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Everything posted by siouxhockeyfan11

  2. Didn't see one up so I thought i'd start my first thread! Lines have been tweeted interesting 3rd D pair combo.. Mac Blood LaPoint Marto Gleason Davidson Vande Gregoire Kristo Trupp Malone Frattin Hextall Zajac Knight Lamoureux Rowney Toews
  3. Vande Gregoire
  4. What.A.Game.
  5. Beat me to it.. My thought and prayers are also with the Burkes.
  6. Good don't watch and please refrain from posting so I don't have to use my "block" option for the first time
  7. At the game cheverie is playing real good prediction 4 2 sioux
  8. ya never know
  9. I hope George gets booed by EVERYONE tonight
  10. I'm still having difficulties letting go of 2009 apparently
  11. Grimaldi to Giants?
  12. Forbort would come in before Simpson IMO
  13. I assume he would come in in two years.. If Chay leaves after this season my assumption would be that Forbort would come in. Either way we're set for the next couple years because Forbort, Mattson and Simpson will replace Genoway, Marto and LaPoint. Awesome pick up though welcome aboard Dillon!
  14. This would be HUGE
  15. The thing is players DO read these if you read the article on Matt Frattin from the hockey team he says that when he wasnt playing for the team he was follwing the game threads on siouxsports.com
  16. Kyle Rau(Eden Praire) anyone? He's playing on FSN right now and just scored
  17. End of 2nd, I just want us to score sometime soon
  18. 12-2-1 when they score first
  19. Only the 2nd period you negative nancy
  20. 2 Players were wearing team USA gear around campus yesterday being escorted by Chay I believe and another player, one of the recruits was short and one was about 6 foot thats all I got.
  21. Gregoire
  22. Gregoire Toews
  23. maybe he'll go away til then
  24. Fri: Toews SAT: Malone
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