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Everything posted by siouxperUND

  1. hey thanks about the good observation, and i totally see what you mean when you say its like a stepping stone. what i meant by the fame and fortune is that since they arent making any money really by playing college hockey, they need some financial stability,,,,? if you get my drift. and yes, we are EXTREMELY lucky to have had him for these 3 years (hope for 4) not to be a doubter, but look at chris porter. he stayed through his senior year, and then went to the blues. just yesterday i checked the blues roster and he wasnt on there. he was an absolutely AMAZING player at UND, and now i cant find him in the NHL . I can only hope this same thing doesnt happen to such a great talent like oshie, duncan, lamoreaux, bina, etc.
  2. yeh no joke! i guess i would LOVE to see him stay, but i KNOW he probably wont. I know these kids are leaving the sioux, or any college hockey team for that matter, before their senior year, but why? Do they want the 'fame and fortune' of the NHL or do they really just want to forget college hockey altogether? if it were me(which it isnt) i would probably stay, and live out what was left of my 'free and easy' years before getting shoved into the professional world. I imagine it is super hard making a name for yourself in such a huge association of players. I guess either way, its not like hes quitting hockey, he is just going to a different team, so at least we can still watch him
  3. hey thanks a ton! if you find any, let me know! thanks again!
  4. does anyone have a list of all the songs they play before/after/during the games? i know this has kinda been asked, but just wondering
  5. ok, so call me a little bit of an optimist (which doesnt happen very often ) but i really do think TJ will stay with the Sioux through his senior year. Ok, so they are havin a not so amazing season, but hey, maybe he'll finish out his senior year. We will just have to see. ( a fan can only hope he'll stay )
  6. holy jeez! when i read the topic name, i literally stopped breathing! i had a freaking heart attack! wow! best joke ever! thanks a ton! haha
  7. if im not mistaken its the 28th.... 10 DAYS!! cannot wait!
  8. would that video happen to be anywhere online by chance? I vaguely remember it, but would appreciate any link!
  9. im sure this is gonna seem really stupid, but is the finley-slashing-bucky video available anywhere on a site such as you-tube? dumb question, i know, but just wonderin
  10. I'm hopin for a sweep also!! (but then again, aren't we all?) GO SIOUX!
  11. Im sure he was talking about JP(L)--he was playing an extremely solid game last night, so it would only make sense!
  12. Im sure he was talking about JP(L)--he was playing an extremely solid game last night, so it would only make sense!
  13. It was a great goal! I agree, congrats to him!
  14. Hopefully Kangas will choke! I know he is supposed to be good, but you never know. Everyone has their off nights! BUT we also have to hope that the Sioux will be on top of their game like last night However, if the boys went out and partied last night,,it might be a game thats hard to bear..? Let's hope for the best!! GO SIOUX!!
  15. does anyone know if the game will be televised on the fighting sioux network?
  16. i totally agree with you! im sure they do go out and party after a friday night win (or loss)! haha not all of them, but i can think of a few!
  17. i agree,, happy thanksgiving everyone!! have a safe and happy holiday! GO SIOUX!
  18. good article! i actually had to laugh at a couple of things,,it was pretty good!
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