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Posts posted by siouxfbfan

  1. Where do you guys want to see the most improvement in the team this week?

    Defensively i think we need to shore up tackling.

    Offensively we need a second threat at WR. Dressler, anderson and mcgill only have 9 catches and 69 yards between them.

    anybody have any insight on what the new intro is gonna be? I'm excited to see it this weekend.

  2. Basically this is what happened. The athletic department told the band about their new plan. So the band will now be marching in the dark. Ever seen a marching band march in the dark? Of course not! That's completely absurd! Well, that's their idea for the marching band. So the band would be standing on the field, in the dark, during both videos and while the team runs out to the Nickelback song. Then, once that is over, the National Anthem will be played, THEN the band will play the fight song and march off the field. It's a total slap in the face to the marching band, whether it was on purpose or not.

    Honestly, I could care less about the band. I go to the FB games to watch FB. I will enjoy the band when we score a TD!

    IF the band is the reason you are going to games well, at least your going I guess. But the team is the attraction, which is why there is a FB message board, not a marching band message board.

  3. My excitement for this season is starting to build. Only a little over a month left before they start training camp. August 3 I believe. Who do you think will be the impact players this year? Will we continue to see a dual QB strategy? Will Anderson live up to his potential that we've been hearing about for so long now? Who will be the unheard of player who steps up big this year? What freshman will contribute(both redshirts and true)? How good is this defense going to be compared to those of the past(I think an unfair comparison as we are now playing much more athletic teams)?

    Just trying to get some conversations going here!

  4. And some of you wonder why Great West Football isn't viable long term with five. Actually, if your reading this you probably get it. Anyone dropping by from the Hockey or nickname threads, chime in.

    go SIOUX!

  5. I think your correct but my statement was related to what I saw on video which doesn't always give a good view of what is really going on because I can't see the entire picture of what is happening. It looked to me like a lot of the time the QB's were tracking one guy from the start of the play and tried to force the ball in to that specific player most of the time.

    if you watch last years film you will see th exact same thing...both qb's locking on to 1 wr and no matter what trying to force the ball in. Same thing happened in the spring game and i can think of one example that led to an INT.

    The WR core is young, inexperienced and immature, but they will develop. The O-line will undoubtfully be young, but they will learn to protect their leader. The QB position has experience but needs to learn to take what the defense is giving them and not try and force feed the ball to a single WR. A punt isn't always the worst option.

    Goska provides a solid backup, but landry provides the talent(and passing ability) to take us to the level we want to be at. I think both bring something unique to the table, and want to see them both help this team succeed.

    I think our running game will sustain us while we try and establish our WR/OL/QB core. In my opinion it will be Townsend and bamba(if he's back(and i'm thinking he will be :D )). Anderson will provide some help but he hasn't lived up to the hype in the past 3 years and i doubt he will. Surprisingly I've heard really good things about Daggot this spring. I expect him to be a solid possession receiver this year(regardless of the bobble in the spring game)

    I really hope Landry and Goska provide a solid 1 2 punch at the QB position that understands how to take what the defense is giving and take whatever points they give you whether it's 3 or 7.

  6. I believe spring practice starts next monday. This week the players are having there final week of running and lifting. Watch for a possible wrinkle on the offensive side.

  7. New site is up. What do you guys think? I like it a lot. If you compare our site(even the old one) I would say we have one of the better websites in D1 FCS and even better than some FBS teams.

    Kudos to the athletics department for how they have improved over the past years. They've done a much better job with their features and website. Still need to work on promoting more outside of the web, via commercials, radio, and getting the students more involved in ALL sports.

  8. Very good points. I too have also been very disappointed with fan attendance this year. The one thing I mainly agree with that has been made is that we need to make this an "EVENT" where people want to go. That starts with tailgating. I've been to many different venues and this is one of the worst tailgating venues around. Even NDSU has an awesome tailgate experience compared to UND, which hurts to say. Get local business involved, have them set up tents and grills. I promise they will not only promote the event at their place of business but also bring their employees which will only help attendance.

    Also, we need to do something to get students interested. Hold contests for a chance to win, or do something, at games to get students interested. The marketing department needs to get to where students are and promote the games. How many students see the commercials for games and think we should go to that. Students need to be constantly remind that there is a game this weekend and they NEED to be there.

    True story: The UND athletic department tried to give away tickets to students for the Cal Poly game. They went to all the frats on campus and gave them bundles of student tickets. They TRIED to go to Wilkerson dining hall to give free tickets but Wilkerson staff wanted to charge them for doing this, so it never happened. It is horribly sad that tickets were actually delivered to students and they still failed to go. Instead of having the ticket office buried in a windowless basement dungeon how about setting a desk up on the main floor like they do for "special" events. I wouldn't doubt that many students don't even know where to get tickets.

    This isn't just a marketing failure, team failure, Alerus staff(security) failure, but also a student failure and community failure. Take pride in your university. Support your school. I guarantee when you are outside of Grand Forks and people ask you where you went to school they will remember your athletic teams and their successes, or failures, not which majors your school offers.

    One last note. While people are making a big deal out of having a UND woman's hockey game scheduled at the same time I find it very hard to believe students would choose to go to a UND woman's hockey game instead of football. My few thoughts...

  9. Well......it really would depend on how you define "well". In the first half he seemed to struggle but then in the second half he seemed to get it together. That being said.....I am not sure Sam Houston was a decent defense. So, if Mertens was starting to put it together against a lousy defense, I am less impressed that if it had been a good D unit out there. I guess for me, the jury is still out on whether or not Mertens has it.

    Now the D totally stunk the place up....and that opinion seems to be fairly universal among the fans. Based on what I saw in the Sam Houston game combined with the loss to a weak ISU......The beer bong at tailgating may be the high point of the season for me....... :D

    I've only seen mertens play in person one time but I've watched him high lights of him on the craigh bohl footballl show and I can say without doubt that I'm glad we have landry and not mertens.

    It appears to me that he doesn't have that strong of an arm. not sure if it's on purpose but it appears that he lobs almost every ball he throws, including a slant to a wide receiver. He did run for a couple touchdowns last weekend but I think Landry showed against Tech with his ability to escape the rush and get positive yards that he is more then capable in that department as well. I don't think you will see any designed runs for Landry though.

    Not trying to be a bison hater but I'm just glad we have landry. Anybody else agree with me on this?

  10. from what I've heard the coaches are kind of fed up with bamba's attitude and the fact that he still hasn't learned the offense. If you listen to the broadcast you can hear mussman say the same thing.

    From what I've seen matt cole, kellen leupp, and ryan konrath have had nice springs. I would expect that konrath, luepp and cole to start with bamba helping out. Dressler has been impressive this spring also.

  11. this doesn't make anyone just a little bit sick? I'm am happy for the bulldogs but bitter because we have been so close the past few years and couldn't get by GV. I wonder how good they were this year after loosing their QB. I doubt they had much of challenge going through their conference and probably didn't have a tough game until they played duluth.

  12. hopefully, these guys will be ready to go at least in two weeks. I'm kind of thinking the same thing that caufield might be out this week but trenbeth will play

  13. I also expect the sioux to win handily. looking at their roster they appear to be small on the defensive side and I believe our guys will out work them as well. I hope the sioux open the offense up more this week also

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