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Everything posted by gfhockey

  1. Any bets on mussman or mannsau saying there RB is the best in the league? seems like we play the ebst RB in the league every week
  2. They only rushed 4 and dropped on of those back so 3 came and they sacked hanson at the 1..
  3. whie they should be excited about the stop.... i hate how cocky they get lol it almost disgusts me getting in the unc players faces and stuff.... just not part of old time UND football IMO
  4. STOPPED!!! FInally a big play from the d
  5. i can already hear muss we were a couple plays away from winning this game we will hit the winter hard in the weight room and the recruiting trail this season is summed up by a few plays and breaks that didnt happen and if they did we woudl be in the playoffs
  6. our d is getting burnt again unc driving and isnt getting stopped sure glad we had a good d scheme for today TD UNC 28-27 UNC Fire???
  7. the sid onlive chat say blame the transition long with everyone else too how come ndsu never had to blame the transition?
  8. i feel like a minnesota viking fan
  9. man i am watching the bison gmae bohl brings the troops it seems like everydown... they casue prssure and forced the qb in to fumbling wish our coachs would try a blitz
  10. and btw how does uni media find out about huffs jaw when our own media cant lol?
  11. just another sport that has fallen in to medicority
  12. I dont no why mannsau and mussman arent blitzing? we are already going to get beat.. mite as well put pressure on the QB and force him in to mistakes not jsut letting him set back with no one in his face. please blitz
  13. wow does our defensive suck UNC player jsut ran 67 yards breaking about 5 tackles and the und players were more about ripping the ball out hope muss makes changes before its too late
  14. hopefully jacboson will call off the dogs so he doesnt embarass his alma matter
  15. i dont understand the no call on rocco when the badge player barely touched haula
  16. Hanson on pace to have a HUGE day. 14 7 sioux
  17. Its a classic hak coached team. Struggle in first part if year. Kill it in the middle of the year and lay an egg in the ncaa playoffs. Enough said
  18. Another year and aanother year of mediocre results with no title
  19. you were right huff is out tonite could be a long season and jones is on the hot seat
  20. his twitter said he cant wait to go to hawaii
  21. iliek it that the scsu annoucners even say we arent getting any calls soscsu better smarten up
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