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Everything posted by Gothmog

  1. Perhaps you're right about NDSU next. They have lost a lot of player. However, in my opinion, the probability that NDSU wins a National Championship next year is greater than the probability that UND makes the playoffs.
  2. Interesting that winning championships is your standard for judging whether a system is working. By that standard NDSU's system has worked ten times as often as UND's.
  3. That is so illogical it's hard to believe. It's like saying NDSU isn't good, its players are. NDSU's football program is its players and coaches.
  4. Don't disagree with any of this. Attitude and coaching (together with athletic ability) are what makes an athlete into a player.
  5. Don't quite agree with this. IMO, they do have better players than the teams they've beaten over the years. But not necessarily better athletes. If NDSU has done a better job recruiting than the Gophers, for instance, it's because they have done a better job seeing the difference. It's worth noting that none of the players mentioned as examples of NDSU supposedly benefiting from poor recruiting at Minnesota were recruited by any other Big Ten teams. If Brewster, or Mason, or Kill were all wrong so was every other coach in the Big Ten.
  6. Then explain why NDSU has done quite a bit better than any of those teams. BTW - your premise that those players all should have been recruited by Tim Brewster is questionable to say the least.
  7. It certainly is not. Even if it were, what was stopping all the other schools in the area from capitalizing?
  8. It's no reflection on NDSU that its head coach out recruited and out coached the head coach of a nearby Big Ten school that is three times as big and has five times the athletic budget? ? That's just silly.
  9. Gothmog

    2013 Playoffs

    And he was great size and excellent scrambling ability. He may end up being better than Jensen. The biggest loss is Billy Turner.
  10. Gothmog

    2013 Playoffs

    They've got talented players returning everywhere. This team will be a juggernaut next year too. BTW - Crockett's a Junior.
  11. Oh c'mon, do we really have to go through this again? You know what happened ... UND welched on a commitment at the last minute. Strikingly similar to what Montana State did to NDSU this year (although they weren't nearly as big of dicks about it). Now you expect us to believe that UND would never, ever do that ... again?
  12. OK, 2004. Doesn't change the point.
  13. Who backed out of the annual game in 2003? That's not that long ago. Why should NDSU believe that there won't be a repeat performance?
  14. Certainly you understand the difference between NDSU having a 5 home game season forced on it by circumstance outside its control, and NDSU intentionally commiting itself to playing 5 home games every other year? 5 homes games is no big deal this year because it's only 1 year and NDSU may not have any alternative.
  15. Until UND, and its fans, finally admit that NDSU is worthy of respect and, by and large, does things the right way. Until that happens there's no need to talk about scheduling a football game.
  16. Who got banned at bisonville? Not me, I've never been banned anywhere.
  17. My daily goal is to be a source of wisdom and enlightment in a waste land of confused and deluded souls.
  18. No that's not the point. The point was that, whatever the sport, winning two games isn't exactly a big deal.
  19. Spin it anyway you want. NDSU has BY FAR the more accomplished and respected football program. There's no need for NDSU to worry about how it looks in comparison to UND ... it wins hands down.
  20. Hmmm. 10 football national championships vs 1 isn't an advantage?
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