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Posts posted by lomackman

  1. I am not on the team or affiliated with the team in any way other than being a fan. I said nothing that they don't already know and fully understand. Fans are just as much a part of the team as anyone else. It's a symbiotic relationship, no fans means no team, no team means no fans. If you're worried about hurting their feelings, I'm sure the scoff at this meaningless poll. This is purely "arm chair quarterback" conjecture. Our opinions mean nothing, it's up to Hak and company to make the decision. They're men, they've dealt with this on every level they've played at for the last 15 years (give or take a few). This is nothing new and if they plan to move on to the NHL it will only get 1000 times worse once they're getting PAID to produce and are not.

    What... are you on the team? I'm not thinking so...

    Good for you.

    If you are not on the team you should not say we. I have always hated how people say we did this or we did that when they did nothing. This is not a shot at you just a comment in general.

    • Downvote 2
  2. It comes with the territory. These guys all put enough pressure on themselves, a poll on a fan forum isn't going to crush them.

    Are you sure about how they would feel? Have you talked to anyone on the list as I have today?

    • Downvote 2
  3. This is patty cake peewees where everyone gets equal ice time to be fair and nice. If you aren't happy with your ice time... get better. Plain and simple. We play to win, and if you don't help us win, we don't want you playing. That may sound harsh, but that's the way it is.

    You play for the team?

    • Downvote 2
  4. If you knew what I was talking about, why were we discussing going to Europe through Detroit?

    Not all of UND's teams need to charter. For example when I flew out of Grand Forks on Sunday, the NJIT volleyball team was on the same flight. They didn't charter.

    I would think that the only team that would be "charter only" would be the football team. Maybe I'm wrong.

    The remainder of the teams, such as the volleyball team, would be flying commercial. Wouldn't it be faster and likely cheaper to go through SLC than MSP. That was the premise of this topic to start with.

    I just talked to a football player outside O'Kelly and he said they have chartered everywhere all season, he also said the UCDavis team flew into FAR and bussed here last weekend. They would not have come through SLC since the planes are too small there. FAR has one 319 and one DC-9 still flying there.The BB team flies charters as does the hockey team a lot of the time. VB teams are a lot smaller than the others. No it really would not be cheaper or faster through SLC, and Delta is not going to add a flight just for UND sport teams. Price wise for the last couple of years it has been cheaper or the same price to fly from GFK as FAR. For faster we really have no idea because we have no departure or return times to use to compare with. My Detroit comment was secondary to the thread topic. I just threw it out there as a thought.

  5. Go back to my first post on this topic and you will see why I'm talking about SLC. The Sioux are not playing in South America, the Caribbean, etc...

    I know what you were talking about but how would an SLC connection help when they will have to fly a charter to start with since the planes only hold 50 people?

  6. You may not reduce the number of stops, but the hours are significantly reduced by going thru SLC rather than MSP. I chose Missoula and Spokane for a test flight and the time was cut at least 2 hours each way.

    Detroit? Why would one want to go that far east to travel to Spokane, Missoula, Bozeman?

    Not east to go to Missoula but to connect to the east coast, southeast, Caribean, South America, Europe, and Asis is better through Detroit. Is there that large of a demand to go to Spokane, Missoula, or Bozeman? You failed to figure what time would the SLC flight depart from to make this work.

  7. Minot is keeping it's United flights to Denver: that's where some oil traffic comes in. Salt Lake and points west don't really have oil companies that are involved in Bakken.

    What the ND oil industry really needs is a direct connection to Houston or Dallas, not Salt Lake. That type service could be coming later.

    Minot will keep its United flights until the 500K Minot is using to subsidize the service runs out and bye bye United. Delta was not even filling half a 50 seat plane to SLC. We would be better to have a direct flight to Detroit than SLC. Even Patrick Dame agrees that a SLC flight gains GFK nothing. All it does is make a two stop trip a one stop to 13 cities. Who is up for a trip to Medford,OR? No one? That is one of the 13 places you could get with one stop. Jay do a comparission of connecting through Detroit using a 5:00 AM departure and see how much GFK gains from that compared to a SLC flight. Take into consideration the flights that have been cut from MSP that now require a connection in Detroit or Atlanta. You will be surprised that you will find we would be better off with the Detroit flight like Duluth has.

  8. They have been saying this for how long now? The base is a graveyard today. Two dorms torn down and one sitting empty does not make for a lot of confidence. Most people have no idea how few people are left at the base. Most, if not all of the security is civilians working for the DOD now.

  9. It was something along the lines of DU not knowing how to play hockey or something.

    To be fair to the poster, they did say it when everyone was thinking Martin was ok (the initial report was that Martin was only taken to the hospital for precautionary measures and that he would be fine), before everyone found out the true extent of his injuries.

