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Posts posted by SIOUXELEVENS

  1. In the end the Coach gets the blame and or the credit.It's his team he should be the one to correct the lack of intensity or lack of heart.In another thread someone mentioned locker room problems,any idea what kind or with whom.This would be a area for the Captains to step foward

  2. It there problems with the coaching?After every loss and some wins Coach Hakstol mentions lack of intensity,being flat and poor overall play.isn't the coach responsible for some of this as far as getting the team ready etc.Earlier in the year there was an interview with Fabian about how things are more structured in practice and there systems than Blais had. Maybe Hakstol need to release the hounds or maybe he is a great asst. but not a great head coach?I know people will rip this post because i had the same post 2 months ago but what has changed,still poor play,lack of a good forecheck and poor defensive play which was supposed to be are strength. I think like Goon said in another post that maybe UND rushed to judgement and hired the wrong guy. If you think the crowds are dead now wait around for a few more games like mankatos

  3. The Sioux are being oushot 346-310 and outscored 33-27 vs last year where we outshot opps. 1447-961 and outscored them 182-90,even if you take out Bos and Zachs goals it's 132-90.When Hakstol was hired he said he would keep the same systems with just a little tweaking.I think he must have fogotten the forecheck and offensive pressure along with passing drills and no stupid penalties,maybe Hakstol has to tell Greene the next penalty he goes to the showers and sits the next game in the stands.After watching the Wis. series it seems like Hakstol maybe is a little confused about what to do to shake things up.

  4. Whatching Bradford go from the BCHL to the USHL and seems to be lighting it up which league is better competition.Bradford was about 1.5 points per game in the BCHL and is 1.82 in the USHL.Seeing that the Sioux have three recruits playing in the BCHL this year i was wondering what people thought of the two leagues.

  5. I have supported the Sioux hockey team through thick and thin since 83 and even sat through games at the old Ralph we you could talk to people across the rink and not yell to be heard.When you go from an offense that forechecks teams into mistakes and pressures all over the ice to a team that seems to sit back then react it's not he same hockey that Blais was coaching,maybe the players will adjust and maybe the coaching staff will but if they don't it could be a very long year in my opinion.

  6. So if your critical of your teams performance your a bandwagon fan? I think people are questioning that when Hakstol was hired he would be using the same systems as Blais and you wouldn't see much difference.Getting outshot for six straight games when our defense is intact from last year and getting outplayed 5 out of the 8 games we played there seems to be something different or missing and what is the thing that changed?The only thing the same is are horrilble powerplay,why can most teams a least have a decent powerplay and we struggle?

  7. If the poster over on POI is correct about Lee the class of 05 justs keeps getting better and better.The class looks like Oshie,Chorney,Duncan,Lee and possibles of

    Hardwick(deciding after seasons over or this summer),Ammerman,Spirko and maybe a western Canadian or two.On a different note I heard the only reason Chucko chose UMN is we couldn't provide lap dances since tassles closed down.

  8. T.J.Oshie is a foward for the Warroad high school.He has 54 points in 18 games as a junior on a very deep team.Hardwick is also a junior and skates about 40 of the 51 minutes per game.

  9. T.J. Oshie commits to the sioux? Someone close to Oshie said he has or is very close to giving a verbal to the Fighting Sioux.Looks like 2005 is starting to look like

    a very good class,now if Oshie could convince Hardwick to join.

  10. My sources are a person up in Roseau who had talked to Jakes dad.Wouldn't say why just that he wouldn't be playing.I hope you don't believe that caption on the bottom of your reply.

  11. Travis Zajac had 5 goals and 5 assists in his last three games.Does anyone know

    if the Sioux are done recruiting for 2004 or if there are any recuits on the horizon,

    Spirko etc.

  12. I don't know why people get so worked up about recruits choosing different schools,UND isn't going to be for everyone nor should it be.Losing one to the dirty

    Gophers hurts but it's not going to kill us.When the Sioux won the title in 97 we did it with recruits nobody wanted or were too small.The game goes on and hopefully we land the next one were after.

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