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Posts posted by bigskyvikes

  1. Video wouldn't matter..this game goes off of what is on here, which we normally post whatever the official scoring sheet says. Rocco stated last night that it went off of #4 and he pointed to Gleason. He doesn't know who it went off of and he doesn't care.


    I did write "bummer".

  2. Are you openly advocating for a DU player to intentionally hurt Rau this weekend? Or am I just misunderstanding your post?

    Lololololol, can't you read? What part of punch him, knock him down, swell his lips, and finally shut his mouth, do you not understand? Oh, and I would pay, yes PAY the DU player to inflict this pain on him! You can take them comments any way you want mariucci .........

  3. There was talk last night that he may get a 1 game suspension, because of the egregiousness of the penalty and actions afterward. I really hope he doesn't because our series is over and I ultimately want to see Mayfield go after Rau.

    I agree with this, and yes I do mean I hope he hurts the kid, punches him in the big flapper, makes him fall, makes his already big lips swell, and Rau learns a valuable lesson, keep your mouth shut! People have to stop being so sensitive! " I hope you don't mean for him to harm the kid" please, you need a tissue? If I remember correctly this is hockey, and the next level from here nobody cares if he gets his butt waxed......

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  4. Knight to Kristo was flat out smooth as was Kristo to Rocco. This line is getting more and more dangerous every game! I think there is even another level we will see. good to see other lines are netting a few!!

    The 13:40 mark is awesome! The DU announcer says mayfield better watch himself here..when Mac grabs him then a huge sioux flag is shown for few seconds! Go Sioux!!

    I loved that part also......Mac is a beast!!

    Go SIOUX!!

  5. i had two options for away trips this year. this weekend in denver or holdout hopes of a trip to pittsburgh. glad I didn't shell out thousands for this weekend(positive) and at this point looks like I have no reason to keep tickets for frozen four.

    Good, stop following them, stop writing on here, and sell me your "worthless" frozen four tickets....

  6. I agree with this, but I also agree with the idea of what would have happened last Saturday if Saunders would have played? Even though I would not put the loss on Gothberg, but that shut down type goalie might have helped during the defensive melt down! Never will know I guess! Just can't help but be super jacked about Saunders!

    I also believe we will be having discussions like this in a couple years when Gothberg is the main stud, with hopefully a back up goalie like now!


    Hmmmmm, does this say anything about Saunders AND Gothberg "skippy"?

  7. That was 2011 and AA was an 8 and Minnesota was a 5. Hardly a monumental upset as Minnesota was mediocre at best that season.

    You suggested a wave of 11 and 12 teams at the Final Five in the past five years which is absolutely not true. I am not saying that 11's and 12's have no shot at all but your statement was dead wrong.

    You go ahead and measure your own duck...I'll pass.

    So Alaska did make it, and Alaska is 12 th now. Hmmmm. I never said a wave of teams, my point "again to the other guy" you persistent irritant, was that the number 6 seed won the freakin tourney, (multiple times) if the lowest seed can win it, surely the 11-12th seed can make it there. That's all I was saying genius, if you don't like this statement, I don't care, don't tell me how I'm wrong and your right..... Is this a goofer site? Am I hated for being a Sioux fan on here? Just so mafia knows, them were rhetorical questions.......

  8. This is what you get for making an assessment in early season. Saunders is very inconsistent and Gothberg is the same. I have a feeling the big stage is affecting him. Yes he didn't lose 8 in a row, but that was then, what is he going to give us now that we are in the grind? I am thinking we are going to be like a yo yo, up and down.


  9. Let's try this again. Your original post specifically referenced the bottom-two seeds vs the top two and brought up the last five years. I simply pointed out that no bottom-two seed has advanced to the Final Five during the time you brought up.

    I'm aware of the success of lower seeds as I attend the tournament every year. An 11 or 12 seed has meant 'season's over' for the past five years.

    Lets try this again......

    Didn't Alaska keep the goofs home a few years back? If they weren't 12 they were 11! I could care less what you think, and I was talking with the first guy not you and I simply stated "anyone can win 1-12" if you think there is no way 11 and 12 can advance, than all I have to say is good luck to your team. I also attend EVERY YEAR if we are measuring d@cks!!!!!!

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