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Posts posted by Feff

  1. But guys, if we cut women's hockey we can give more money to men's basketball!


    Ugh, stupid argument. We have the women's program, they aren't cutting it anytime soon, we should support it. Not much of a hockey town if we can't even support women's hockey. 

    • Upvote 1
  2. Jones doesn't develop players or a team. There is no cohesiveness, no improvement over the course of a season let alone a game. Simply put, Jones is a recruiter, not a head coach. UND needs better. 

    • Upvote 4
  3. If the competition is close, I'd like to see Studsrud take his redshirt and let Bartels and Mollberg run the offense. In my opinion, Studsrud would benefit more from another year to develop by watching. 

    • Upvote 4
  4. I actually think that if the refs had thrown Moore out of the game, there probably wouldn't have been a suspension. I think this is a makeup call.


    A makeup call that benefits UND not at all and ends up working in favor of another team in the league in a tight contest for the Penrose.


    Then again DU plays CC next. Convenient timing for them. 

  5. I dunno, maybe Studsrod will make some gains in the off-season with accuracy. Accuracy can be affected by confidence and mechanics. He's had a full year in the program, now an offseason. That should give coaches a good chance to tweak some mechanics. 


    I gotta think UND would've used the money for athletic scholarships if they thought they could. Otherwise why would UND be the ones asking about it? Plus it was 10 million, they could've said here's 1-2 million for athletic scholarships and the other 8-9 million is for academics. I just don't see why UND would care unless they would've also raised funds for athletics. Plus I think with the money the foundation has been given/raising lately for the Engineering, Aerospace, Business, Law, and Medical school 1-2 million for athletic scholarships would've been fine.


    I get around the state and region a lot and NDSU is killing UND in PR right now across ND and the Twin Cities because of football and basketball. There is no reason their enrollment should be close to UNDs when you consider how much better UND is academically and the reason is because of FB and BB. 10 million in academics is awesome, but so is 4 NCs, 2 ESPN Gamedays, and 2 NCAA tourney appearances. Not saying the challenge grant is the reason for that, but I can't help but feel like it's a microcosm of why they are where they are and UND is playing catch up. 


    If NDSU, MSU, and DSU get that money taken away for athletics hats off to UND for following the rules, and if not they still got 10 million for academics so either way great job UND. It just seemed to me like they would've fundraised for athletics if they thought they could and other schools getting away with it is disappointing. I'll leave it at that



    "Say Billy, where would you like to go to college?" 

    "Gee Dad, I don't know, let's consider my options. There is this school called UND that I could go learn to fly planes at, or there is this school called NDSU that has won some football games. I think I'm gonna choose NDSU cause ESPN is the cool!" 


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