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Posts posted by gopherz

  1. 2 people have contacted me but haven't got back within the past day (it'd be nice to hear from you if it was one of you two), therefore I'm STILL looking for two (2) Final 5 tickets. Anyone who has any they'd be willing to sell, I'd be grateful. Thanks.

  2. I'm glad Gopherz understands the rules of the chant...I saw the wheels on your house chant and Gopher reject chant against DU recently, maybe last year?...DU is a $36k a year private school, I doubt many of their current or former student body is WT. Also, DU is every bit as successful a program as UMN, especially of late, so the reject chant doesn't really work there either.

    Reject Chant is awesome vs: UMD, Mankato, SCSU

    Wheels on your house chant can be used against probably all teams except DU, CC and WI

    If you can't get into college chant is great for SCSU and Mankato

    If you can't get into college go to state *clap clap*

    If you can't get into college go to state *clap clap*

    If you can't get into college, cuz you just don't have the knowledge

    If you can't get into college go to state *clap clap*

    If you wanna drive a plow go to state *clap clap*

    If you wanna drive a plow go to state *clap clap*

    If you wanna drive a plow, and you've got a uni-brow

    If you wanna drive a plow go to state *clap clap*

  3. i hear ya, what a pathetic crowd for mariucci last night. sad really for a team needing all the support after such a crappy finish to the season. theres enough people in the cities to go to that plus the highschool hockey tourney

    Last night was not good. But Friday crowds tend to struggle compared to Saturday crowds. I have Saturday season tickets, but bought one for yesterday. All the cheers and such we tried to do from the front row that are usually pretty good on Saturdays, SUCKED. The student section isn't even as close to as good Fridays.

    Rules that were broken:

    1. Do not start a Gopher reject or junior college chant when the game is tied or we are only up 1 in one of the first 2 periods...that's just stupid

    2. F the Huskies...only heard it once, but F the anybody is stupid and shows zero creativity. Lucia already sent a nice email to all the students after the Friday crowd had a little too much F the Badgers a few weeks ago. (great email by the way)

    3. Husky women chant...great to do every now and then, stop trying to start it all the time


  4. It would be like me moving to Green Bay...I wouldn't become a Packer fan...my only concern is how I bring my children to hockey games here in the twin cities without turning them into Gopher Fans...It is perplexing

    I can see where you are coming from. And the Packer comment couldn't make me happier, SKOL VIKES!

  5. I watched most of the third period of the Gopher game last night. I posted about it on the thread where it is more relevant. I thought MN was hanging on in the third...Little Balls' goal was nice, but it was an island of Gopher offense that was surrounded by SCSU outplaying MN. RJ ANderson played the game of his life lsat night. I do not believe that was the real Gopher defensive corps.

    As for UMD. They are hungry, but CC is the better team. Olympic ice, altitude...if it goes 3 games fatigue will be a factor.

    The 3rd period was the worst period of the 3 for us. Barriball's goal was SWEET, but I think we did play a rather defensive style once we got up 3-1. I DO believe that was the real Gopher D corps...that was the D from the start of the season. Couple that with the fact that they decided to stay at home and not crash the net/sink in and be worthless, and you have many less breakaways and odd-man rushes, which is what was killing our D.

  6. well since kangas has sucked since his meltdown and the teams meltdown in grand forks a blind man could see the gophs dont strike much fear into many top teams but then this is scsu and they arent to good as we all know but have dangerous players. i thought it could be a shootout either way with scsu and your team. it still could go 3, you have no idea like i dont on how it will play out. the gophs could win this tonight as easy as they could lose it. hope its a good game to watch. i have no clue how the final 5 will play out , just givin ya chit but i do think its funny after 2 games after getting lit up vs the worst team out there in tech all gophs fans think all is good in dinkytown. you have work to do even if you win tonight to get in ncaa's as im sure most normal gopher fans would realize

    I don't think any of us truly think all is good in Dinkytown, but I do think that all isn't lost ya know? We definitely have work to do and the ship is not righted, but we seem to be getting a little bit closer to doing so, which isn't saying much because many of us thought that ship to be sunk :D

    I feel like the big big big factor in tonight's game will be the home ice. Mariucci gives the Gophs such a big advantage, especially if we can get on the board early. Tonight I have...


