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Posts posted by DMT

  1. EDIT:  Oh, and one more thing.  Funny about Radke.  Already a disappointment and he's only a freshman.  Smaby's at least a Sophmore.  Before you slam him for bing worthless perhaps let him age a year?


    Yes, I do think Radke is already a dissapointment.

    He was very highly thought of, coming in. He was INCH's #2 ranked incoming defenseman. Everybody was comparing him to Ballard or Roche. I know he is young and has shown some offensive flash, he has a very long way to go to be mentioned in the same breath as those type of players.

  2. Parise is a pretty good goalie when he stays in the net.

    But...he is a hack. He seems more worried about chopping the back of some guys legs than stopping the puck. The diving to try to get a call has to go. He should have been called for an unsportsmanlike diving penalty in the 2nd period tonite. :silly:

  3. Scouting artile from Hockey's Future.

    Overshadowed by the World Juniors was the Under-17 tournament held in Lethbridge, Alberta. A showcase for the 2006 and 2007 draft prospects, a number of players served notice that they will be major factors. Heading the group was Jonathan Toews.

    The tourney

  4. The note on Fast is interesting to me because, as big as the incoming recruiting class is, I think it is still short one forward and one defenseman. 

    Up front, UND loses five players to graduation (McMahon, Massen, Canady, Fylling, Genoway), and I feel like they have been one forward short already this year.  In addition, there is always risk for some of the higher-profile guys to leave early.  With five scheduled to come in (Duncan, Kozek, Watkins, Miller and Toews), I expect to see another commitment.  Also, it is possible that Oshie and Vandevelde are viewed as early-departure insurance, able to come a year early if the roster is short.

    On defense, UND loses four players, three to graduation (Schneider, Jones and Fuher) and one to an almost certain early departure (Greene).  Again, I feel like this year's roster has been borderline short one defenseman, with six and a half plus a rover currently on the roster (The "half" is Bina (height shot) and the rover is Marvin).  With three defensemen committed for the fall, at least one more will probably be added.

    With Spirko and Prpich among the Sioux's recent Spring recruits, I'm comfortable with the coaches' ability to round up a few gems for the Spring signing period.


    If you look at Heisenberg's site, they removed the '06 from Oshie's name. :(

  5. This may shock you, but I agree. Actually, all I could think while he laid there and the crowd booed was, Gawd I hope he isn't bleeding because I'm gonna hear about it :(

    As for whatever verbal assaults were thrown at Ovechkin, if you say it crossed the line, than that's a shame. HOWEVER, if it was simple taunting...it's only what he had coming to him.

    When you run your mouth all week and then don't answer the bell in the biggest game of the tournament, you're going to hear about it.


    I was sitting very close to Ovechkin. Most of the taunting was well deserved and funny for that matter. But, there was also alot of profanity and just plain stupid things being said. There was even one moron who left his seat to come stand in front of me and yell a very obnoxious and profane comment at him and then run back up to his seat (while the puck was in play). That is the stuff that is un-called for.

  6. After reading this in the Forum yesterday, I kind of questioned Lee being picked (and Goligosky for that matter).

    For the Pittsburgh Penguins scout and more than 300 other NHL representatives on hand (they're the guys wearing black leather jackets), the World Junior Hockey Championship is a "worthwhile" event. But it won't heavily impact the stock of most professional prospects.

    Take Team USA defenseman Brian Lee, for example. Although the 17-year-old has played more cautiously and, well, defensively in the tournament than he does when roaming the blue line for Moorhead High School, he's still expected to be chosen on the first day of the 2005 NHL Draft -- should the current lockout not prevent the event.

    "I don't think it makes any difference at all. I really don't," said Grillo, who runs the Minnesota Hockey Camps in Nisswa and has 16 years of NHL experience, including stints as Director of Pro Scouting for the Minnesota North Stars and as Executive Vice President and Director of Player Personnel for the San Jose Sharks.

