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Everything posted by gfhockey

  1. gfhockey

    SUU game

    AAbsultely no emtion whats so ever. This painfull. We need change im afraid. Bring back Bubba
  2. gfhockey

    SUU game

    And then our d goes soft Come on bring the house!
  3. gfhockey

    SUU game

    AAtleast the d is olaying the best so far its played all year
  4. gfhockey

    SUU game

    Is it me or im watching the team on the sideline with no emotion. No heart The pkayers are almost segregated if you no what i mean... way to clicky
  5. gfhockey

    SUU game

    Why in the f u c k are we running it? The up the gut runs are getting old We are a pasisng team
  6. gfhockey

    SUU game

    Lmao they announced faisons name here and like 10 people in my section booed... that was great
  7. gfhockey

    SUU game

    IIm not drunk... didnt tailgate at all
  8. gfhockey

    SUU game

    So i decided to go. Alerus so far is empty! Looks like a high schhool football game attejdance so far. This weather sucks!
  9. Idalski isa coachin genious! he has got his team right where he wants them..i put on my green shades and drank some green kool aid last nite
  10. please tell me where i said i no better then hakstol.i may have said a fire hak but never did i say i no more then hak #served #owned
  11. gfhockey

    Fire Muss

    Nominate this for the dumbest post of the year #troll
  12. Faison has a history of not restoring rivalrys. Anyone see a common link here? first he wont restore the bison rivaly... only on his terms now he cant get the gophers on schedule... now im not saying we shoudl whore ourselves out but come on we cant still be blaming the nickname on this scheduleing what happend to piggy backing on hockey for football and getting like a Maine here, or a New Hampshire who handles scheduling anyways??
  13. gfhockey

    Fire Muss

    3 b's bring back bubba
  14. gfhockey

    Fire Muss

    You #trolls should take off your green glasses and put down the kool aid and seriously look at the football team and its stats
  15. Just picked up suite tix at rea asked how the game was selling football and the girl said slow very slow.
  16. gfhockey

    SUU game

    Do i ask the question?
  17. gfhockey

    Fire Muss

    Bohl also had kahunas to fire coordinators and make changes Muss doesnt or at least has showing he doesnt
  18. Dons been on record he hates coming up here He will do anythung he can to avoid it Might as well piggy back on norwood teagues thinking of scheduling weak teams
  19. If you want to the best you have to pkay the best And no im not talking about bemdiji st and ohio st and penn st
  20. Gopher arrogance is so sickening First the blame the nickname cuz they are scared of us Now they blame different conferences cuz lucia is scared of the ralph Not our fault they cant handle the enviornment Und is a play anyone anywhere anytime Um is u want to play at the john come on down well schedule u as long as ur rpi is over 30
  21. Gophers dont want to get pounded 2 games in a row. So they schedule bc who is known to play a european type The excuses are getting really old from the lucia camp
  22. they are scared of us they like the weak comptitiong (see canceled games vs UNC) to scehdule NMSU there program is laughable
  23. Does anyone have the linkg for the city of grand forks message board or forum? I use to have it but don't anymore
  24. gfhockey

    Fire Muss

    how is mannsau a good recruiter? doesnt look like a good one to me. please remember the 3 b's bring back bubba
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