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Everything posted by bcblues

  1. If his grandma is Ralph Engelstad. Or does he have grammy on there too. Damn. Break away op thwarted.
  2. The one where Shep says: "You pair of deuces lookin' for work, I suggest you get your scrawny asses in here pronto."
  3. Or in post-season play, unfortunately....
  4. 1-0 Sioux after 1. And after the circus the refs are making of this series....
  5. I think the refs have their money on BU.
  6. Sioux down 2 men now. Another weak penalty. The replay showed..... crickets...... Still Knight in the box. 3 on 5
  7. Huh? Pattyn in the box for "being Sioux"?
  8. After last night: They could do no wrong. We could do no right. (According to the refs) Wouldn't you?
  9. Hey! It worked last night! We just need to score a couple more and take the wind out of their puppy dog sails.
  10. Gothberg looks worthy of the Ralph on his mask.
  11. That was some good D against O'Regan. Sioux PP!
  12. Rocco is always fun to watch on the puck. I am glad we snagged him.
  13. Sioux have definitely taken charge of the game now. They did off the initial faceoff, but then after a few minutes BU were in our end for a while. It is looking like a Sioux PP now. Knight almost scores.
  14. I think pattyn will get credit for it, but the BU goalie kicked it in with his skate as it careemed off the glass back towards the goal.
  15. MacW leaves a red mark on the boards....
  16. Commentators are talking about Rosen's tweet about arriving in Grand Forks on Friday and there is nothing here but 4 points. I guess he didn't specify 4 points for which team....
  17. Both teams look to be coming out harder than last night. Sioux still look to have the upper hand at this point.
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