    Thanks. I think before I would get mad about a comment like this I would see what time it was posted. As you stated at the time no one knew how bad he was hurt. Now if the comment was made afterward that would be a whole different matter.

  10. you can try the FM dial...looks like they added a translator station there (I assume you're in GF?)


    "Fox Sports 1590" translator K300BG/107.9 (Grand Forks) has signed on. The translator uses 250 Watts from the KWTL/1370 tower southwest of town, relaying Leighton Enterprises' KCNN/1590 (East Grand Forks). (11/1/2010)

    It seems Jeff has been a busy man starting up two new formats. 107.9 I see is now a classic rock station, with a very weak signal, faded out in the UND parking ramp even.

  11. Congratulations. Personally, I could not be that big of a moocher. I have paid for countless tickets since 1989, and I have no problem admitting this. And I am still

    willing to help a guy get an autograph for his kid without knowing who they are or what they do.

    Some folks have what it takes. Others don't. I really don't care one way or the other.

    See you around the arenas. I'll be in the paying seats.

    Just because I have always known people and have not had to pay for tickets does not make me a mooch. Second just because I do not want to help a stranger get and autograph, which has never really made since to me to start with, does not make me a bad person. Some folks have what it takes? Really what is it you have then that others don't, besides an unwarranted case of self worth? Now you are judging me because I will not help someone obtain something I am a bad person? I help people everyday except I do not need to be recognized for doing it. Do you have any idea how many kids I have helped with their college class work explaining theories and concepts to them that they did not get? I helped them because I enjoyed helping them do better in something that had real value, an education.

  12. Sioux17.

    Lomackman ain't know jack. He's just jacking you around.

    If you are in town, the best way for you to get an autograph of Kristo is to wait around after the game, and after the players come up from the locker room. He, like all Sioux, will be glad to sign your photo, especially after a win. My kids have done this many times after a game.

    If you are not in town, as others have said, send it to the Sioux. Or to me, I'll get it done for you. No hassle. No expense.

    How would you know who I know? Let's see in '87 a family friend's son was very ill and it took a quick phone call to get an autographed stick for him, didn't even have to pay for the stick. Gee who for years was able to always get free tickets for the Gophers series in Minneapolis? Was it whistler, goon, etc. or me? I guess it was me who has not had to pay for a ticket for years for a Sioux game. The last time I had to pay for a ticket was in 1989. Tickets were obtained too many times to count from players or coaches.

  13. Too early to make a determination either way. It does appears by the press releases that most of the donations were received or planned well before final decisions were made regarding the Fighting Sioux name. I do hope in the next year or so UND can show an extra $100M+ in the kitty. The time clock started yesterday at 3PM CST.

    Do you really believe that the donors did not expect the name to change? Notice the money is not earmarked for sports but education, the real goal of the university. Simply all of the claims here of donations being cut had no basis in fact. More of a hope so they could say, "See I told you".

  14. They will still care about the logo. They won't want people to continue to use it because then people will continue to use the Fighting Sioux nickname and not transition to the new name (whatever that may be). Letting the logo remain in the general population will extend any difficulty in transitioning to a new name. They will control the logo as long as possible. They may even be able to find a way to extend the period in which they control the logo. Once the new name and logo is in general use and gains enough traction (gets popular enough) they will probably let the Fighting Sioux logo go.

    Edit: Since I'm not a lawyer I don't know if this is possible or not. The University owns the art work that is the current logo. Owning and controlling that artwork may give them more rights to control its use than just the basic trademark laws. Or not. Another question for trademark attorneys would be whether the continued use of the logo by REA is enough to give UND control since it wouldn't be totally abandoned. The logo would be visible to people all over the country as long as UND hockey games are shown on Fox College Sports.

    They plan on it never to be public domain.

  15. I don't doubt their ability to prohibit the manufacture of new merchandise using the Sioux trademarked logo. I wonder how legal it would be for them to get that merchandise pulled. Of course that would depend if there's any merchandise left.

    On the other hand the ONLY thing UND owns is the University of North Dakota and the trademarked logos. (I assume the bug-ugly geometric logo is trademarked.) Anyone can produce a Sioux Hockey t-shirt with a different picture on it.

    You can also say ND Hockey.

    The NCAA agreement says that the logo must be retired OR given to one of the Indian tribes. By all rights UND should relinquish the rights to the logo to the spirit lake tribe. I'd love to buy Jersey's made on the reservation.

    Yes they can stop it. It is called copyright infringement. It does not have to be exactly the same to sue, just similar.

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