Oshie and begins make soft gurgling sounds while drooling into his Dr. Pepper. Thinking nobody else would possibly think to take their eyes off the three Sioux studs, he slips on his "Mr. Briggs Junior Goalie Glove" and commences to do nasty things into it, ala Portnoy's Complaint. Unfortunately, members of the Red River JV hockey team are also there, including the goalie, who, unaware that something disgusting is going on, comments on the glove and asks to try it on. Our gopher fanatic, thinking the Red River goalie is probably an undercover news reporter, panics. Realizing that diversion is his only chance, he jumps up, points at Toews, shouts, "UNDERAGE CANADIAN!!" and bolts out the door.

    That, at least, is what I heard.

    THIS...obviously the pinnacle of what has become a useless, exhausted thread!!

    But pretty funny. :D

    I keep foolishly looking here to see if there has been any news...especially considering the 31 pages.

  18. Because it's Monday, and I REALLY don't feel like reading any more about DUIs and minors...

    Can anybody who has access tell how the BU-Northeastern game is going? Apparently this game wasn't worthy of the gametracker.

  19. Goligoski may be the top d-man, but I doubt hobey worthy. Chorney's WCHA numbers are about the same.

    Bina - no chance

    Duncan - solid numbers, but does anyone feel he is the most valuable player on this team? If I were to pick the player that we could least afford to lose I would put Duncan, at best, at fourth. All our legitimate hobey candidates in the past were the guy I would least want out with an injury.

    I think everybody can see that Duncan has that rare talent for goal scoring. Because he was not so heralded, he plays second fiddle, but always seems to find the back of the net. Honestly, if UND lost Duncan in November they would not be at this point. He is the one player who continues to light the lamp when his linemates are snake bitten.

    I hope we lose nobody the rest of the way, but Duncan is one name that needs to be in that lineup. He just has that touch that every team envies. (Think Ryan Potulny or Brandon Bochenski)

  20. too bad about Wisconsin ... CC is up 3-1

    Looks like we may be headed for a first-round matchup at the REA (I hope!!! please please please) vs the Evil Red Empire.

    Plus, Wisconsin is a really tough draw for a top half team. I think a Mankato or a Tech would be a better draw...especially since we only got one shot at Tech and it went SOOO badly.

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