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Posts posted by bigskyvikes

  1. This Gersich talk reminds me of a book I'm reading titled "The Truest Character of Ignorance is Arrogance". Here is an excerpt:

    Once upon a time in the land of Gopher hockey there lived a king named Hammy. One day in the streets of Gopherland there was great unrest - the commoners were concerned that a player with deep bloodlines had yet to commit to play for the local team. This player went by the name Sir Shane Gersich. Upon hearing the unrest King Hammy penned out a note and gave it to the Town Crier (who went by the name GPL). GPL gathered the townspeople and read, "Hear ye a proclamation by our ruler, King Hammy....'do not fret about the lack of a committment from Sir Gersich. I am not worried'." And there was rejoicing in the streets.

    Three weeks thenceforth King Hammy began to hear rumors that Sir Gersich was considering playing somewhere other than Gopherland. In furtherance of preventing possible embarrassment King Hammy penned another proclamation - GPL read...."Fellow countrymen, regarding Sir Gersich...I want you to know that he is not a 'must get'. He is very young and injury prone." The townspeople were bewildered and confused but went away feeling satisfied - their mighty ruler had spoken.

    Two weeks thenceforth Sir Gersich announced that he was going to play for a neighboring country - the land of the Sioux. The Gopherlanders were shocked and angry. Again King Hammy came to the aid of his minions...GPL read the proclamation, "As I said, Gersich is very young with several years of development ahead of him. I rank him below many others." And there was rejoicing in the streets.

    And they all lived happily forever until Gersich led the Sioux to the national title in 2016. The End.

    Hahaha, outstanding.

  2. Here is what I dont get, everyone complains about the abuse in ER's, including me. They (freeloaders)go there because they have no insurance and they get help and us tax payers end up paying for it! Now all the freeloaders have insurance, they go to the doctor not the ER and the bill is less, so us tax payers will Pay less right? Why does so many complain about that when we haven't even tried it yet?

    Also everyone in thevpast would agree that hostpitals charge way too much, now the new health care is reeling that amount in some and they are awful for doing it and we are all going to have bad care now! I don't understand the complaint! Let's try it and then judge it?

  3. Question if anyone can answer. Ok I know the hockey polls don't mean to much right now but how do the Sioux split with the #1 team in the nation and loose a spot in the polls and the goofs sweep Bemidji who I dont even think is ranked and become the #1 team, just curious

    This happens every year! Mn has to be ranked #1 for some dumb reason. Makes no sense, but the Sioux ALWAYS pass them up anyway.

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  4. I don't understand all the complaining on here? They split! The Sioux (IMO) looked great again, out shooting Miami the whole game until the last few minutes! They just have to figure out this goalie situation! Why can't either of the (should be studs) goalies put two good games together in a row? Bring in the freshie and check him out...

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