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Posts posted by DMT

  1. Brad Miller was taken in the second round (#16 overall) by Green Bay in the USHL draft.

    Ryan Duncan was taken in the third round (#31 overall) by River City.

    Brian Lee was taken in the 15th round (#111 overall) by Lincoln. They must be hoping he doesn't go back to Moorhead, which I've heard he is.

    I may have missed a few, so here is the link:

    USHL Draft Results

  2. Wow, I had no idea Zajac was regarded as highly as 15th overall among NA skaters.

    When is the draft going to be held?  I'm interested in seeing who drafts Zajac and the rest of our crew who are in the upcoming draft.

    June 26th and 27th in Raleigh, N.C.

  3. If he'd grow it out to shoulder-length in the back it would look pretty cool. To me it seems kind of awkward to have all that hair on top but not so much in the back. He needs to add some length in the back to make it more proportional. Looks like an afro straight out of the '70s the way it is now.



  4. Those buildings "behind" FargoDome (I assume you mean west) aren't academics buildings for NDSU. At least one is a private company. Another houses some NDSU offices for research administration. You don't see students come and go from them.

    I believe one of the buildings is Phoenix International.

  5. I didn't know Schwabe was Jim Archibald's nephew.  After he got a penalty the announcer mentioned how he has a long way to go to catch his uncle. 

    I'm probably going to get the "old news is so exciting" picture for this.


  6. I have had season tickets for the last 3 years. I do not "donate" any money to the FSC. Am I happy about the mandatory "donation", no. :sad: Will I pay it to watch the best team in the country in the best arena in the country, yes. :0

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