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Everything posted by bison73

  1. You are correct. But you have some on this site stating it as fact. Fact is she said locker room wide??? What does that infer? But like I said. She was upset and used a generic wide brush statement. But lets keep beating this dead horse--oh it moved lets whack it again.
  2. The whole supplement industry isnt regulated or FDA approved. That means all of the detox your body crap to stuff for a healthy prostate etc etc etc has no govt over site. Its a multi Billion dollar industry. But people get upset when it has to do with athletics?
  3. Considering she mis-spoke and inferred that all the players in the locker room were taking the same supplement that her son did is very misleading. So yes I am sure she was emotional when she gave her blanket locker room statement. I do not fault her for that. She was just wrong.
  4. Now he took an illegal substance? If that was the truth it would have been a crime. If that was the case HIPPA wouldnt be a consideration and everyone would have know what the illegal drug was and he wouldnt still be in school .
  5. Didnt ignore that at all. But that comment does concern me. I think mom is very emotional as she should be. She has also said some very generic broad brush comments that I will give her a pass on because of the situation.
  6. The University does not provide pre workout supplements. They do provide nutrition.. Please dont start splitting hairs on wording on the meaning of the words university. Then youre just being disingenuous.
  7. I am sure supplements are extensively used at and by NDSU athletes. The University doesnt provide them. So I am also sure not all athletes take the same supplements but know what others do take. So the comment from Mom saying its used through out the locker room meaning supplements---yes that is true. But its also obvious that her son took a supplement that the others in the locker room werent using.
  8. Why are your suspicions important?
  9. Hes a private contractor .
  10. Stats are stats
  11. Are you a journalist???
  12. Only place Ive seen it is here. Makes no difference. One kid in 8 years makes a mistake will tarnish nothing. Consider this--- 18 players are randomly tested by the NCAA after every playoff game. NDSU has played in 31 playoff games in the last 8 years. That's 558 tests and this is the first failed one.
  13. Call Kolpack and tell him how to do his job.
  14. Yawn
  15. Nobody forced his hand. He saw a story and went after it. He did his job. Timelines???? Please
  16. Why not? Its random. When I was in the service I got tested 3 times in a row in random testing.
  17. Wrong. Kolpack pursued the story. Just more speculation on your part.
  18. What about the cover up? What about no reporter in Fargo will report negative info on NDSU????
  19. I agree.
  20. Thats the NCAA testing.??????? Yeah LOL I dont know what the parameters are that NDSU has.
  21. You know this how?
  22. And you dont take UNDs side. Fact is all the facts arent known. There seem to be inconsistent stories. It will all come out.
  23. All the facts havent been brought to the table.
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