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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Right.......nevermind the continued shootings and murders in Chicago every weekend, 18 shot and one dead as of last night for the weekend, and in other inner cities around the country. 7 pm Friday May 29 thru 11 pm Sunday May 31 in Chicago. 25 dead and another 85 wounded by gun fire.
  2. Only the white student athletes. They are the only ones that can be racist.
  3. I didn't figure it would take long for someone from the Don Lemon "If you grew up white in America you must be racist" groupthink to chime in. Thanks for answering my question.
  4. If Pinto, wearing his World Junior USA jersey, asked Turner why the "x" instead of the typical "ck" in Jackson would that make Pinto racist?
  5. I see dlsiouxfan's boyfriend decided to chime in.
  6. Covid-19 related yesterday in ND.....1, 40 and 2845. In all seriousness this state should be up and running as it was pre-virus at this point.
  7. Guess I'm as much of an expert as Fauci…Birx…those at the CDC...those at the WHO. I'll definitely put myself ahead of Walz though. But I'll put you ahead of me on American war history.
  8. Feel free to find that "prediction" you claim I made and I'll respond to it. BTW when you're done wiping Walz's ass ask him if he's still clinging to the 22000 death model.
  9. "African Americans have a greater proportion of jobs that don't allow them to sit in front of a computer and do telework. They're out there. They're doing a lot of things physically where you have to interact". ~Dr. Fauci So he can not be a "reliable" expert in his field so he delves into the racial aspect. Again he needs to go away. His opinion on anything right now is on par Alyssa Milano. BTW.... as far as referring to "jobs" and "doing a lot of things physically where you have to interact" I assume he's overlooking the protesting, looting and rioting these people are participating in?
  10. 19 new cases in ND on 1415 tests. I miss the "everyone in a nursing home is going to die" and "we need to test one million people in ND" crowds here.
  11. Well Brittany Brees, Drew's wife, felt compelled to apologize and post on Instagram "WE ARE THE PROBLEM" so there's that.
  12. In the past 2 days roughly the population of Valley City has been tested in ND with 116 positives. Heat index at 99 right now but no public pools for kids to cool off in.
  13. I have an American flag waving outside the front door of my home.
  14. Wasn't there some virus thing that was going to kill 1-2M of us if we left our homes and congregated with more than 10 while being less than 6' apart? Maybe they were just following their inner Fauci and trying to stop the spread. Flatten the curve. Not overwhelm the healthcare systems. Save lives.
  15. On the COVID front.....4034 tests in ND with 71 positives. Still can't play 5 on 5 basketball or have youth participate in a soccer match.
  16. FYP ...and to answer your question no.
  17. The demands were many yesterday by the organizers of the OneFargo rally but one struck out in particular....... "End police tear gas, rubber bullets to "terrorize protesters" and instead use nonviolent tactics, ones that respect the right to protest including those who use civil disobedience." Can't make this stuff up. To summarize....let's us do what we want, when we want under the guise of a "protest" which can include criminal activity but we want no police response whatsoever. The last demand on this list: Stop surveiling activists in the F-M area.
  18. Walz to phase in "sports" June 10. "Pods" of no more than 10 individual can participate. No intermingling of pods. No drills or competition which would potentially cause contact. Follow 6' social distancing whenever possible. Social gatherings will be permitted with outdoors of no more than 25 people. Indoors of no more that 10. So to summarize.......no youth baseball, volleyball, hockey, football, soccer or basketball scrimmaging or games yet. No mention of church and attendance but I'll assumine church services are still not allowed unless you limit to 25 outdoors or 10 indoors. Protest assembly in mass into the thousands without social distancing while throwing in rioting, looting and civil disobedience for 10 days now and none of that is an issue.
  19. He's considered a hero. Had it been you or any other non black individual.......branded a racist.
  20. This street is just one way traffic at the present time......
  21. The OneFargo sit-in at Island Park in Fargo recently ended peacefully. Over 1000 in attendance. Time for Burgum and Mahoney to let ND and Fargo go back to business as usual without restrictions.....restaurants, retail businesses, churches, youth activities. Just to name a few.
  22. Positive step....yes. Still struggle to see unemployment at 13.3% as positive news. But with all the protests in mass, some in the tens of thousands, I fully expect the unemployment rate to drop quickly as all these mayors and governors lift their restrictions like they have over the past week plus for the law abiding working people.
  23. "Unexpected positive news" that the unemployment rate in this country is at 13.3%!?!? Do you cheer and get excited when police precincts get torched too?
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