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Posts posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. 19 hours ago, sioux24/7 said:

    My hope, although probably foolishly, was that the current logo would transition into the secondary. 

    a geometric one that is a cross between our old sioux geometric logo and ball states's geometrical one would be nice...no comic book hawks please

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  2. 2 minutes ago, zonadub said:

    Did anyone else notice the hawk on the alumni association homecoming email?




    Not sure if it looks more like a hawk or eagle, but wonder if it will ‘stick’.

    soft sell on a secondary logo..which i think we need...but not that one...a geometric one would be great.

    edit..i see the trademark on there?  does that mean anything?

  3. 19 minutes ago, AlphaMikeFoxtrot said:

    Me: simpsons' depiction of nuclear power ruined public perception of it

    You: it was the Media!

    Me: do you have any examples of this?

    You: *lists liberal media outlets rather than examples*

    Me: again, actual examples?

    You: look it up yourself


    Not sure how I'm supposed to have a rebuttal to that. I'm more than willing to back up my assertion about the Simpsons.

    not sure if you heard but watching the simpsons is racist now per hank azaria (but he won't give back the millions he made being a racist tho)

  4. 42 minutes ago, Goon said:

    Exactly, Biden actually thinks presidents can control a virus. It’s not possible. 

    has anyone thought that sometimes people with dementia let the truth slip out sometimes...like how grandma might let it slip at Christmas dinner she had a threesome with hugh hefner and burt reynolds back in in 1973?  maybe Biden just let it slip that this plandemic was 100% planned and 100% preventable?

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  5. 7 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    You can carry Covid despite having no symptoms.   It's prudent to be regularly tested if you're in regular contact with 60+ year olds.    But, for obvious reasons, this Admin doesn't want this.  They want lower Covid numbers.    

    maybe don't have close indoor close contact with 60 year old and maybe the rest of the world can get back to living???? just a thought?

  6. 3 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:

    Remember when Trump said “slow the testing down” and the CDC agreed; then Trump lauded them for it?  


    Controversial CDC Guidelines Discouraging Covid-19 Testing Were Imposed On Agency By HHS And White House



    does it makes sense to you to get tested for something that you have zero symptoms?

    "hello doctor I think i might have the Ebola virus...can i get a test?"

    • Upvote 1
  7. 18 minutes ago, mikejm said:

    reminds me when the woke squad talk about how environmental and anti-capitalist they are and then they check their iphone for the lastest weather updates.

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  8. 4 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    I find it interesting when asking about "green energy". Most folks are for it when that's left as the query.

    But ask how much more per month they're willing to pay for "green electricity", the positivity drops. 

    And ask if they willing to have rolling blackouts at times because baseline demand* can't be met by "green energy" the positivity drops again. 


    Everything is a great idea in theory, until it has to work in practice. 


    *See recently in California

    also how many libs/greeny think that those big beautiful wind turbines spin a dial or something and that there is no bad "stuff" in them....then have them google rare earth minerals.

  9. 6 hours ago, Oxbow6 said:

    A single county in NC misinformed 6700+ individuals via text message they were covid positive....and another 500+ via email.



    of those 7k people they scared...maybe 10 percent are so shook up they will ask for a mail in/ absentee ballot....and remember how razor thin some of trumps wins were in some of these states....

    i usually say follow the money but when it comes to this election follow the mail in/ absentee  ballots.

  10. 25 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Per the Forum news Clay County is a potential venue for the George Flyod trial. Can't  it just be in the MSP metro so those who are going to be uncivil and riot can just continue  burning down what they already started. Leave us alone in the FM area.

    keith anti-semite ellison won't allow it

  11. 2 hours ago, AlphaMikeFoxtrot said:

    Both arsonists arrested had nothing to do with a political position. Some people just want to watch the world burn.

    if and when they are found to have taken money from soros will someone please explain the term "useful idiot" to them every day of their 30 year sentence in the federal pen

  12. 1 hour ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    I already answered that in an above post.  


    But regardless, it's good to see you acknowledging that asian privilege exists, because you're now justifying the reasons for it.      

    So let me get this straight.  That asians are, on average, more educated and the perception exists that we're harder workers, asians therefore have earned the right to have asian privilege?   

    Sounds more like you're describing asian power to me.  But whatever.  



  13. 2 hours ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    Quit being difficult.   Show me where I said that.       

    Everybody should be judged on their own individual merit.  Blacks and whites frequently aren't.  They are judged on the stereotype of the whole.   Hence why Yayoi Kusama will receive more call backs than Sara McKenzie or Shaneeka Jones despite having the exact same resume.  

    Asian privilege.      


  14. 4 hours ago, UNDlaw80 said:

    Looks like I hit a nerve with the good ole boy contingent.  Yeee Ha!       

    Jokes aside, here's a good everyday example of white privilege.  It has nothing to do with the government, or even how hard one works.  It just highlights how ingrained prejudice is and how it skews access to wealth nowadays....... 


    2 resumes, with the same credentials, are sent out to numerous employers.   One has the name Eric O'Neill, the other Darnell Jefferson.    Eric O'Neill's resume will receive more callbacks. 



    This is the epitome of white privilege.  

    i love how this is "proof" that american is racist....did this this "study" study how many of these companies are run by white liberals? 

  15. 3 hours ago, Siouxperfan7 said:

    Ugh.....that's. dumb take.  No school has "practice helmets".

    I meant not having the numbers of the helmets...those will be put on when the roster and games and players are all sorted?

  16. 2 hours ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Something like that.........

    When have we ever in the past told individuals who aren't sick to lock themselves in their basement for 2 weeks because they came in contact with someone that was "postive" but isn't sick either and we are afraid the contact individuals "might" become "positive"?

    with a .0025 chance of dying...so many sheep out there...whatever big brother says I do...no matter what...

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