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Everything posted by Supertrex

  1. I agree. The Devils looked like a different team at first, then they let down a bit in the second and then came back strong. Parise has made more hits this series than he has all year...Six Goals, eight or nine hits...
  2. Did Stafford play tonight???
  3. Is Generette calling the Devils game??? I suppose they bounced him for the VS team for the Sabres game tonight. I'm watching the Devil's broadcasters - Doc and Reche
  4. I have a Kimber 1911 .45 ACP and a CWC permit in ND (and Utah)... Best home defense weapon? Two hands on a semi-auto 12 gauge with the plug out and five round in the mag, one in the chamber...next best is a Rem SP 10 gauge (very loud, run-for-your-life sound when you close the action)...pistols are best for concealed carry A .357 is an excellent choice if you want to be sued and support your "victim" (you know, the guy that attempted to use deadly force against you and lost) for the rest of your natural life. The safest gun is unloaded and stored in your safe (that's where I keep mine). The next safest gun is a cocked and locked 1911. The problem with a single action revolver is that the hammer can slip when cocking it. In addition, they are terrible for self defense because they are generally heavy, nearly impossible to conceal and you have to cock them in the heat of the action. When I went to my CWC classes, there were people there that had no business carrying a gun because they will never be able to use it. One guy attempted to load the clip by placing the cartriges in backward. Another, a woman, could not cock and chamber a round. I suggested to the guy next to me that she'd be better off with track shoes. That is true of most people that don't have experience. Bottom line, if you buy a gun, learn how to use it or don't bother drawing it at the moment of truth - when a real criminal is moving in, any sign of weakness or indecision on your part will only embolden him or her... Lastly, I really enjoyed the irony on the front page of the Fargo Forum this morning...the lead story was Buchanan getting off for murder and then the next front page story headline was "Are guns the problem?" Do they really need to ask? Letting that thug off is what is wrong with our system...
  5. If you missed the post-party, you didn't miss much. The food was absolutely TERRIBLE and it took longer to get a beer there than at Suite 49. I enjoyed the pre-party though. The after-the-game crowd was very thin and music (hip hop) was so loud you couldn't hear yourself think. However, the girls dancing on the tables was a nice touch...
  6. This memorable season is finished. Bring on next season...looking forward to the Duncan - Miller - Vande Velde line - the DMV line drives the net...
  7. When Radke checked Johnson from behind, I went nuts. I couldn't believe he could be so stupid. It certainly could have cost UND the Frozen Four. I don't care if I ever see Radke on the ice for the Sioux again. How many times has Radke taken stupid penalties at key moments in the game...
  8. Supertrex


    We're downtown, with walking distance of the rink. I like being in the action and partying with the Sioux fans from all over the US and Canada...I'm so ready to go now that the Sioux are in...
  9. Supertrex


    Hey Ms. Forecheck... My experience has been that when the Goofs are out, tickets are easy to get on the street from the scalpers at or near face value. The exception was last year when another team with a varmint for a mascot was playing in its home rink (well pretty near it home rink)...that was a tough ticket. This year will be more like Columbus where there are no college teams, etc. I'd just get them when you arrive. I'm sure they will be available...
  10. Supertrex


    Are you walking to STL? Airline tickets should be better now than when I booked on NWA a few months back...The Goofer fans had all the seats taken. Should be able to get a roundtripper out of Fargo for around $500...I paid over $600....I guess that will cut into my beer budget...NOT.
  11. Congrats to Carman (forgive me if I misspelled that name) for the huge celebration and jersey pop with 57 minutes to go...really helped the Sioux team gather their focus... Seriously though, what a great game for college hockey fans. I'm so glad the Sioux won because I've had my airline tickets and hotel for months now. I would not have cheered for the Gophers in any event because of the above mentioned conduct, conduct that seems so universal on that team. Please compare Carman's goal celebration to Bina's. Who knows the game is sixty minutes (at least) and who doesn't?
  12. 23 - Ralph Engelstad's number...Congrats on that sensible choice rodent boy...
  13. How about "St. Louis declared Rodent Free"
  14. Here's hoping the yellow-headed jersey poppers play exactly the same way tomorrow night...
  15. Updates??? I'm still so P.O.ed about Goofers playing 10 minutes of a 60 minute game and coming out on top...It just makes me sick. I'm sure their proud and arrogant fans are popping their jerseys in downtown Denver as I write this post, little do they realize just how badly MN played. I'm not sure I could watch them go to St. Louis and put up with their fans at the bars, etc. The trip is all booked so hopefully the Sioux will come thru. Either way, I'm hoping Goofers play like they did today because, in that case, either Michigan or North Dakota will blow them off the ice...
  16. Well, thank God... I'm pretty sure that if the Sioux would have won anymore games, they would have eliminated themselves from the regions altogether.
  17. Notre Dame is the number one team in the country and Ryan Duncan is out in the hotel parking lot dunking basketballs...Good luck to Notre Dame tomorrow night...
  18. But, will we see any "Robbie the Dive" crawling-off-the-ice moves in the 2nd OT... Wow, where is he now???
  19. I'm loving these commercial-free overtimes...
  20. I take back the "hanging around" comment. Notre Dame is outshooting Alabama 46 to 17...
  21. How true... Ooops. GTG. Bonus coverage as a result of Jan Brady State not giving Maine anything to worry about...
  22. That's right. Like the announcer said " I can't believe that the Irish are allowing Alabama to hang around after the Irish were ranked the #1 team all year"....BAHWAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH.... Closer to the truth is that Alabama is playing as well as the Irish and there's no letting them "hang around"...Go Alabama...
  23. Grant Potulny did it...Ryan and (V)irmen were freshmen..
  24. What about the Goofer Jerk-XFF fan that was doing the "woowoowoowoowoo" that could be plainly heard over the TV broadcast last night. There is no way that was a Fighting Sioux fan doing that...very very very very disrespectful and classless.
  25. Irmen should have stayed a gopher...he fit right in there, the filthy jersey-popping grandstanding gopher that he is. As I recall, UND didn't miss him as during his time as a gopher. Because of his highly-elevated opinion of himself (that others obviously don't share), Irmen gets to rot away on a wild farm team instead of trying to redeem himself for the most embarrassing loss in the history of college hockey... Here's hoping the UND and UM meet in Denver next Saturday night. If they do, I'm going to try to fly out there...
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