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Posts posted by UND-FB-FAN

  1. 6 minutes ago, hoops44 said:

    All talk no action ...write  out a check to UND Hoops for 500K contingent on a new coach being hired and maybe Faison wil bite....By the if anybody with any brains and authority agreed with you Faison would be gone.

    Not quite sure what you contribute to other than disagreements with the vast majority of people on this board. You're content with average basketball; that's your prerogative and I respect that. However, I also do not think there is anything wrong with setting the expectations a bit higher for UND basketball. It's difficult to accomplish great things with petty expectations. 

  2. Jones' track record speaks for itself. UND is one of the only schools in the midwest that puts up with this kind of mediocrity (10+ years of no conference championships) and it is quite sickening. Yes, he won the lowly Great West tournament a couple times, only to then lose in the first round of the CIT both times (Air Force and Drake). His other two CIT appearances also included first-round loses to UNI and transitioning Nebraska-Omaha (ouch!).

    There are so many excuses (young team, needs more time, has finished in top 3 of BSC before, improvement from 2014-15 to 2015-16), but they are just that, excuses. His overall record is poor and UND needs to upgrade, desperately. At this point, Faison comes off as just not caring one bit, and for this alumnus and booster, that rubs me the wrong way.

    • Upvote 3
  3. 35 minutes ago, sioux24/7 said:

    I do believe if we choke and lose to SUU in the first round Jones should not be back. Other than that I think he will be back. 

    Fair and I too agree with this. I do not agree that Jones *SHOULD* be retained, but he will have done enough by beating SUU in the first round to keep his job. And, with that, UND MBB's ceiling remains below a conference championship. 

    If UND goes to Reno and loses to SUU, Faison has no excuse to retain Jones. Time to be serious and try produce a MBB program at UND capable of playing with Weber State and Montana; that's what UND fans want - a winner. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, bincitysioux said:
    1. Kill the lights
    2. Run out to Enter Sandman
    3. Goal horn or Fog horn on 3rd and 4th down
    4. Chelsea Dagger after touchdowns
    5. Fireworks
    6. Gimmie Some Lovin after the win

    Concise list and I like it. 

    • Upvote 2
  5. 3 hours ago, Momster said:

    The acoustics stink.  I know they felt the louder the music the better the atmosphere and that is just not the case.  I love the venue but when turn out is low in the stands loud music can't cover that up.  I like Bubba is supporting the other sports with the football players all geared up and doing more in the community.  Brings awareness to the guys on the team, the venue and drums up support.  I like the Chelsea Dagger idea across all sports.  Filling up the stands should be a high priority.

    You can't force people to show up. Winning is the number one priority, and most recognize that, but the job that the productions crew has should not be overlooked. It is very important to come up with in-game features that promote an "exciting atmosphere", including team introduction, TD celebrations, 3rd down defense music cues, timely music and good selections, etc.

    I've been to enough division I college football games around the country to know UND and the Alerus Center can do a better job. Heck, just go to a NDSU football game or a UND hockey game at the Ralph and see what they do; it can be done and it just requires some commitment and effort. 

    • Upvote 4
  6. 12 minutes ago, bang said:

    They would know better than I as far as him at LB. I don't really see it but I didn't see him play LB much.

    I still would like to see him get lots of reps at FB. Especially in goal line situations. Last year they used Fiedler a couple times and I really think Norberg would be a lot better suited for 3rd/4th and inches scenarios. 

    I would imagine Norberg could be a nice FB or H-back type (see Adler in '15). Has the ability to both block with that build of his and also carry the ball some or catch it out of the backfield. Rudolph loves sneaking the blocking back out of the backfield on play-action, and Norberg could fit that role well.

  7. 23 minutes ago, Risky said:

    In fairness to Jones, he  is not the person missing all the easy shots.

    Then make up for that with defense and good team offense (ball movement/assists). Put the kids in a position to play well on the road and not over-rely on outside shooting. Frustrating that Jones' teams are rarely, if ever, prepared to play well on the road. It's time to shine the light on this horrible trend and change the culture of UND MBB.

    A lot of talent on this team but no direction for these student-athletes; it's unfortunate.  

  8. 10 hours ago, GDPritch said:

    You forgot the third bully, Weber State.

    In terms of basketball, absolutely; however, Montana is the school that has dominance in both football and basketball. Not to mention, they feel the conference revolves around them; they are an entitled bunch. Certainly, they have great programs, but if UND wants to be a top tier football and basketball school in the Big Sky Conference, they need to shoot for what Montana is doing.

