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Posts posted by sioux7

  1. Keep speculating. Until your foo foo Pres. and lackey AD want to take your athletic program to the mext level you had better concentrate on the *ncc. I'm getting tired of all this s&!t talk from the undies. STEP UP OR SHUT UP. What else more needs to be said.

    "I wouldn't necessarily call it a higher level, just a different level", Roger Thomas

    "It's no longer a level playing field, so we will not continue the rivalry", Roger Thomas

    "The man speaks out of both sides of his mouth. He is an idiot. Not only is he an idiot, he is becoming a caracature of himself--and that's always sad", ndsubison

    Idiot. Period.


    Take a chill pill, roll off your mom and calm down punk.

  2. I think NDSU and UND were very close from 93-03. Yes, UND beat the Bison more often but the games were always close and NDSU was usually around the top of the NCC. That 2-8 year was just an aberation and nothing more, this team is completely different since Bohl has come in. It is if the Vikings fired Tice and replaced him with Belichick. Bohl has put his system in and has even lost great players and coaches but always seems to find replacement that are just as good or better, Bohl is why NDSU has gotten so good so fast.


    That because he can't chase the girls like he did in Nebraska......although he does seem rather smooth evertime I see him at Geicko's. He has to settle for the fat girls that NDSU offers up. Come to think of it, with that shiney head that's all he can get.

  3. Hello UND83,

    Here in New Jersey there is not a lot of TV coverage for college hockey, but when it has been on I really enjoyed it. Lasy year I finally through in the towel on my Scarlet Knights starting an NCAA Division 1 hockey program. I also have been totally turned off on pro sports the last five years or so and CSTV,FoxSports, and now ESPNU have started showing more games. I started bouncing around the college hockey websites to find a team to follow. I always root for the Davids against Goliaths so I didn't want to follow the sports factories--Minn.,Wisc.,Mich.,Mich. State,Ohio State,etc. I was looking at North Dakota, Maine, and Minnesota-Duluth. This probably sounds lame, but I decided on North Dakota because I liked the Fighting Sioux name and the uniforms. AFTER I picked UND, I found out that the Sioux were seven-time National Champions, had a great football program too, and had fine facilities. Glad I chose North Dakota and whenever I wear my Sioux jersey(2), people always take a second look and tell me how cool it looks. Once I tell them that North Dakota is 7-time National Champions, they can't believe it.


    Awesome post Jesus! Glad your aboard. I think you chose the greatest college hockey program that exists today. There is a mystique about the Fighting Sioux tradition and it is very addicting. Have you been to the MECCA yet?.....aka The Ralph?

  4. i dont think this is news to anyone but i doubt most big time prospects go to the school of their choice because of academics. just my thought on the situation. take any big time program in any sport, hockey, football or basketball and the goal is to make it to the pros when attending a top notch program as a top notch recruit...in no way am i saying academics are not important to a kids choice, it may be in some cases but if we are Just referring to top prospects then they will end up at north dakota, minnesota, michigan or boston college because of the tradition and how they develop players for the next level...

    in dowzaks case, im sure there are a handful of players around the country that have this problem when it comes to academics, the easy alternative is the WHL and im sure he will develop just as he would if he would have came to UND. he is a big time talent and if he wanted he could have recieved help if he chose the college route but he didn't.  he would have been a nice recruit for the sioux but now you just move on to the next big time d man recruit thats out there to replace smaby after this coming season (HOPEFULLY)


    I heard the gophs have good tutors! ;)

  5. As several UND posters have already opined, I think that DU was just being very excited, and probably would have been banging on the glass no matter where they were on the ice. They had just won their second national title in a row, after all, against a tremendous, emotionally charged league rival in a draining, physical game. I am certain UND or any other team would have done the same thing had the score been different. I don't think Denver was trying to intentionally "rub it in" - they were just a bunch of very excited young hockey players who were probably all having out-of-body experiences at that moment.

    And even if there was an extra-glass bang or two on Gauthier's part, take it in persepctive. I was at the game, and heard many direct threats among the usual nasty insults from the UND fan section directed at Pioneer players, especially during warm-ups when it was pretty easy to hear such things. Players remember that kind of stuff, too.

    All in all, both programs have been pretty diginified since the Bina tragedy. Denver went above and beyond by putting Bina's number on its helmets, and UND's coaches and players said all the right things in the papers and played hard, clean hockey.  Now that Robbie is skating again, I think we all hope to move on to a better place in the history of this long rivalry...


    Excellent Post swami. I agree with most of this. But c-mon......even without Pauko there was no-way that Bemidji was going to beat Denver. Sure it was close but it was just a matter of time before Denver finished them off. Now if Pauko would have been suspended for two games......now we're talking about something here.

  6. Can I get an 'amen,' BigGame? I couldn't agree more. Dorgan and Conrad spend their time schmoozing with the likes of Hillary Rodham Clinton and Ted Kennedy, then come back to North Dakota and somehow woo the voters with their "mainstream" values. I'm constantly amazed at how North Dakota can go overwhelmingly Republican in presidential elections, then turn around and send two senators who oppose anything and everything that that Republican president wants to do. At least liberal states like New York and Pennsylvania and conservative states like Utah and Oklahoma are consistent.


    I believe North Dakota is the only Bi-partisan state.........aka vote conservative, elect liberal. I too cannot believe the Three Stooges have not come out and taken a stance with UND and pretty much everybody else on this issue.....to keep the name. But then again, they are pretty much puppets in Washington.

  7. I too cannot wait to see this kid play. I think with him the Sioux are going to be a contender. What a pick-up. I can see that he already fits into the typical mold of a Sioux player.........work and skate hard or sit and watch.......and he is just one of the many talented players coming in.

