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The Walrus

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Posts posted by The Walrus

  1. All 3 worked with 1st team today in practice...

    Manke looked great, relaxed, no signs of any injury...

    Belmore looks good at times, seems uncomfortable at others..

    Freund needs more experenice, some wrong formation calls, and miss reads, looks good..

    I would not be surprised to see maybe all 3 play, we can not afford to get Manke hurt, If he starts I hope they scale back, Qb Options, Draws, Bootlegs ect.. for him..?

  2. I know this doesn't work for everyone, but I'll be riding the free shuttle and spending the difference on beer at my establishment of choice. Simple solution to a complex problem.

    I have heard the shuttles are no longer free either....?

  3. What really concerns me about Belmore is the fact that over the past four games in which he's played all or nearly all the game, he's accounted for 10 turnovers (9 picks, 1 lost fumble), while throwing just four td passes (0 rushing td's). Maybe one or two of the picks weren't his fault, but even giving him the benefit of the doubt on that, it's still an awful ratio. The general consensus seems to be that he completely lost his confidence late last year. Anybody want to venture a guess as to his level of confidence now? ??? It will be interesting to watch Sioux Sports Weekly tonight to see if the picks were as bad as they sounded.

    Great Point! We need Reed Manke back....but with Reed out they(Coaches) must feel Bellmore gives us the best chance to win, Just my guess.

    Reed was getting to the point he was almost Kelby Klostermann like...

  4. Honestly, rhetoric like this is getting tiresome. If UND wants to reach their highest levels in terms of national recognition or alumni support the football team needs to be playing at the highest level possible in terms of competition. Holding football back just so our swimming and diving teams and women's basketball teams can win titles beating up on Podunk U. leaves dollars on the table and for the most part provides UND with little or no exposure on the national sports scene. Football is our best opportunity to increase national exposure for UND and it's wonderful that our administration is finally realizing it. It's our national sport and no matter how many hockey championships our teams win they'll never match the national exposure reaching a D-I bowl game would produce. I know that's I-A but I'm talking long- term and moving our athletic program is just the first step. Ndsu made a good decision four years ago and we're making a good decision now.

    You really believe UND will ever play in a Div 1 Bowl Game??, let alone one with any meaning??

    The State Minnesota (With it's Population) has one Institution at the Div1 Level...

    Now possibly in the future ND and SD will have FOUR? Delusional...Sorry

  5. I wasn't completely surprised the Sioux blocked some kicks because of Augie's formation. They had a guy at a 90 degree angle behind the last guy on each end of the line. I didn't watch for it on every kick, but on the one's I did, it didn't seem like those guys blocked anyone. It's like Augie was only blocking with 7 guys. I should mention that their formation might not have mattered on the blocked kick in OT as the pressure came up the middle.

    Interseting observation, Tom DeSautel Credited Coach Mannasau for bringing the Safties, He said in his interview after the game, that this was the 1st time all year they did that, Coaches saw on film there was a possiblity to block some kicks and Tom said it worked out perfectly, he says he tipped one earlier also..

  6. The advantage the Coaches who make these decisions are...That they deal with it 24 hours a Day 7 Days a week


    I trust they are quailified to make these decisions...

    Should players be held accountable , absolutley... Has anyone on this board broken down the game tape yet?.... I do believe the Int was all on Belmore...But who knows for sure, was there pressure, did we run the right route? too flat ? not deep enough?...Who Knows..?

    The Coaches do and they will make the proper adjustments and play the proper personel...

    My guess we could all apply for their Jobs, or try out for the Team, but in both cases I believe we would loose out dramatically...

    And fightin sioux sports would not be nearly as successful..

    PS> Last time I checked these hard working Student Athletes an Coaches were 5 wins 0 losses

  7. If you are saying that we have high standards for our teams, you are right. And that is how I like it.

    I think it's better to have high standards and not always reach them instead of having low standards that are always reachable. Look at football, for example. Ten years ago, just winning the conference and making the playoffs was considered a successful season. Now, if we aren't competing for the national championship, it's not good enough. December 8th, 2001 changed everything. It set the standard for the program to the highest level possible. As a result, people (like myself) get all bent out of shape over our quarterback throwing interceptions and almost costing us one game. We have high standards, we want to compete at a national level. And what happened today can't happen if you are going to be #1 at the end of the season.

    Hockey is the same way, we are always looking for the next national championship. Ditto for Women's Basketball; that 34-1 record without a national championship just isn't the same.

    Do we lose perspective? Yes. Are our expectations a little out of whack sometimes? Yes. But I would rather have it that way then have an athletic department that was satisfied with barely winning seasons and the occasional playoff berth. I know I wouldn't get up for the sports season if that was the attitude of the A.D. and coaches.

    Can't Wait for that Div 1.....Football and Hockey will be ok... All the Rest....Better lower expectations, and high standards for 10 or so years...there will be no National Championships in those Sports...GO SIOUX!

  8. Sure...LOL That is not even my best speech...

    I've said it before, and I will again we are spoiled at UND with Sioux Sports..

    In my 25 plus years in town.. If you add up Mens Football, Basketball, Hockey, Womens Basketball. Our four Major Sports...

    In Over 100 Seasons.... I think we have had less than 15 below .500 mark... :silly:

  9. We all play coaches on TV?

    But I will put my Trust in Dale and his Staff, They obviously feel that Freund is Not Ready yet..?

    Belmore has a very bad confidence problem and is very inconsisitent at times but remains , Like 24-4 as a starter...Alot of schools would drool over that...

    Manke is the Leader the Team has Chosen, he needs to get back , but back Healthy, I do not risk him at Mankato, Because WE NEED HIM AT UNO!.. But that is not my decision..

    I get real tired of people throwing players under the Bus for a bad decision here and there...Chris Belmore has make a outstanding contribution to UND Football...

    As has alot of UND Student athletes...It seems when the next guy in line is better, Our Coaching Staff always finds a way to get them their time on the field, But it is a overall team sport 11 guys executing at once no break downs...And it takes around 75-100 to make the TEAM a TEAM...Go to practice sometime.

    Anyway...Lucky Win...GO SIOUX!~

  10. Having a change of heart on Belmore??

    Not Really...It still a team game...He has made two really poor decisions...Today

    Manke is a better leader... with a boat load of confidence right....Better decision maker

    HOWEVER..? we obiviously need two QB's

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