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About SiouxperSiouxFan

  • Birthday 05/17/1958

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  • Location
    Grand Forks, ND
  • Interests
    Sioux sports, especially men's hockey, fishing, hunting, flying

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  1. Section 104, row G, seats 9-10. $25 each. Text me at 701-740-5510. Can send you tickets by email or text. Pay with Venmo.
  2. Friday. James Saturday. Kunz
  3. Boisvert Friday Berg Saturday
  4. Section 104, Row G, seats 9-10. $90 for the pair. Text 701-740-5510.
  5. I have 4 tickets for today’s game in section 207, row E, seats 5-8. $20 per ticket and will split into pairs. Text me at 701-740-five five 10. Can pay through Venmo.
  6. Row G tickets are sold Still have 2 in row J.
  7. I have 4 in section 104. $25 each.
  8. Section 104. Row G seats 9-10 and Row J seats 11-12. $25 each in pairs only. Pay be Venmo. Text 701-740-55onezero.
  9. Friday. Blake Saturday. Gaber
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