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Posts posted by fightingsioux4life

  1. Here's a short list of things I would do immediately:

    1) Get basketball out of The Ralph and into The Betty where it belongs!!! It's time to give up this fantasy of increasing the fan base for basketball by having it in an 11,500 seat arena. It's not going to happen. They are drawing the same crowds now that they always have. Have all games in The Betty. If you have a game that you think will draw a big crowd (like with NDSU), then have it in The Ralph. But otherwise, 99% of the crowds will be small enough for The Betty to handle.

    2) Fix the cotton-picking ice. Does it make sense to have a $104 million arena with ice worse than the old one? I say no. I am so sick of hearing how poor and cash-strapped our athletic department is. This arena is a cash machine and yet we can't afford to fix the ice, the most important part of the whole building? ;):0 Ralph Engelstad didn't spare any expense building this arena. REA management should take the same attitude towards making The Ralph a top-of-the-line arena for both the players and the fans. If they "pass the hat" to pay for something like this, I'll tell them where to stick it. I give The Ralph enough of my money as it is! ;)

    3) Find a common-sense solution to the student seating controversy. Our student section is the heart and soul of the atmosphere of Sioux hockey. But ever since the opening of the new Ralph, REA management has been determined to muzzle the student section and make it a nice, quiet and sterile environment for cell phone snobs and corporate suits. As a result, I don't think opposing teams fear coming to Grand Forks like they used to. We need a better balance between school spirit and the wishes of the luxury box and season ticket holders. And if the corporate types don't like it, they can pick up their toys and go someplace else. REA will continue to rake in the cash from beer, concession sales and season ticket holders (like myself) with or without their patronage.

    Those are my solutions for a better REA. But don't hold your breath waiting for them to happen.

  2. This weekend was the final nail in the coffin for this team and season. This was our chance to move up in the standings, with Duluth and Minnesota still struggling and Denver being above us, and we didn't get it done. This team just does not have enough offense to win the close games against teams like Denver, Colorado College, etc. Our upperclass forwards are very average at best at finishing their chances. Our freshmen and sophomores are outstanding, but you are not going to win at this level without at least some upperclassmen providing leadership and scoring. Add to that our lack of depth and you have a team that just isn't going anywhere this year.

    The great teams of the 1990's had good depth and could roll 3 to 4 lines for 60 minutes, which would wear out other teams. That is why in the 1990's, we owned the third period. Tonight, Denver owned the third period in our own barn. Denver reminds me of those 1990's Sioux teams. They have all the pieces in place to make a run at repeating as NCAA champions.

    I don't want to knock Blaiser at all, but with a few obvious exceptions (Parise, Bochenski), our overall recruiting classes over the past few seasons have lacked the depth and quality of those in the 1990's. Look what has happened to this team's offensive production this year after losing just two star players. That tells you just how much depth we have been lacking over the past three to four years. Without Parise and Bochenski, the previous two seasons would have been just as bad, if not worse.

    Ever since Sandelin went to Duluth after our last NCAA Championship in 2000, our recruiting classes have lacked depth. Yes, we've landed some stars here and there, but the overall quality and depth of the classes has been missing. Blais and Sandelin were a lethal combination, both in coaching and recruiting. But after Sandy left, the recruiting classes haven't been the same and neither has the discipline and focus of the team.

    Now, Dave Hakstol has to try to win with subpar recruiting classes and undisciplined players and people are calling for his head. I for one will be giving him more than one year to prove himself. Our recruits for next year look really good and we'll have some good forwards coming back next year. I think Hak and his staff will have a good chance to start building this program back to championship status within the next couple of years.

  3. This is a bad idea for all the reasons already listed and more. Grand Forks already has too many low-wage, low-benefit service jobs. We don't need more of the same, we need better paying jobs with benefits or our youth will not stick around. A casino will not improve the situation, it will make things even worse.

    Grand Forks needs to tap into the growing technology sector, attract small manufacturing firms (not big corporations), develop and attract more businesses connected with UND (the proposed bio-lab is a good start), and encourage more local business start-ups by local citizens. All of these things will grow our tax base, improve the quality of life of our citizens and strengthen the businesses we have now.

    These are the things that will make Grand Forks more attractive, not a big gambling operation.

    End rant. :blush:

  4. I went to UND for 7 years (undergraduate and graduate school) and now work on campus. Parking was always a pain in the butt when I was a student, but with increases in enrollment it has gotten much, much worse. I now have the "high privilege" ("high" as in higher fees year after year) of an "A Zone" permit, but it's still very difficult to find a spot when you need one. I take advantage of the shuttles whenever I can, but there aren't enough buses to handle all the new students we've been adding to campus. Despite what certain "experts" think, there is not a surplus of parking spaces on campus, and it's only going to get worse if enrollment keeps going up. So I am in favor of building a parking ramp to help ease the burden.

    That being said, I have a sneaking suspicion that the location of the ramp was not decided solely on the basis of the reasons announced. I think the idea of being able to charge people who already park in that area for hockey games probably had something to do with it. It's just too convenient to be a mere coincidence.

    The next thing you know, REA management will try to take over the ramp during hockey games so they can rake in the cash for themselves. :blush: That would be the straw that broke the camel's back. I hope if they do charge people for parking for events on campus that the money goes to UND or to pay for the ramp, not REA. If it goes to pay for the ramp, I think more people would tolerate it.

