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Posts posted by Feff

  1. Not really sure where you're going with this but if it's in any way reference to the DU coach in some way and you think this joke is funny ....

    I'd say that an ETERNAL ban from this site is in order.


    I do believe this is in reference to what the student yelled during the moment of silence, not meant as a joke. 

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  2. That's what gets me. Moore tries to take out Caggiula, totally dirty hit and should be out of the game (thought emphasis was on player safety?) but yet he stays in and ends up netting three goals? What the crap are we teaching kids who are watching? Take a run at the others teams players, you can still stay in the game...

  3. My guess is there was an expectation of a bigger school and FCS or lower-mid FBS was never considered. In fact, I'd probably venture that FCS still isn't considered as a "real offer." 

  4. Women's hockey wouldn't be as much of a budget drain if people actually got off their butts and went out to support it. Realistically, fan support for all sports not hockey is lower than it should be with the possible exception of volleyball. Increase fan attendance to other sports and you'll see revenue increases that will help pay for the stipends and such. However, is it likely that people are going to suddenly get up and go out to more games? Not likely. The one hope is that football becomes competitive and can start filling the Alerus again, that should bring some needed money back into the university to help offset other costs. 

  5. I'm glad your happy with the ND recruits.  We're very happy with our local kids.  All the ND kids on our roster have rings - some of them 4.  Your ND kids have memories of getting their asses kicked numerous times through out their playing days.... Just getting ND kids for the sake of having them means nothing..


    This comment = pure class. 

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