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Posts posted by ScottM

  1. 16 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    He missed the Cooper's hawk. Nasty buggers chase the song birds away from my feeders. I wish the great horned owls or the bald eagles that have been around lately would chase the Cooper's away. 


    Coopers Hawks are pretty fearless, even in urban environments.  I came a home a few summers ago to find one munching on a Starling on the roof of the garage.  I had to hose down the roof to get rid of the "leftovers".  ;)

  2. 17 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    Business majors? If so I say give them their degrees. They seem to have it pretty well figured out.

    Getting busted by the cops with that much inventory probably isn't going to help their GPAs, or future employment prospects. 

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