    SCSU 2

    Stoa, Schroeder, Hoeffel, Fairchild, Stoa (ENG)

  7. hell of a goal and that day is still a mushy blur for me, good ol st pattys day :D ill take porters over that

    i can remember eating a prime rib sandwich in the club level thinking it was easily the best sandwich ive ever eaten to that day in my life :D

    ;) That's hilarious hahaha

    As University of MN alum x2, I've heard it far too many times... :D

    And you're on the dark side? Ouch!

    No such thing as too much Minnesota Rouser :D

  8. what makes me think that? no reason other than i thought it would go 3 games. if you win then congrats and then you get to play in a play in game and get beat by gthe dawgz !! :D

    they played good vs a crappy scsu team. thats one thing we can agree on but it is the playoffs and any team wkith roe and lasch is neevr done until they are done

    Well then I guess the better question in the first place would have been, what made you think 3 games in the first place? And what makes you think we will get beat by the Dawgz? They had a nice win last night, but before that they only got 1 point against us, and sucked against UAA.

    SCSU is crappy, and I'll agree on Roe...but Lasch was a no factor last night, and I expect the same tonight. Gophers really keyed in on him.

    Um...not trying to be a b*tch, but Minnesota arrogance has no place in the WCHA. Anyone can win on any given night, which is the point. It's the playoffs, anything can happen. The hardest thing to do is end a team's season, and SCSU is desperate and they will give everything they have to keep playing. We'll see how it goes. ;)

    Historically, it's not usually too hard for teams to end SCSU's seasons :D

  9. you outplayed them as a whole but you won by a goal really with a EN goal. they were putting on pressure in that 3rd and the gophs did a solid job holding on. scsu wins tonight and game 3 tomorrow is a coin flip

    I know it was close at times, but every time that SCSU tried to answer and get back in the game, we put in another goal to get some separation. For once, we played DEFENSE, and Kangas didn't totally suck. The 2nd goal he let in was a little weak, but understandable.

    What makes you think that SCSU gets the win tonight? Not trying to be a d**k about it or anything, just wondering. I mean, they haven't beaten us all year, I don't see why that changes now. I think we'll come out and get a goal quick, and they'll be flat the rest of the game. That Stoa/Schroeder/Barriball line was killer last night, and the other lines also contributed a lot of offense as well. Our defenders finally didn't all crash the net and stayed back a little bit, preventing breakaways and odd-man rushes. I like the way we played yesterday, and I think we can beat a lot of teams playing like that.

  10. I can certainly revise my picks to have UMN lose the Semi-final and Third place games to close out their season. Doesn't matter to me either way. :D

    I'd prefer losing in the championship game if our season is going to be closed out after a F5 loss :D

    A victory over UND is all I want, need some revenge.

  11. I think Minny squeaks into the Final Five.

    I think SCSU will be the one that chokes away a lead either today or tomorrow.

    I thought UAA could have won that game. Did they sit back with the lead? If they did, that's why. You never sit back on a team that is better than you when you have a lead. You stay aggressive and try to run up the score.

    Did you watch last night? It won't be squeaking into the Final Five, it'll be running over them again tonight on our way to a resounding sweep. Lets go Dawgz, and we'll see you in the play-in game!

  12. Here's how I see it going down:

    UND in 2

    DU in 2 (despite UAA being really tough right now)

    UW in 2

    UMD in 3 (what's going on with CC...I was impressed with them in GF, but now they're fading)

    UMN in 3

    Play-in game: UMD over UMN

    Semi-final 1: UND over UMD

    Semi-final 2: DU over UW

    Third place: UW over UMD

    Championship: UND over DU

    Trophy #2 from the Triple Crown is secured. ;):D

    Sorry, but we are talking UMN in 2 and then win the play-in game :D

    I guarantee victory tomorrow against SCARED St. Clown...

  13. Gophers need to go 4-1 or better in my opinion to make it pretty much by merit. Some weird things could happen and they could miss at 4-1 or some stranger stuff could go down and put them in even with a with a series loss to SCSU.

    We will have a pretty good idea before Final Five. Especially if the Gophers don't make it.

    Final 5 here we come...win tomorrow, I guarantee it.

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