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Posts posted by bigskyvikes

  1. looking by your name it looks like you are a vikings fan. so in all your years of being a viking fan you have never stated a critical thing about the team or made an observation that was less than wearing purple colored glasses. even in the 1998 NFC championship game where they blew their opportunity to go to the super bowl or agianst new orleans when favre blew it? if you don't like what I have to say don't read them, but I have every right to come on here and give my opinion whether it it positive or not.

    OMG, go away!!

  2. could someone please tell me what the hell hak was doing taking rocco off the top line replacing him with a true freshman who hasn't done a whole lot this year except for a three game stretch in december. typical hakstol always playing with line combos despite having only one loss in the last month. this truly is sad to be still messing with them and to have not settled onto a top line. no need to guess where the inconstistency of this years team comes from, the top.

    Why don't you do yourself and all of us a break and quit following this terrible team and worse coaching staff ever.........

  3. This one homer announcer is so bad his partner is asking him what is wrong! This guy is sickening! If anyone bitches about a Dahlstrom commercial again, they have not seen the bank commercial with the purple cows! OMG, that's is the most annoying song with an equal sounding voice!!

    GO SIOUX!!!

  4. Depends on whether we got the Dell from the beginning of last season or the playoff-push Dell. One was terrible and one was decent. Either way, I don't see our record being much (if at all) better than it currently is.

    I agree with this....

  5. The outcome of last night's basketball game was as predictable as UND hockey losing in April. The win over Indiana didn't fool me one bit.

    Just keep wishing your team plays in April......


    Don't cry now, you can't figure out all the real bad sh@t I just said about you!

  6. This comment perfectly illustrates the arrogant and condecending attitude of the Big 10 schools (particularly Minnesota) towards schools that are not "big time" in anything besides hockey. And it also tells you how low on the food chain hockey is for the Big 10. Enjoy having hockey as a red-headed step-child in your own conference.

    • Upvote 1
  7. With the departure of Buckie and Goldie courtesy Jim Delany and the BTN, the balance of power had shifted in the WCHA. With UM and UW the teams looking to stay at max scholarships had the majority voting bloc; without them the schools that would favor scaling back expenditures would be in the majority.

    For schools that depend on hockey to be a fiscal driver, not being top tier nationally (due to scaled back spending, especially on scholarships) is not an option.

    Rather than face a conference looking to downgrade from 18 scholarships, the schools that have made the big investments in hockey decided to band together and ensure that scale-backs would not happen. The only way to ensure that would be to go on their own.

    So what you see is this:

    UND - hockey is the fiscal engine for Athletics

    DU - hockey is the fiscal engine for Athletics

    CC - hockey is the fiscal engine for Athletics

    UNO - dropped FB and wrestling to commit to hockey

    WMU - just look at their coach, a former pro coach, they've committed

    Miami - they're committed to top-level hockey based on their performance record

    UMD and SCSU have rinks (new or improved) and say they are committed (and if not, they'd be in a minority)

    The teams in the WCHA (and CCHA for that matter) that have been "riding along" (not improving but benefitting when UND or UM came to town) got a rude awakening. However, that awakening is also opportunity if used correctly.

    You can't explain legit reasons why the NCHC was formed! It's not the Big6 fault! It is UND and Denver's fault! The poor WCHA because of these two arrogant teams!

  8. You're arguing both sides here.

    On one hand you are saying we have had too many "NHL talented players" to not win, then you follow it up by saying we should go away from that and have less talented players because they would stick around more and we'd win a national championship. You're saying the reason those teams should have won was because of all the talent on them but you think the answer is to have less talent on the team for guys that stick around, taking spots away from the guys with all talent that are the reason you think UND should have won a national championship in the last decade.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't think there are many fans that don't think UND should have won a national championship over the last decade, but guess what, they haven't. A team only needs to run off 4 games in March to win a title, but you can't do that if you aren't in the tournament. There are very few teams that consistently put themself in position to do that and UND is one of them. If you can't see that, then you need to step back from the ledge and refocus.

    This is a great post and a perfect response to the complaining about something that is truly great!

  9. I'll be sure to stop by their booth at the hockey expo and ask them how I convert my center-ice lower-level tickets at the Final Five into priority seating at the NCHC conference tournament, like the Big Ten is offering.

    Let me know their answer on that one....

  10. Bahhhhh Bahhhhh! Go sheep Go!

    ooooo we are ranked 6th in the beginning of March!!!

    Take that to the store and see how many loaves of bread you come home with in April.

    Who cares how we are ranked in the regular season? You be proud of that this offseason while the team probably CHOKES another postseason away. At least you'll still have something to hang your hat on.

    I forgot it's a crime on SS to have expectations. We need to be "ok" with being UND and letting our ancient past speak for itself. Don't let the fact that we have choked numerous opportunities away the last decade. Nahhhhh....that'd be something a "non-fan" would do.

    "UND..home of high expectations with mediocre results! But, but, but, we are ranked 6th in March!" Sorry, but that's not the hockey program I grew up watching, or the schools mantra when I was a student there.

    I have no idea even how to take a response like this?

    If them being ranked 5th now in the country is meaningless to you, why are you on here? You have the top five teams in the country in every sport, do they take turns winning so each team wins it every ten years? If you could listen to yourself, you make no sense! If college hockey was a playoff format for the FF, I would be just as upset as you. This is one and done, that's reality, like has been said a billion times, "the best team doesn't always win"!!! Your comment after a lose would make me look at you like a rodent fan saying things like that after them KIDS work their ass' off all year, not only for themselves and their brotherhood, but for you and me also, and then the worse thing happens and they lose!! Show some respect!!!

    • Upvote 1
  11. So if UND and UM sweep, SCSU splits we have 3 MacNaughton Cup champions?? Then we lose tie breakers so more than likely play Thursday at Final 5 if all goes as planned in WCHA playoffs. Hope this is correct

    I hope it is also, good things happen when the FIGHTING SIOUX start playing on Thursday..

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