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The Walrus

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Posts posted by The Walrus

  1. The Clear Channel corporation is being sold.........................I wonder why?

    Have never listened to a game on the internet that didn't have technical difficulty through out the game. :angry:

    me neither

  2. In Vermillion last year. But at least that USD offense wasn't completely one-dimensional.

    surprised you are not there today..?

    I'm 0-4 on the sidelines at uno....?

  3. They will be fine..!

    Looked tired on Tuesday, However when they get healthy, Langen looked sluggish and a step slow I'm guessing ankle still bothering her a little...Seay banged up a little, she is going t be real good ,we need her play on the ouside, The Ledger injury is going to hurt..But "Buck" to good of Coach and system not to make a run with these Ladies..But do agree with 92,96 he sure is stubborn on zone defense...?

    Just a bad nite...happens, and Northern is Good

  4. cross.jpg

    I this particular weekend at the REA during the west regional last season was one of the best weeekends of hockey for me all time at the REA. The hockey was ok, but the environment was awesome, the arena was almost as loud as the WJC games when Canada was playing. Watching the Goofs get bounched from the NCAA playoffs, no amout of words can be used to explain it. Woog set them up nicely for defeat. I was at the remote at the bar at the Long Haul Saloon, when Wooger made the prediction that the Goofers wouldn't lose to Holy Cross, talk about some classic putting your foot in your mouth, that I am sure ended up being black board material.

    Beside the loss of the Goofs against the Crusaders, It was even better watching their cocky fans leave the arena with their tails between their legs. Priceless. One clown from Minnesota (while I was in the bathroom) goes to me, oh, oh, oh the Sioux would still lose to the gophers and I told him Spanky, we don't have to play you guys. Your team is on the bus going home already. In my opinion I believe UND would have still beaten them.

    The noise in the arena after the first game was deafening I new we had the arena atmosphere to beat the Wolverines, it was hostile. I was excited that finally we didn't have to play the pretty boys from Michigan in their dump of a barn know as Yost, finally they made the trip to REA. The Sioux whoopped their ass. To me that was awesome, historically, Michigan always gets the great regional draws in their back yard, finally UND got one, we may never see one against due to political correctness run amuck. The Sioux did disappoint, the boys took to the ice a ran Michigan out of the Building. That was even better than watching the Goofs get beat. I think it was the best the Sioux played all Year.


  5. As for watered down Div 2, There is nothing wrong with being the best...

    Or we can be middle of the road, Average..

    I feel we have just passed the "Golden Age of Sioux Sports" Our children will look back and say "Wow" those guys won all those "Titles". With the exception of Hockey(58) and Football (118) both in less participating areas of athletics, (see Attached)

    We will have trouble getting to the top of any mountains.


    My opinion our "Titles" will be very Few and Far, Far in between.

  6. We are, what we are... For 27 years I have waited for Grand Forks to grow, We lose at least 95% of our Graduates to the bigger communities for better paying jobs...

    Somewhere on this board the announcement on LM Fiber 200 jobs paying what $10 a hour..

    Fargo announces Microsoft 100 jobs between 50-100 thousand a year for College Grads to start...

    Show me growth, and some support and I will be with you all the way, we have a aging community...

    We need Industry, Technology and High Paying Manufacturing jobs to grow and keep up with the "Jones"..?

    Like I said, I'll be there just waiting for the other 13.499 to show up, I have a feeling it will be pretty lonely.

  7. Considering the Al seats 13,500 at the most, I don't see this happening either. But it would be cool to fill it once in a while. And if we consistantly did that, we would be in the top of DI-AA. Unfortunately that's not going to happen in DII anymore with UNC, SDSU and NDSU all gone. Winona was the top choice for the NCC. Not a pretty outlook for the future considering what the crowd was today.

    In a couple of years when this "Move" is completed, I will be there!

    Hopefully not waiting for the other 13,499 to show up..?

  8. U of MARY BESC 7 p.m.




    at Mary Bismarck, N.D. 7 p.m.


    at Bemidji State

    Remember when UND would win these games by 30 points? Now they will be lucky to go .500 during this upcoming stretch of games. UND has a long way to go to get to where NDSU Men's team is at. Let's see, NDSU is competing closely with Texas Tech, Minnesota, and beat Wisc. Meanwhile, UND is losing to Moorhead and Concordia St Paul.

    Where is another Scott Guldseth when you need him?

    I thought it was Rich's fault..?

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