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Everything posted by gfhockey

  1. Whether you like it or not the Gobc will not be publicly represented on the new name board But we wi control the votes that happen thru the members we have put in place
  2. What about big cocks? There are gamecocks (USC) Why can't we be big cocks?
  3. My position in the club is keeping the grunts (you guys) supporting the teams
  4. Doesn't seem like it. Creating drama high school never em ends it appears
  5. Why are you trying to crate smack talk? Go to bisonville please
  6. no they play this at the t stop when we walk in usually https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_2ZuR9BTXg
  7. ive alrleady said to much about the club im sure im going to get it at the next meeting the GOBC (good ole boys club) reads this board the gobc (it will be known as this now)
  8. without the club you can guarantee the new ralph would not have been built that's what started the whole club is when the PC tried bullying the UND around we had to get involved
  9. we aren't a masonic organization but we compare our self to one. I don't think any of the good ole boys have time to do masonic parties we have anough on our plate running the town
  10. what happens when you take the oil out of the engine?
  11. If they were boycotted then this whole town wouldn't survive thus the good ole boy club we donate we run the AD we run the town without us we would be like fargo and have crime
  12. hate to be the bearer of bad news but check it out http://www.courier-journal.com/story/sports/college/kentucky/2014/08/13/sec-volleyball-preseason-coaches-poll/13989465/
  13. Try ousting the good ole boys and you'll think twice
  14. One of the boys has a monetary investment in that project but have never met there before.
  15. We are the oil that runs this town Try a meeting once
  16. Why do you think lepier gas to raise his gas prices in gf? He tried to get in a new town Why u think Lithia is doig as good as the previoau car dealerships eas
  17. Why do you think that murdr happened here? The accused aren't from around here bud Next ?
  18. We care to much about this town to see all the garbage in like Fargo C'mon 15 years olds assaulting in mall parking lots? That is not good ole gf
  19. The good ole boys run this town Just come to t stop Monday mornings We like how the town is We don't want it to get bigger Means more competition for the ole boys businesses. Why do you no new liquor stores have came in to gf?
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