  8. From what I've seen who cares about the points. I'd rather have Toews than Kessel anyway. I don't see Kessel giving up his body to play defense, digging in the corner for pucks, that sort of thing. Toews will do that. Kessel will probably have more points but I'll take Toews' all-around play anyday over just an offensive minded player.

  9. Yow. I don't have time to research but my impression is that most college recruits come in a year after graduating high school. The majority of those that come right after high school have played a year of juniors at least.

    The Sioux have their share of those, but IMO a disproportionate number of players who are coming directly from high school or have accelerated and will be playing D1 in what would normally be their last year of high school. I don't disgree about the talent level, but experience plays a big part too.

    You can have your expectations but I for one will be more conservative in mine. I see this team getting wide-eyed at times, especially early this year.


    I agree with you dagies.....but I'm an eternal optimist. I do agree that they will get wide-eyed at times but I don't think that it will result in losses for them. With the addition of Finley now and possibly Kaip yet, they have a great mix of talent, speed, size and depth not to mention a couple of pretty good goaltenders. I just really like how Hakstol has assembled this team so far. I can't wait. THey will be fun to watch.

  10. Now I really like the combination of the Sioux's size and speed. Just out of raw talent alone, I say they compete for the regular season crown. This is seriously loaded class and if Hakstol can get them to gel at the end of the year.......? I just don't buy that they are "too young". At this point in their careers and lives they have had enough playing time and have developed enough to be impact players right away. Its just a matter of molding them to what type of team and what type of style they (the coaches) would like to see them play. Speed and rock-em-sock em hockey. Awesome!

  11. The downtown rink proposal has nothing to do with hockey. Cityscapes could care less who uses the facility, 'cause they ain't going to have to pay for it. This whole deal is only a way for them to get control of a block of downtown they don't own, and won't pay market value for. If they didn't think the hockey parents would vote in enough numbers to ensure victory, it would be a basketball court proposal. If that scenario didn't work, it would be an arts facility.

    The 3 May vote is to hijack public money to use for what should be a purely private undertaking. There is no public "need" being addressed by the arena as proposed. This is a scam that will financially benefit a few monied folk in Fargo and strap the taxpayers with a lot of hidden expenses for a long, long time.


    I agree its a scam job. All smoke and mirrors.

  12. It just blows my mind that everybody thinks they deserve a Ralph Engelstad Arena to play in. Hocky is not a glamorous sport. Why don't they take the money and build more smaller rinks. Hell you could put at least 8 sheets of ice in for that amount! My question still stands, if they can come up with $60 million and are so damn cofident that this will work make em pay for the whole thing. Sicotoka, those are great points. Never thought of that. The pro side is not telling the whole story here. The parking will be a huge issue. Those streets down there are already congested.

  13. The question I have is why do the tax payers need to be involved? If they can come up with $60 million why can't they come up with $100 million? If they are so confident this think will fly why not do the full $100 million.

  14. Welcome aboard Redfrog. Bison football fan eh? Well the world needs ditchdiggers too. :glare: Just kidding. You think you love it now. Wait til the Sioux bring home #8 this coming year. You'll be treating yourself like a rented mule everynight. :D

  15. Nebraska only got that championship because Osborne was retiring that season. Any other year, Michigan would have been the outright champion. Of course they should go to a playoff system like every other freakin' college sport, but that's beside the point. :lol:;)


    WTF!!!:D? Explain that one.

  16. You guys are missing the point. I know all of you have all these wonderful memories from South Dakota, or North Dakota, or wherever. I have plenty Bison-Sioux football memories myself that stick up there with some of my favorite Michigan memories. The pride and the passion is just the same, I understand that completely. But I was writing to a Michigan campus. I have to put things into national perspective there, because there's a national spotlight on that campus. Comparatively, it really doesn't compare (except for hockey). North Dakota does get reduced to a flyover state (as sad as it makes me), at least on the national sports radar. That's what I was trying to tell all my students. Appreciate what you've got now, and don't take it for granted. There aren't many campuses where you bump into Braylon Edwards and Michael Phelps from time to time. Don't think that all those athletes owe you something. Appreciate that fact that they're there.

    Now, I know, I've been afraid to mention it so far, but I have to mention the Engelstad comment. I absolutely realized how big of a philanthropist Engelstad was before I wrote that column. I grew up in the state obviously. I know all the great things he did and plenty of people look at him as nothing less than a hero...But, that doesn't mean that image is still out there. You can deny it all you want, and I realize that he got a bad rap for most of it, but most people that recognize that name outside the state remember him that way. That's not a false statement. I didn't call him a Nazi sympathizer, I just said he is remembered that way. I was careful how to word that one. I was talking to a friend of mine at Minnesota-Duluth and he says students still chant stuff like that at games, cause they know it's a sore spot. It doesn't mean either of us agree with it. And as far out as Michigan, people just think he's a straight-up Nazi sometimes. I tell them otherwise as much as I can, but that doesn't mean that the perception does not exist outside the state, and it's sad that it does.


    Speaking of image thing how is the Michigan booster situation going on with Webber?

  17. I think UND is either 1st or 2nd. Too much scoring coming back and A TON of talent coming in. We all know freshman coming in aren't freshman anymore. They have a boat load of games under their belts and a ton of experience against top quality competition. Its just a matter of geling (sp?) the team together......and if Hakstol did it this year with all the adversity this should be a walk in the park for him in the upcoming year.

  18. Welcome aboard Mr. Toews. WOW! What a class. I don't care what the gerbils have. This has got to be the best class UND has had in 10 years. I can't wait for October! On the other hand I just can't let this season go. What a physically dominating team. I've been watching Sioux Hockey for a lot of years and I can't ever remember a team as fun to watch as this team. THey clearly were playing the best hockey in the country at the end of this season. Damn I wish we would have won that game! Can't wait for October!

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