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Everything posted by Brent_Bobyck

  1. Rick Helling is from Lakota
  2. Agreed that Coach K and Dean Smith didn't make too many stops at Grand Forks International Airport but talent wise he could step on any court and be on an equal level.
  3. Boschee did not have UND #2 on his list. If a guy can go to Kansas and win Big 12 Freshman of the year honors, he could play at any program in the nation. Duke, UNC, Iowa, Michigan, Kentucky. If someone can go and play at a big time D-1 school he is not going to have UND on his list. UND was not #2 with "Big John" because he went to Northern Iowa when he transferred. If UND was #2 why didn't he transfer back home?
  4. Jeff Boschee? John Godfread? Sorry to say but Rich doesn't stand a chance when the likes of Kansas and Utah are knocking on your door. To even think that UND had a shot at these kids is absurd.
  5. So I read the article about Jeff breaking the NCAA records in the GF Herald today. Maybe I am reading this wrong but help me out here. The NCAA confirmed that Jeff broke two D-2 records......... Career Points (326) - David Purnell, NW Missouri State, 1996-99 & Career Field Goals (64) - Mike Wood, SW Missouri State, 1974-77 But then I read he also broke Cameron Peterka career UND marks of... Career Points (347) & Career Field Goals (65) Now I am not a math genius by any step of the imagination but shouldn't those NCAA records have belonged to Cameron in 2001? The NCAA.........proving that Native American Mascots is wrong, and math is even "wronger" GF Herald Article
  6. Mr. Electricity? Pick it up Dan.
  7. Congrats Jeff Glas!! UND's All Time Scoring Leader!!
  8. Anybody have dataflix up yet?
  9. I don't understand how trying to protect my health is being lazy. Isn't it just as lazy when smokers don't want to do something as simple as go outside to smoke?
  10. Changing the name would also allow the school to host the playoffs and not have negative PR.
  11. You smoking in a room of people puts everyone's health at risk. Me not smoking in a room of people puts no one at risk. See the difference. Is it too much to ask smokers to go outside?
  12. I should've further explained my statement. Sometimes, yes, court is the only way to go and good will come from it. My statements were more geared towards a possible UND v. NCAA lawsuit.
  13. I think the best thing to come out of this whole situation is that UND and Native American's can come to some sort of agreement here and make peace. There is no good that comes from people taking sides and battling it out in courts, etc.
  14. I do not think that a court battle is something that either side wants. At first I was all for everything that UND could do to save it but certain posts from Mafia and ESPN have made me reconsider my stance. I think something gets lost in this argument and that is respecting peoples rights and wishes. Let me say that I still back the nickname but if the tribes vote to not back the nickname, then it might be time to rethink things. Yes, that is right. ESPNInsider & Mafia. You have made me see the light on this one. I agree with you. If UND loses the support of the tribes as shown by a vote, then you can't really say that it is an honor anymore. I personally thought that UND was trying to honor the Native Americans when they selected the name, and I still think they are, but if the people who are being honored don't see it that way, which I don't think will happen, then you have to rethink your stance.
  15. I bashed your first post because you said that UND should give up if the tribes don't want the nickname. That is what I disagreed with. Nothing about respecting Native Americans. Just because you disagree with them on the nickname issue doesn't mean you don't respect them. My opinion on this has never changed, the more I thought about it the more I wanted UND to keep on truckin on. Yes, I was more in the middle when the ruling came out but the more I thought about it, the more I backed a fight against the NCAA ruling. I was not on one side and then the other. You can say that my opinion has changed from day to day but it has not.
  16. I can respect your opinion and I see where you are coming from but it always comes back to a health concern. Not everyone that works and frequents a bar smokes. You are right, people do not have to go in or work there but that would get very old going to the same place every time you go out simply because it is the only smokeless place in town. I do not think it is that tough for people who do smoke to go outside to light up. This way they still get to smoke and they do not risk the health of those that work there and frequent there.
  17. I never said they should not respect the tribes. Here you go taking my words and spinning them again. Also, I did state that the tribes do play a role in this, like the FSU case. All I mean is that the direct fight is between the NCAA and the 15 Universities still on that list. If you would take one more minute to comprehend what I am saying you would understand that.
  18. The issue at hand does not directly involve the tribes. The issue is between the NCAA and UND. Yes, the Native Americans do play a role in that fight but UND is not taking them head on, it is the NCAA they are fighting. If the tribes file lawsuits against the University then your argument would hold water. Just because the tribes come out against UND's nickname doesn't mean UND should stop the fight against the NCAA. So to answer your question, yes. There are ways of doing this without being disrespectful and classless. And I will go ahead and call your bluff on never going to another UND game again. I would be willing to put money on that.
  19. Yes but it is not only an issue with the customers. People who work there have to breathe in the air as well. This creates health hazards for both the employee and the customer. It is a person's right to smoke, but they don't have to risk the health of those who do not smoke.
  20. This is the last time I am going to explain this to you. The quote about it only being a name and it doesn't change the history is NOT arguing my point that UND should fight the name change. All I am saying with that is if it comes down to where UND has to change the name it wouldn't take away what UND has done as an institution or as an athletic department. They are two separate things! Read the entire post and you will see I state that I do not want to see the name change. You need to take a couple minutes and actually read the entire post and not just look for sentences you can exert to take my words and spin them. I am not wavering on this issue. I never once said UND should change the name without a fight. I am not arguing with you on this simply for the sake of arguing. I see what you are saying and I do understand where you are coming from. I simply do not agree that UND should stop there. I think there are ways of fighting the nickname issue without being "classless" as you say.
  21. Has anyone heard or know firsthand how the GF Smoking Ban is going? What places are and are not smokeless? Do you feel like this is a good idea for Grand Forks? My personal feelings are that you need to have a smoking ban but have it across the board. All public restaraunts and bars or none at all. I don't like this "if you have 60% of your business from food" rule. All or nothing I think. About a year ago I visited Lincoln, NE and all of their bars have gone smokeless, across the board. It was very nice not smelling like smoke when you walked out of there. What are your takes?
  22. sayed? You even spelled Sioux wrong in your name.
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