    Just my 2 cents.

  5. Dogs lead CC 4-1  :D


    So much for the "We ran into a hot goaltender" theory. :D If Duluth can score on the Tigers and their "unbeatable" goaltenders, why couldn't our team! :D

    Our forwards have to start burying the puck when they have the chance. No more shooting into the chest.

    We're getting help from Michigan Tech and Duluth, but we need to start winning games if we are going to make our move in the standings.

    Bemidji State is non-conference, but we have some important conference games coming up. I hope we can take advantage of teams above us faltering. If Lammy keeps playing well in the nets and we start burying the puck, I think we can get a decent playoff seeding and maybe make some noise in the playoffs.

  6. PCM,

    My problem with the officiating tonight is that, for most of the game, they didn't call much. But in the last half of the third period, they started calling every penalty they could think of. Either call it for 60 minutes or let it go for 60 minutes. Be consistent.

    Yes, our team is undisciplined at times. Yes, they need to start burying the puck. But I hate it when the officiating becomes a major part of the game at a critical time in the game. I don't like it in hockey or any other sport.

  7. If they could have stayed out of the box they could have put some pressure on the last 5 min. Phil looked really good. He should start tomorrow night if they want to stay close again hes got the hot hand.


    I agree, but don't bet on it. Hakstol is committed to the Lammy-JPar rotation system. I think for the stretch run, we should put Lammy in for all the big games and most of the games overall. He kept us in it tonight when we were down 5 on 3 late in the third and gave us a chance to tie it up. I think he's earned a second consecutive start, if only Hak would give it to him.

  8. The "excuse" is CC is a good team.



    No one is saying CC isn't good, they swept the Rodents on the road last week and are ranked #1 in the nation right now. I am just sick of watching our forwards (and occasionally, defensemen) get in position to score and then miss the net, miss a pass, have no one there to get a rebound, etc. Our guys can't bury the puck when they have the chance. It happens week after week and it's holding our team back. :angry:

  9. ANOTHER penalty on UND. Greene. Sioux down 5 on 3. :D


    We just finish killing off one of the penalties and Prpich gets a slashing penalty. 5 on 3 AGAIN, with 5:00 left in third. Sioux trail 2-1. ;)

    Hennessey ripping officials! ;)

  10. I think his chances would be helped if the other LB's weren't so good resulting in Digger having to make more plays.



    I agree with you. This happened in 2003 to a certain extent. Our defense was inconsistent, especially early on. Digger really stood out from the rest of the players. In 2004, our defense was more consistent and Digger didn't stand out quite as much. More players were making more plays. They can give someone else the Harlon Hill if it means we'll contend for another National Title.

  11. Digger Anderson has to rank as one of the best linebackers ever to play in this program, and considering all the great LB's that have played here that says a lot. The first time I saw him in action, I knew he was special.

    All that being said, the Harlon Hill is all about offensive stats and highlight reel plays. Defensive players are rarely considered. Ron McKinnon of North Alabama (and later, the Arizona Cardinals) in 1995 remains the only defensive player to win the award. If there was such a thing as a D-II Defensive Player of the Year award, I would campaign for Digger as much as possible. I think most people on this forum would as well.

    All that matters is that Digger is wearing green and we'll be able to enjoy his exploits for another season.

  12. Hey, Grand Forks:

    QUIT TRYING TO BE LIKE FARGO!!! You'll never be able to do it.



    Very funny. :glare: Maybe you should go back to supporting your "D-I" Bison sports programs! By the looks of it, they need all the help they can get. :)

    Grand Forks is simply trying to grow its economy, create jobs and keep our youth here as much as we can. These are the same challenges other cities in North Dakota are facing. Apparently, you are one of those "Imperial Cass County" boosters that doesn't like seeing any kind of growth anywhere except in Fargo. Are you John Dorso in disguise? ???

    Quit being a troll and go back to your precious little Bison! :huh:

    We now return you to regularly scheduled bantering!!! ;)

  13. I want what is best for GF. I think that other companies that might succeed, will choose to skip a city where there have been companies failing. I think competition is great for the consumer, but failure can also hurt the consumer in the long run. I think the fact that the old Target building has been empty for so long in the only mall in a large area says a lot.



    After Super Target opened up, the Target Corp. kept the old space vaccant on purpose so that their customers would get acquainted with the new location. That is what I read in the Heraldo, anyway. Now that Target Corp. doesn't own the space anymore, we are seeing action on filling it up. If the old South Forks Mall (now Grand Cities Mall) can be resurrected, anything is possible.

    As for Grand Forks not being able to support more movie screens, that's the same tired old crap we heard when the new REA opened up in 2001 (You'll never fill 11,500 seats on a regular basis! :glare: ). The naysayers have been proven wrong on that. Also, as far as people in Grand Forks not having enough money to go out often, that has also been proven false by REA. There are never a shortage of lines at concessions between periods and almost everything at The Ralph is outrageously overpriced. When people want to be entertained, they are very liberal with their money. Remember, we live in the era of plastic!

    I think the addition of more movie screens (especially those not controlled by Carmike) is a great thing for the city. The fact that private investors are willing to put their money into Grand Forks proves that we have overcome the Flood of 1997 and are moving in the right direction (but we still have a long way to go).

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