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Posts posted by 808287

  1. Bedtime in Iraq. Ugly, illegal hit on Chay last night, but keep the eye on the prize. Two more points is the best revenge. GO SIOUX.

    Totally agree. Two more points is where its at.

    GO SIOUX!!

  2. Bob in Wisc, thanks for posting that clip.

    Chay, hope you recover quick and are back skating soon.

    I hope the entire Sioux team comes out tonight and runs JBSU out of the building. Not by delivering beat-downs, even though at least one might be deserved, but by good old fashioned Sioux/Eades/Hakstol hockey. Play the body, HARD. Finish every check. Crash the net early and often and cram ten goals past those pipes. Give this bush league team the bums rush right out of your building.

    Don't retaliate by trying to break someone's nose. Retaliate by driving the point home that the Fighting Sioux are a vastly superior team, and leave zero doubt. Skate fast, hard, draw a dozen penalties and score six on the power play.

    Crush them hard, in every facet of the game.

  3. Brad said in an email that Marvin didn't get a game disqualification, has something changed?

    Mea culpa...

    Hmm...sounds like your info is better than my info. I was going off this post from last night:

    "Marvin is suspended for tomorrow's game if there is any confusion about that. It was announced on the radio."

    However, Brad would know (as would you).

  4. It's a hockey game for crying out loud. I am so sick of people putting down the students at the REA. They're great, they bring energy and life to building. I understand that some chants should not be used giving the offensive language and what not. However, tonight's atmosphere was just boring. I really wish the older people in the seats would cheer more and create a fun sporting environment. One of the biggest issues with the Ralph, is that going to a hockey game becomes a social event for a far majority of the people attending. There is to much control and it is sucking the fun out of the building and the Ralph allows that to happen because if people constantly bitch in Grand Forks, adjustments get made. I hate to say it but the best fans ever to attend the Ralph, were the Canadian fans during the world juniors in 2005.

    Agreed. My original quote was from the second intermission interview with the RAE Director. I am "old school" about being a hockey fan. The student section back in my day (80/82) was a raucous riot, and teams were most certainly intimidated by competing in that atmosphere. And, while there may have been some adults and kids in the arena, I think that most considered the student section to be one of the best assets of the team. It was truly a home-ice advantage. Yes, RAE has some of that advantage left, but your comment about the "social event" is duly noted. My first time in the new arena, just a couple years ago, showed me that the crowd in GF has tamed down quite a bit, and I thought the student section was pretty mild compared to the Farce years. And yet, admittedly I can understand the University not wanting to broadcast a game where "F*ck the Gophers" is clearly audible for fifteen minutes, to the whole country. So it is a double edged sword. Perhaps a good, old fashioned "Gophers suck" cheer instead? :D

  5. Hennesey said he's out Saturday night. Did he also say that Chay took a crosscheck to the back of the head.

    Adam was the one down there and saw the whole thing from 30 feet away. He wasn't making the call.

    Proof positive was when they called it on the wrong guy. Now that I think about it, when 18 was skating off the ice he was pleading something. I guess he had a point.

    There's no excuse to have Don Adam in the game.

    Agree about Adam, he was right there. And the three blind mice needed quite a conference to make the call, and they STILL got the number wrong. Think someone had the replay and sent the right number down between periods? :D

    Adam is as bad a ref as ever laced 'em up.

  6. I think this deserves its own thread. I watched the game on FSSN and saw the hit perfectly clear. Luckily I was recording it and was able to view it several times. Being they recorded it live I cannot figure out how they claim they missed it and did not have the replay :D

    The WCHA needs to review this and suspend Marvin. That hit was complete bush league. There is no possible explanation from Marvin. His head was up. He saw the puck was gone. He saw Genoway was facing the boards. If the WCHA somehow fails to act and Marvin steps foot on the ice tomorrow we should see our first fight of the year tomorrow.

    Hopefully Genoway makes a quick and complete recovery.

    I watched the same feed, without the DVR, and sadly missed the play. If your description is correct, Marvin may deserve an additional game with an 'intent to injure' add-on.

    Seems unlikely at this point that Genoway will start tomorrow...he's a rough and tumble senior, but I also know we'll need him at his best next weekend. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see him playing tomorrow night.

    If Marvin skates, he'd best keep his head on a swivel.

    Best of outcomes to Mr. Genoway, swift and speedy return to the ice!

  7. I wonder what happened to mine!?!?

    Years ago I was in GF and happened to stop in Frenchys for nostalgia...see the old mug and have a cold one. The lovely waitress informed me the place was closing in a month and that I should take my dusty old mug with me, which I did. Lucky time to stop. I don't know what became of the many they had in storage (with mine) in the back. It was a stroke of luck.

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