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Posts posted by Hansel

  1. Are they looking at state flagship schools as being the ones that produce doctors and lawyers as well as undergraduates?

    probably not- Idaho doesn't have a Med School- the Law school is at the university of Idaho, and the University of Idaho is the state's land-grant institution. I have no idea why they picked Idaho St. They also included both Ohio U and Ohio St- I don't think many people would confuse would say Ohio U competes with Ohio St as the flagship of Ohio

  2. UND looks very good this year- I have a feeling the score could be similar next week as Central Washington lost to NAIA Carroll to weeks ago (although Carroll could probably beat many mid NSIC/RMAC level teams) :p

  3. BF1234 was on such a good streak there for a while, then this.

    NDSU is doing 54.5 FB scholarships in 2004, then 63 in 2005 and 2006.


    So their 3-year average is over 60.


    A DI-AA has to have averaged 60 FB scholarships awarded over the previous three seasons to be allowed to play a DI-A in a "bodybag" game.

    (NDSU) hopes to get to the Division I-AA maximum of 63 scholarships in 2005 so it can meet a three-year average of 60 by 2007.That's the number the NCAA requires before a I-AA team can schedule a I-A program. -- Jeff Kolpack, Fargo Forum, May 16, 2004

    The earliest possible date (assuming the 63s are met)? 2007.

    Next, I wouldn't bet against Michigan in the Big Ten this season.

  4. Isn't there enough UND vs. NDSU smack already without you injecting it into a thread in which the acronym "NDSU" had yet to be written? ???

    I hate to point fingers, and I do appreciate your calm demeanor 92,96, but the thread did start with this

    It's great to see a ND-centered University looking for in-state kids to succeed on the collegiate level rather than a self-centered (AA) university looking for any advantage they can get to make up for their (former) DYNASTY status...

    On a side note

    UND 42

    Mesa 7 :(

  5. Someone say "academics"?


    Freshmen Academic Profile

    Average SAT: Not Reported

    ACT Composite Range (25-75%): 20-26

    Average ACT: 23

    Average High School GPA: 3.36

    Students in top 10% of HS class: 16%

    Students in top 50% of HS class: 73%

    Students from Public School: 92%



    Freshmen Academic Profile

    Average SAT: Not Reported

    SAT I - Verbal Range (25-75%): 500-630

    SAT I - Math Range (25-75%): 530-660

    ACT Composite Range (25-75%): 20-26

    Average ACT: 23

    Average High School GPA: 3.37

    Students in top 10% of HS class: 18%

    Students in top 50% of HS class: 74%

    Students from Public School: 93%


    Delta St

    Freshmen Academic Profile

    Average SAT: Not Reported

    ACT Composite Range (25-75%): 17-21

    Average ACT: 19

    Students in top 50% of HS class: 57%



    Freshmen Academic Profile

    Average SAT: 1168

    SAT I - Verbal Range (25-75%): 520-640

    SAT I - Math Range (25-75%): 530-650

    Average Verbal SAT: 580

    ACT Composite Range (25-75%): 23-29

    Average ACT: 26

    Students in top 10% of HS class: 36%

    Students in top 50% of HS class: 90%

    Students from Public School: 80%


  6. NDSU's teams weren't much to write home about the past few years, especially when compared to that relatively minor league team located 70 miles north.

    NDSU 4 DII national championships since 2000

    UND has four DII national champships EVER ???

    yah, I know you have hockey :(

  7. The third was probably the worst call I've ever witnessed in a football setting. The punted ball bounced off of the helmet of the Delta State player and it was not ruled dead. I admit not knowing the rules as well as I should, but shouldn't that be the end of the play?

    from what I understand if that the returner can still pick up the ball and run with it after the punting team has touched the ball as long as the play is not blown dead

  8. Starting today, fans can have their beer and drink it, too, while they watch UND football games inside the Alerus Center.

    UND and Alerus negotiators have come to terms with a new contract for university use of the city-owned events center that expands policies allowing alcoholic beverages in the arena.

    Before, alcoholic beverages were allowed only in designated beer gardens away from the action on the field. The new policy brings the Alerus Center more in line with policies UND has in its contract with Ralph Engelstad Arena, where other UND teams play.

    The contract has not been signed by either party and is being reviewed by legal counsel for UND and by Grand Forks City Attorney Howard Swanson.

