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Everything posted by UND92,96

  1. UND92,96

    USD v UNO

    Now 17-7. If Miller was accurate at all throwing the ball, it's probably 28-7 right now.
  2. UND92,96

    USD v UNO

    UNO has done next to nothing through the air, but must have 200 yards rushing. USD has done next to nothing on the ground, but a couple of big plays through the air have kept them in the game despite being statistically dominated. McNeill is already over 100 yards, and Wurth and Miller both have pretty good yardage totals, too.
  3. UND92,96

    USD v UNO

    Touchdown UNO. 14-0, and as mentioned could easily be worse than that but for a couple of mistakes by UNO.
  4. UND92,96

    USD v UNO

    UNO dominating but still only 7-0. USD is probably struggling to stop the run even moreso than UND did. The UNO kicker missed a chip shot, and Miller has been very erratic throwing the ball, but UNO already has 162 yards rushing early in the second quarter.
  5. UND92,96

    USD v UNO

    This game is on Fox Sports North in the Grand Forks area right now. UNO had an impressive opening drive to take a 7-0 lead.
  6. UND92,96

    USD v UNO

    Although I have no love for UNO, I'm kind of hoping they win for a couple of reasons. One, I can't help but think USD would be far easier for the Sioux to beat if they no longer have a potential playoff berth to play for; and two, even if UNO were to lose their last two games, I still think they'd probably be seeded ahead of UND in the playoffs anyway, based upon what happened last year (8-2 UNO seeded ahead of 9-1 UND based upon head-to-head). If UNO were to beat USD but lose to CWU, UND would still get a share of the NCC title with a win in Vermillion, and that would be pretty good considering the home loss to UNO.
  7. Exactly. IMO, the only way SCSU keeps UND much under 450 yards and 30 or so points is if the UND playcalling is too predictable. The Sioux need to have a nice balance of run and pass. CWU, which is known for its passing, actually ran for over 200 yards in St. Cloud. USD also rushed for over 200 yards against them, AND threw for nearly 300. SCSU is a good enough defense that they can cause a one-dimensional offense problems, but I don't think they're good enough to hold down an offense with good balance, particularly one with the playmakers UND has. While I didn't see the UNO-SCSU game last week, judging by the statistics it looks like UNO just didn't throw the ball effectively enough to force SCSU's defense to respect the pass. Without McNeill, I don't think UNO can score a lot against a good defense unless Miller has a good day throwing the ball.
  8. Possibly, but it hasn't done them much good in terms of wins and losses. And the Huskie D is still quite capable of being torched (relatively speaking), as shown by their games against USD and CWU.
  9. Underwood has done a nice job there. Especially when you consider that I think SCSU is still only in the high 20's in terms of the number of scholarships (not positive on that).
  10. If UND comes out flat, this could be a tight game, but I really don't expect it. There's no sugarcoating it--SCSU has a bad offense. Their defense is very capable, but if you can score 17 points or so, that should be plenty considering SCSU's struggle to score points. It's a little ironic that last week, UND played a team led by an ex-Sioux defensive coordinator coaching a team known for its offense, and this week UND plays against a team led by a former Sioux offensive coordinator coaching a team known for its defense.
  11. Yellow Bird is probably going to have to resign from the Herald shortly after the Sioux name is changed, because what else will she really have to write about at that point? Seriously, what percentage of her columns over the past several years have been devoted to this issue? I predict a severe case of writer's block for her on the horizon...
  12. I believe that's what will, and what should happen. If UND tried to hire a new a.d. right after the Buning situation is finally taken care of, but before a new president has been named, the uncertainty of not knowing who you're going to be working for (and whether that person is seen as "athletics friendly") would probably prevent a lot of people from applying who may otherwise be interested in the job.
  13. UND92,96

    DII Polls

    Regional rankings: Northwest 1. Nebraska-Omaha 8-0 2. Grand Valley 8-0 3. North Dakota 7-1 4. Central Washington 7-1 5. Ashland 6-1 6. South Dakota 6-3 7. Winona State 8-1 8. Hillsdale 7-2 9. Saginaw Valley 6-2 10. Michigan Tech 5-5 11. Wayne State (NE) 6-3 12. Northwood 4-4
  14. I hope the AG's office fixes the spelling on the link for the "Order of Judgement (sic) for Dismissal."
  15. Those are all good ideas, and examples of why retaining the name could be (or should I say "could have been"?) a very positive thing for the tribes. However, unfortunately it doesn't appear the elected tribal leaders have the vision and/or the common sense to realize this.
  16. I just wanted to point out that UND women's basketball player AnnaLeigh Brady attended Four Winds High School, so this event made a lot of sense for multiple reasons, and was planned well in advance of the announcement of the settlement.
  17. I don't think Harkins is at full speed yet. As for Benter, he's got ability, but the one time I saw him play he had a lot of trouble finishing. That may have just been a bad day for him--I don't know.
  18. The two transfers look good, as do Little, Youmans and Bledsoe. Overall, it should be a very athletic team, but I wish we had at least one proven, healthy post. I'm not saying the players we have can't get the job done, but Koenig's health is always a concern, and Lehnertz is probably not going to be a big scoring threat at this point in his career.
  19. UND92,96

    UND vs. UMD

    My hope is that once UNO beats USD on Thursday, it will take the heart out of them because they'll be all but out of the playoff hunt when they play UND. Plus, with the exception of St. Cloud, they really haven't been hammering teams at home like they had been the past few years. IMO, UND has almost no shot at getting any higher than a 3 seed.
  20. UND92,96

    UND vs. UMD

    UNO won at St. Cloud 13-3. Even though McNeill didn't play, that's still a pretty solid defensive effort by the Huskies. However, their offense is pretty bad.
  21. UND92,96

    UND vs. UMD

    It's kind of weird how Bubba has managed to beat everyone in the conference at one time or another, including USD and UNO, but not UND! Duluth has been the one road stadium where we really haven't struggled at all in recent years.
  22. UND92,96

    UND vs. UMD

    Stroup started and seemed to play a lot. Freund was efficient, and didn't make any big mistakes. No turnovers for the Sioux (at least none that I can recall).
  23. UND92,96

    UND vs. UMD

    Lots of running by the Sioux (250 yards or so) and a nice defensive effort.
  24. UND92,96

    UND vs. UMD

    4th and 1 coming up...got it on the scramble.
  25. UND92,96

    UND vs. UMD

    Field goal no good. I think they should have just gone for it due to the danger of a block...
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