    "I think it's something that happens over time. When (Team USA's) Alex (Goligoski) plays for the Gophers and (coach Don) Lucia, he knows what the coaches want out of him and they turn him loose and he's fun to watch. And I think Brian's a similar style player. I look for big things from those kids."

    The Penguins chose Goligoski in the second round of the 2004 draft following his senior year at Grand Rapids (Minn.) High School.

    Like Lee, he has a reputation for being an offensive defenseman and has had few scoring chances in Team USA's dump-and-chase system.

    "They're not playing free enough," Grillo said of Lee and Goligoski. "They're not loose, they're not free. It's tough to play when you're a finesse player and you're worried about making a mistake. I like to see players player free and confident, and express their ability, especially those that have a lot of ability and (Lee is) one of those players."

    Why select "offensive defenseman" if you are not going to let them play there game?

  7. Besides jerseys and pucks, they really didn't have any non-USA or Canada stuff.

    They clearanced out most of the merchandise yesterday. Buy one get on free jerseys (except US and Canada). Only Belarus, Slovakia and a real cheasy CCCP jersey were left.

    I saw the Czech coaches buying small USA and Canada jerseys. :(

  8. I agree that the D has been horrible. Goligoski and Hunwick were bad. I wasn't impressed with Hagemo either.


    I was actually very impressed by Hagemo. He made a couple of mistakes, but I thought he was very solid. He plays alot bigger than he is.

  9. I just hope that if Ovechkin does his little "move" on Glass in between periods, that one of Canada's monster D-men beat him down like Suter wanted to do.

    Ovechking is an amazing hockey player (I think the best in the tourney), but I have never seen a more arrogant player, ever. I can't think of any other time I have seen a player (Ovechkin) come out before the goalie to start the game or periods.

  10. I have been watching the games - I get TSN so I am able to see Canada as well. The games are F***ing great! However - I do see quite a few empty seats. Is there any indication yet as to how the tournament is living up to the economic expectations?


    Here is an artile from the Forum on the attendance.

  11. They're IIHF licensed officials from all over the world.


    I think for the most part the officiating has been good. With the exception of the linesman (who looked about 15 years old) for the Canada-Sweden game. I have never seen someone throw so many people out of the faceoff. It was rediculous.

  12. Hey PCM or anybody else that was there, is this true? I read this on HF boards.

    Both Slovakia and Belarus ended up bringing only their white uniforms to the game.

    As a result, one team had to find dark uniforms to wear. It turned out to be Belarus, which had to borrow a local high school team (Grafton-Park River High School) dark uniforms to play the game. The borrowed uniforms did not bring Belarus

    any luck as Slovakia went on to win the game 3-1.

  13. I was at the Czech/Germany game last night.  It was a fast paced, chippy game.  High sticks and slashes.  I thought things might escalate on a  couple of occasions but it was not to be.  Lots of penalties.  Some questionable hits.  My kind of game.

    Both teams had good speed.  Germans scored all three goals on the pp.  Yeah, they looked pretty happy after the game.  I'm sure they were happy they skated with the Czechs.  I sat next to the Czech general manager and he told me that they were sitting 6 of their better players last night.  They have to make roster cuts today.  I would expect the Czechs to contend for a medal.    Most of their players are NHL draftees.

    Czech goalie,  Marek Scwartz, has  mongoose speed with the glove.  Fun to watch him.  Blues' first ronder this year.


    What are the IIHF rules regarding fighting?

  14. When I think hockey music I immediately think '70s and '80s arena rock... "Rock And Roll All Nite", "We're Not Gonna Take It", "Welcome To The Jungle", "Cat Scratch Fever", etc...


    When I think of arena rock, I immediately think of mullets. :0

  15. Word around the campfire is that this could be the best  Canadian  junior team---ever.  They average 6 feet, 1 inch,  203 lbs.  Return at least 11 players from last year's squad.  Avg age is well over 19.


    Canada has to be the favorite to get the gold. They are going to be very good. They cut 2 of the top 3 scorers in the WHL.

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