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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. The latest (third) predictive model supplying Walz with accurate and reliable "science and data" as published by the MNDOH and the U of M School of Public Health yesterday reveals the following....... MN would have 6000 fewer total deaths moving forward if the stay at home order was extended to May 31. MN will now reach 750 deaths per day at it's "first peak" this summer. MN could see an additional 1400 deaths by the of May. MN could reach 29000 deaths due to lifting the stay at home order on May 18....8000 deaths more than expected. If there had been no stay at home order MN was looking at 57000 deaths. By lifting stay at home order on May 18 ICU demand peaks at 3400 beds. MN hospitals only have a total of 2600 ICU beds. If no stay at home order at all ICU demand would have been at 5000 beds per day. So to recap what this model provides in terms of "science and data".....lifting the stay at home order will cause (wait for it) the hospitals systems in MN to be overwhelmed, will not continue to flatten the curve and will not save lives. #saferathome
  2. West Fargo will reopen their parks and playgrounds Friday.
  3. The betting line on new jobless claims tomorrow morning when the report comes out is at another 2.45M.
  4. Well with 25-30% of kids doing absolutely nothing education wise since they went to virtual/online schooling and for a number of states that schooling probably continuing thru the fall I'll take the over that number will go up within the Class of 2021.
  5. We submitted our SBAR to administation with hopes to be full tilt on June 1.
  6. Just heard the California University System will not be returning student back to the classroom on campuses in the fall. So no Pac-12 football? Or just drop UCLA, USC, Cal and Stanford from the conference schedules?
  7. Building a wall to keep illegal immigrants out of this country vs proposing a $3T stimulus bill that gives illegal immigrants a "stimulus" check is apples to apples. Who knew? BTW the bill also wants to put an end to the deportation of illegal immigrants who are deemed "essential workers" during this pandemic yet last time I checked 33M individuals are currently unemployed, with a vast majority of those not illegal immigrants, and another 2-3 million more will be going on the books tomorrow morning when the jobless claims report come out. Also didn't know "socialism is just an anti-left buzzword". I thought it was a progressive liberal ideology.......guess I learn something new everyday here.
  8. Anyone see the irony in the coronavirus checkpoints on US and State highways by the Native Americans in SD? Seems be an issue between them and Gov. Noem. A Sioux tribal chairman was quoted..."We will not apologize for being an island of safety in a sea of uncertainty and death". Excuse my as I wipe my coffee that I spit out onto my phone when I read that. Ironic since this is coming from a group of citizens, Native Americans, that in no way shape or form has for decades cared about the public health of its own people. Diabetes, HTN, alcoholism, drug abuse, child abuse, domestic violence...just to name a few are rampant on reservations yet the coronavirus is what's going to kill them en masse in SD? Since we are all about "science and data" in today's world Native Americans are 2x as likely to become diabetic than Caucasians. 2/3 of kidney failure in Native Americans is from diabetes just to give you some quick data. BTW for the record SD has 39 total deaths to date due to the coronavirus.
  9. Fargo parks will remain closed until at least 5/21. Forecast in a week is low 80s but completely unsafe for Johnny and Susie to go down a slide but they can go to summer school starting June 1.
  10. #justsaveonelife Makes zero sense. These past four months have shown the complete incompetence at every level of elected leadership on a national level.
  11. Whatever you want your narrative to be you just keep being you.
  12. How about you help me get away from my fixation and tell me a war story? You seem to have "expertise" in that category.
  13. Hahaha.....good one. We both know better than that. This process is about increasing big government with an eye on socialism.
  14. House Dems introduced another stimulus bill estimated at...........$3 TRILLION! When does this nonsense end? Oh wait.....not until Fauci says so.
  15. So I'm safe to renew my UND FB and hockey tickets per Fauci and you?
  16. "A bridge too far"......agree that's pretty straight up. There was nothing in his comments that insinuated he favored having students back on campus within the current COVID environment..
  17. Fauci is basically sticking with his "you're only safe staying home" BS. Says without vaccine colleges shouldn't reopen. Again aren't most of those individuals under 24? At least the NDUS board views this differently. Says death toll "likely higher" than reported. Thought Birx had a different opinion yesterday? He's "cautiously optimistic" a vaccine will be discovered. That's code for "I'm pushing to keep people in their homes as long as possible to totally ruin society as we knew it".
  18. This shtick is tiresome. Can you pivot back to "we need more tests to get more positives"? We've all missed that.
  19. Fauci to testify before the Senate today. Should take him 3 minutes to make his points.
  20. Burgum gave the green light for summer school to start in ND on June 1.
  21. Weren't his fifteen minutes up five weeks ago?
  22. Yet farmers are letting crops rot in the field, dumping milk and euthanizing pigs.
  23. Definitely going to be some disappointed people in this thread with those numbers.........
  24. "There is nothing from the CDC that I can trust".....Dr. Birx quoted in a recent Washington Post article. Same article states Birx fears CDC mortality rate and case counts were inflated by up to 25%.
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