    "There is a letter of understanding between the Alerus Center and UND that says we have a negotiated contract in principle," said Charlie Jeske, general manager for the Alerus Center.

    Officials from UND who took part in the negotiations did not immediately respond to requests for interviews about the contract settlement.

    GF herald article

  9. Alright- I don't want to start a flame war but I was reading an article by Kolpack in the forum and halfway through he went on a tangent

    First thing, let's cut to the opinion: The University of North Dakota will move up to NCAA Division I-AA in football and Division I in all other sports.

    It might not happen next year or the year after or five years from now. But it will happen. To think otherwise -- considering the continued deterioration of Division II and the North Central Conference, and a possible shakeup in the NCAA and the fact that archrival North Dakota State has already made the jump and a dozen other factors -- is to live in denial.

    Love or despise the Bison and the move they've made, those are the facts that time will reveal.

    Just remember where you read it first.

    Now the sticky part and, admittedly, it's as gooey as a wad of chewed Bubble Yum.

    Nobody at the university will admit it. At least not on the record, to be quoted for publication.

    So as the Sioux football team, top-rated in the national Division II poll, prepares to open its season Saturday against Delta State (Miss.), the company line is still in effect in Grand Forks. The Sioux are not budging from their stance that Division II is where they belong.

    The school is, however, "monitoring," "keeping an eye on the landscape," "researching," "forecasting" and doing lots of other things that end in "-ing," according to athletic director Roger Thomas.

    "We are monitoring while we are doing things to build programs, improve our staffing structure, upgrade our facilities and strengthen our budget," Thomas said.

    "So if we do decide to make that decision, the leap would be a short one."

    That sounds an awful lot like an athletic department positioning itself for a move. Until Thomas adds: "But there are no guarantees we'll make that decision."

    Mostly, it seems, UND is controlling the things it can control -- budgets, facilities, staffing -- while waiting to see how things shake out with the Bison, fellow D-I newbie South Dakota State and the NCAA.

    If the Sioux are feeling out the Big Sky Conference -- which has invited inquiries from interested schools -- they are not saying. Although that would seem to be a very logical thing to do. A very, very logical thing.

    "We are watching to see if the environment is changing and if it is changing, how it is changing," said Phil Harmeson, UND's senior associate to President Charles Kupchella. "That is what we've said we'd do all along."

    The intriguing thing about UND is trying to figure out what coaches and muckety-mucks actually subscribe to the company line and which are, heretically, on the pro D-I side of the fence. Because even though the school has tried to present a united front to the public, there are those who believe the Sioux should move up. (Hint: those very interested in football.)

    Same with fans and boosters.

    "Everybody here has an opinion, pro and con. Everybody has a point of view and that's part of the mix," Thomas said. "I get phone calls and e-mails every day from people saying, 'Why aren't we moving up?' and I get the same from people saying, 'Stay where we are.'"

    Even Harmeson tossed out a nugget on which Sioux and Bison fans could chew.

    "What we really need is 4,000 more seats at the Alerus Center. That would put us over the 15,000-seat mark, which is the threshold for Division I-A (for football)," Harmeson said. "If you're going to make a move, maybe you want to make a big move. Why not really move up to Division I football?"


  10. Already, Wright State is building an on-campus rink, and schools such as UWGB, UW-Milw, Ill-Chicago (which used to have hockey), Wayne State (which has hockey), and Oakland (which could add hockey) are at least aware of the economic potential for hockey in their locales.

    Wayne St would probably inform the others that a school can lose a lot of money on Hockey as Wayne averaged less than 600 fans a game- less than NDSU's volleyball team :D

  11. From this Dakota Student article, the planned square footage is 101,000.  Initially, a $50 student fee approval for renovation of the Hyslop turned out more expensive than expected.  So another student vote approved the larger building and a $45 increase rather then a 40,000 sq ft building with no fee increase.  The total cost will be $19+ mill.

    so how I read it, it is a total of $95 increase? Even if so it is worth it, a student is not going to find a good health club for 95 a year. 100k sq ft I think (if I am reading it correctly will also be the size of NDSU's Wellness Center AfterExpansion

    74+(1/3)74= just under 100

    Both Facilities are/will be quite nice and should help both Universities attract students :sad:

  12. The Facility looks really nice, I know the Wellness Center at NDSU is quite popular and I am sure the UND students will get alot of use out of this when it cis ompleted Does anyone know what the approx square footage will be, I couldn't find it on the site. :sad:

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