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Everything posted by cowboys5xsbs

  1. 1 DU player skates around 4 UND guys OOOF
  2. Is anyone elses nchc.tv not working?
  3. UND Wins 2-0 not the best game but we get the Win
  4. We are looking rusty this period
  5. Fans would be too busy chanting Home of the Sioux to care oh wait I guess disrespecting the anthem only matters when you kneel
  6. Killing them in shots and can't score its really und hockey season
  7. It's rich people are upset about disrespect when one of unds traditions is disrespecting the antem with home of the sioux.
  8. I support the kneeling players and our team will lock arms and support them too. Its ridiculous that people still get upset over something that hurts noone.
  9. https://www.nhl.com/news/the-university-of-alabama-in-huntsville-hockey-program-preserved/c-319608712
  10. Bummer sucks but it was probably for the best
  11. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/02/goldman-sachs-oil-demand-to-return-to-pre-pandemic-levels-by-2022.html
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