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Everything posted by bcblues

  1. Hey, I would complain about CCHA refs, but I can only do that when we clean up our own backyard. Happy for the win! Go Sioux!!!
  2. Interference penalty against us....? The mystery continues.....
  3. That looked a lot like some major penalty boarding CFB calls we have had against us....
  4. We just need a bit of luck. We have not been playing all that well, but neither have the Irish.....
  5. "If you wonder why I never say 'Fighting Sioux'....."
  6. They always feel good, as long as they are ours. My dog likes her "goal treats". She hears me cheer or even hears the horn and wants one.....
  7. Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.....
  8. It is obvious (and not only in this game) that we have to stay out of the penalty box. However, with ouija board officiating, it makes it hard. The refs started out letting them play, and not calling some possible hooking and tripping calls. But then they made a bad call and started backpedaling and the domino effect of poor calls was pretty obvious and pretty dissapointing (I am sure to both sides in this game).
  9. TH does not stand for "Total Homer". But he is (of course) bias. When I listen to a "foreign feed", I completely expect a total homer calling the game. If they are decent, I can live with it. I actually enjoy hearing the homer comments and weighing them against my own bias. What I cannot stand is a total homer who does a piss-poor job of calling the game. Unfortunately, in this day and age that is far too common.
  10. 5 minutes to go in the second period. 2-1 Sioux.
  11. Saunders is keeping us in this game. SOG: 32-8 advantage Irish
  12. I wish this web feed was better, and the broadcast was better. The choppy buffering in the webcast really disrupts the flow of play. And what the choppiness doesn't ruin, the absolutely terrible camera angles does. Just because you have corner crash cameras doesn't mean you have to use them every 5 seconds......
  13. Total homer, but actually doing a decent call of calling the play.
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