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Everything posted by bcblues

  1. That didn't take long. Berry, remember what you said in the locker room. You will probably need to use it again in post-season play.
  2. Gotta quit turning over the puck in front of our goal.
  3. This would be a rotten weekend to not show up, at least as pairwise goes.
  4. Solid sweep. A few take aways: 1. Our D men made fewer bad decisions. 2. We did better staying out of the box. 3. We were better at gaining the zone and establishing the cy le. 4. Our forwards provided good defensive pressure. 5. We have the hot goalie for a change.
  5. I think it was his left elbow to the head
  6. Now if they would invest in a better potato cam
  7. That there is some super awesome camera work
  8. I didn't see much of anything and then Blake was pissed. Must have said something
  9. These announcers are definitely not the typical homers.
  10. Nice! Was hoping Gaber got the goal.
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