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Everything posted by bcblues

  1. NCHC.tv no sound until the game starts, right?
  2. Hmmm, sucks to be playing for loser. But this is not a meaningless game. Even if it doesn't affect our standings and seeding in the Regionals, it is still either a momentum-builder, or a momentum killer. And DU swept us at home a few weeks ago, so anything can happen. I just hope we can eek out a win and gain some momentum.
  3. Yeah, I am not liking the Toilet Center very much....
  4. And a resounding NO to inviting Gopher fans, unless you want to start a rumble.
  5. Well I guess I could do that. I hate to Bogart the Sioux Simpson Santa Trophy, though...
  6. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend this year. But I have the Sioux Simpson Santa that I need to get to the Breath on time so that it can be appropriately passed on to the next lucky guardian. Is anybody by chance traveling through Bismarck on the way to Minneapolis, who could take the Sioux Simpson Santa trophy to the Hogsbreath? If not, I will just FedEx it to the Hogsbreath tomorrow. If I don't hear from a definite carrier, that is what I will do. I don't know who set it up with the Hogsbreath, but if you could give them a heads-up that it is coming, I would appreciate it. I will post tomorrow either way, so hold off calling the Breath until tomorrow, in case some sucker, er, lucky soul, can carry the trophy (it is small, about the size of a coffee can). BTW, I am in both pictures. I am the guy wearing the Sioux jersey With my wife and daughter in 2013, and with my wife in 2015.
  7. Actually, it would be entertaining to see MN go into a tough first round game and get absolutely annihilated. At home.
  8. True. I don't particularly want to play Denver again....
  9. And as we have seen, the officials see to that.
  10. Yes but from here on out we will not be facing any other teams as inept as CC. We need to score early tomorrow.
  11. And the flood gate are open. Somehow fitting for a game in GF!
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