    Going on the road and getting handled by the Griz does not reflect that. There needs to be some changes for that to happen. Even football got exposed at Montana last season, but Bubba admitted to it and has been working hard to address the depth and technique within the secondary (not to mention there were injuries). If you can't go blow for blow with the major player in the conference - Montana - then its not going to end superbly for UND. So, what is UND MBB going to do about the current discrepancy? Just wait for the players to grow through a directionless Brian Jones' system (like Huff, Webb, and Anderson did)? Or will a change be made so that the culture and system can be improved? I vote the latter. 

    • Upvote 4
  9. 9 minutes ago, bison73 said:

    Its another Bizon 1st down---whoooooooa move those chains.

    how inspirational...

    unfortunately for you and fortunately for us, no one here cares 

    • Upvote 1
  10. 9 hours ago, jdub27 said:

    Average to above average teams struggle on the road against good teams? Who would have thought?! That's not a recurring theme with UND, that's a recurring theme in all sports.

    All kidding aside, not a good performance last night regardless of who gets the blame. The best game plan in the world doesn't matter when the teams can't hit the side of a barn.. Montana was smarting from Weber handling them last weekend and came out a lot better than UND. Not sure why, UND had been playing very well as of late. Hoping the can bounce back Saturday, get the 4 seed and go from there.

    Well perhaps UND should stop being average, then. 

    • Upvote 1
  11. 1 hour ago, darell1976 said:

    We didn't have an attendance problem prior to moving up to DI. When Muss drove the program into the ground, people stayed home, it wasn't until Bubba arrived that people started coming back. Winning=butts in the seats.

    It's not that simple, though. You have to support the winning with event-type features. Music and video-board features are effectively utilized by college and pro teams that have a good to great atmosphere; it's no coincidence. Get the music and intro video (with lights off!) established and have some music playing loudly after each score. The band is traditional and a nice touch, but let's admit, they don't do enough to the atmoshphere to where the focus should be solely on them. People are out the door by the 3rd quarter with too much band and not enough music/excitement. 

    • Upvote 1
  12. 7 hours ago, Old School Guy said:

    ...Or just about any relevant hip hop song. Young Jeezy, Lol Wayne and Jay Z and Eminem all have tracks that rock college and pro sports venues. It's been said before, the students need to show up first, that's the time to unwind act crazy and support the team. I watched a Duke basketball game the other night. Those students really enjoy themselves.  

    Student turnout has always been good for the home opener, including last year's Potato Bowl home opener; however, the atmosphere (or lack thereof) drives students away in terms of the rest of the season. 

    Although I may sound like a broken record here, more music, some consistent, exciting TD celebrations (pyrotechnics and chelsea dagger), and a better intro (lights off, music and suspense-building video) are needed to start things off. Make UND football games at the Alerus something for everyone to enjoy.

  13. 25 minutes ago, Siouxperfan7 said:


    So I guess they did tryouts last year.  Wow.  That was the best they could get?  No offense, but they could do a lot better.

    Yeah, they need to try again.

    Main focus areas though, in my opinion, are pregame team introduction (lights, music, and suspense-building video), music lineup (needs to be well-timed too; keep crowd enthused during second half), and consistent cheers/songs (post-TD celebration song; same every time).

  14. 11 minutes ago, siouxfan512 said:

    Hopefully moving Iwarri from RB to WR can pay the same dividends as moving Santiago from WR to RB.... thats not asking for too much, is it?

    Iwarri Smith All-American WR in 2016................................................

  15. 4 minutes ago, shep said:

    I'm thinking of someone else then. I confused Roland with a RB that looked good as a RS last season. Do you know who I mean?

    Cuz, I don't!


    Austin Gordon, who redshirted during the 2015 season. He won the 2015 offensive scout of the year award. He has potential to contribute to an already deep RB corps (Santiago, Olivera, Norberg, Nevermann). Amazing what a year can do in terms of depth at tailback; last year this time, tailback was a concern. Now, it appears to be a strength. Need to get the new-look offensive line rolling now, though. 

  16. 2 hours ago, sioux24/7 said:

    I like the Chelsea Dagger idea. Would be cool to make that a song across all sports and not just men's hockey. 

    This may be the idea that catches the most momentum. Time to seriously consider it. Chelsea Dagger and pyrotechnics after every UND TD? Sounds good to me. Let's get some excitement in the Alerus, even if it has to be initiated with some music first. The Ralph has no problem including some audio to kickstart the place. I've notced many times that the atmosphere starts off well in the Alerus, only to simmer down by the 3rd quarter. Using music that already has a place within UND athletics could maintain some excitement throughout the game, among the other ideas. 

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