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Everything posted by bigskyvikes

  1. Wow dude...How is this optimism? I am not a fan of CC, nor do I want or care if they end up at the Target Center! My optimism is more of knowing there is still a chance for my favorite team. You keep quivering there though.
  2. Didn't this just happen about a month or two ago? Different people but same thing, or id this that same video.
  3. CC has looked tough, I see them splitting this weekend. I would bet on them being at the Target Center even, may be a stretch but they have played some good hockey against real good teams.
  4. You're hilarious, all I have ask is....How does it feel to be on the opposite side of the table to yourself now compared to the last many years prior to 2015?
  5. What good is a great coach in April if you don't make it to April? And I'm NOT bashing or blaming Berry, but use your head!
  6. Big pet peeve of mine is when someone answers a question with their opinion, but acts like they actually know THE facts about it! He knows as much about it as you and I....Virg says....
  7. I get what you're saying, just can't figure out why you think I'm one of "them"? I didn't give up hope after last season's NCHC FF. I did enjoy Tampa! I haven't given up hope for this season either...It's not over till it's over for me.
  8. Wait...What?! I never fell apart after that Hakstol lead loss, I'm not sure you understand that I'm one of the few that won't wrap a rope around my neck when this team doesn't have a perfect season! I'm saying there is still a chance for things to work out and no matter how negative you want to be, my point is still true! Doom and gloom for everyone!
  9. Not sure what it does with the pairwise, but if both Sioux and SCSU split this next weekend the Sioux have home ice. Which I think is a very good possibility. I wouldn't be surprised if Uno takes one in DU. Gonna be big weekend, can't wait to watch!
  10. Soooo many on here do the bitching about this when it happens, but like you said, they are doing the exact same thing! Great post!
  11. Funny how some of you are now willing to mention Hak when the recruiting is looking....Rough! But the championship was nothing but ..."thank God Hak is gone so Berry could win one, he knows how to get them up for the big ones"! This is almost hard to believe people write back and forth like this... My take now and last April, they are both responsible for the Championship and for the recruiting. But I'm not in the boat of thinking there is a recruitment issue right now either. They need to figure this out and they need to do it fast!
  12. Heard his game plan is to not use a goalie! 1 extra defenseman the entire game!
  13. But they said it is fixed, it's still all over this website for me? I have clicked nothing on their little "would you like to translate" box!
  14. 1 down, 11 more to go! Let's go boys! Let's see the Jost and Boeser show the rest of the way!
  15. Nope...Ain't happening...But to your point, you're saying Berry is good enough to win a championship but not good enough to get a struggling team into the post season? That doesn't even make sense... This sounds familiar, just a different coach we are arguing about. You blame the coach for everything and I don't I guess..
  16. Well I am a big Hak fan also, but saying they didn't win it all because of Hak is as foolish as saying they are struggling this season because of no Hak! They are both top notch coaches and anyone with the slightest hockey knowledge knows this!
  17. And more! Wow...You are just hoping for them to get bumped so you can say....See I told you, aren't you? What's up with you this year?
  18. Here is a true Sioux prophet! I'm a believer fine sir!
  19. Just got home from the game and this is the first comment I read! Mr negativity....This season anyway.
  20. Better....But still getting SNAKE BIT!! They are gonna start dropping in bucket loads....They have to!
  21. If you put this in the ticket section you will have people reading this that are looking to do something with tickets!
  22. He will always be connected to UND. I would bet he will be back with the program at some point! No matter how big or small the role, just part of it again. We had drinks with him once, took pics, asked him questions... he said that he "would love to finish at UND in some way". I thought that was a cool thing to say. Every time the students boo him after his introduction, I cringe!
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