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Posts posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. On 4/5/2022 at 5:46 PM, Johnny Five said:


    Edit: regarding ice.  In fact, one or 2 of the varsity hockey teams may be asked to practice during the school day next year.  They'll get a PE credit!  Hey screw algebra, chemistry, or english I have hockey practice!  It's like being at Shattuck I recon.

    Bismarck ice arena update.... sure seems not even a blade of grass or a tablespoon of dirt has been moved for this project, nor has anything including regular maintenance happened inside the current facility to indicate the internal improvements will happen.

    Rumor is:

    School system and park board are waiting on the rumors of someone putting up a private ice facility so they can back out of spending the money on the 3rd sheet at VFW... (which is a terrible plan, forced into a terrible swamp of a location anyway)

    What was promised as one season of really bad ice availability is going to stretch out years longer. (Many have been vocal implying this was the intention all along....)


  2. On 6/24/2022 at 1:16 PM, nodak651 said:

    Daytime radio in ND kinda sucks right now.  

    Understatement of the century?

    Try western ND.... its like going back in time to the mid 80s

    Terrible, unfunny, painful radio personalities... same lame formats as the 70s.....   the HILIGHT is tradio basically

  3. On 7/1/2022 at 8:07 AM, UNDPUCKS said:

    Tyson Jost should get his name on The Cup per many cites on the Internet. A player has to play 41 games for the championship team. An old NHL.com entry states, 

    To have one's name engraved on the Stanley Cup certain requirements must be met. A player must have at least 41 games played with the club or one game played in the Stanley Cup Finals. However, in 1994 a stipulation was added to allow a team to petition the Commissioner for permission to have players' names put on the Cup if extenuating circumstances prevented them from being available to play."

    Per hockeydb.com, Jost played 59 games for the Avs this past season. 

    He'll get a ring sometime next season maybe, but would you want the name there?

    Even a ring...  that would be tough to have around 

  4. On 4/2/2022 at 11:33 AM, Wilbur said:

    Bismarck to split up the blizzard.

    Century/St. Mary


    Is there enough ice to go around?  

    As stated no. And construction is not as of yet started on the 1 sheet bandaid.

    On 4/5/2022 at 5:07 PM, cberkas said:

    Why didn’t they just build a two sheet arena at Century where the never used baseball fields are?

    Appearently that is the old dump and ground is not able to support development, or any resource we need, like a baseball field to practice on.

    Its suitable for dogs to crap there, and thats it Appearently. 

    On 6/7/2022 at 10:57 PM, NoiseInsideMyHead said:

    I know it's easy to complain about change, but I'll play devil's advocate and float a potentially unpopular take:

    Having boys and girls tourneys at the same site and on the same days actually gets MORE eyeballs on the girls' games than would otherwise be possible.  Parents, students and fans will hardly complain about having more hockey to watch between boys' games, especially given the cost of daily/weekend passes.  Combining the events creates a better value proposition for ticketholders.  And the girls' teams might make a few new fans in the process, especially if the product is good.

    Im hoping it works out but the skeptic in me thinks its a way for the NDHSSA to say "see we told you state hockey tourneys dont work out west" and never consider Minot for boys state again

  5. On 5/5/2022 at 1:31 PM, The Sicatoka said:

    "Hey kid, you're going up to the big club ..." 


    " ... behind Fleury and Talbot."


    I guarantee Zano could have backstopped the Wild to the exact same result...

    For a hell of a lot less money....

  6. On 5/2/2022 at 2:08 PM, UND1983 said:

    Thank heavens they will get a new weight room and workout facility.  Cannot imagine how antiquated the old one was - and it only cost 5 million

    Shame they skimped on a few things to bring it under budget.


    I'd have cut a few massively underperforming teams to get a few more machines.

    On 5/2/2022 at 3:25 PM, AlphaMikeFoxtrot said:

    Was it always shared with women's soccer?

    After womens hockey was executed they had to bring in a women's team to continue to comply with title IX in facilities provided for female athletes.


  7. 9 minutes ago, Wilbur said:

    I'm still in awe over that coaching move....not a doubt in my mind that the Q ties that one keeping the game 5x5.  

    That was the breath of air Michigan needed.  A freebie to let them off the hook. 

    The thing is no matter what when a net is empty the skaters on the ice have to take a little something off of the aggressive play to respect the empty net and play a bit more conservative and carefull. 

    Exactly what happened.

    Next people have to understand the volume of ice being occupied by a 6x5  there isnt more room to work with and defenders can be agressive in closing spaces and gaps. 

    Just statistically, analytically, and by timing, sense of the game...  in every way an absolutely terrible coaching move.

    Everyone of those players should let him know that he took their game away from them, and run him out like in varsity blues.

    Let them give it their all and play it out, but when he did that he stunned his players. 

    And it cost them a chance....

  8. 1 hour ago, scpa0305 said:

    That was f’n stupid. Had Bubs done that this forum would have melted 

    And rightly so.

    100% a fireable coaching move.

    Love Bubs, but if had pulled that !@#$ I would have led the lawn tractor parade of snowshovels and potato forks to run him out of town. Just stupid.

    1 hour ago, Wilbur said:

    That might be one of the worst coaching decisions I've ever seen. 


    Tops Bubba on 4th down for sure.

  9. 2 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:


    From Alerus Center, up 42nd to University, east on University* to the Union, then north to REA. :D 


    *stops at CAS, Wilky, Gamble, the Union

    Red Pepper station... downtown loop....

  10. 17 hours ago, Hawkster said:

    Do you really think UND can afford to buy out 2-3 years remaining on the contract?   Chaves won't do it, no way.

    I'm very curious about what Bubba will be paid under this deal.   I'd assume there are pay increases along the way.

    I do agree that this contract was extended due to recruiting issues, but I'm still thinking they could have waited.

    Was this an extension... or a payoff when its time to buy it out?

    If they can find the money to buy this terrible idea out.... 

    There can never be a complaint about the program not having enough support or dollars to succeed again.... ever.

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