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Posts posted by ScottM

  1. Can you explain for the non-attorneys in the room? 

    Broadly defined, Rule 11 tends give courts discretion to award attorney fees and other sanctions against attorneys and/or their clients who make frivolous or baseless claims or make filings solely to harass parties, increase their adversary's expenses or unnecessarily drag out court proceedings.   These are case-by-case findings, but it seems that this filing would fit into the bucket if the State has the balls to pursue the sanction.  



  2. He was a terrible attorney in private practice, so I would not have expected more from him as AG.  What UND really needed was help from NoDak's congressional stooges.  Florida State and Utah got full-throated support from their politicos at the beginning of this fiasco and it ended well for them.  Nodak's clowns were MIA.

    • Upvote 4
  3. No. The oil company hired a contractor and the contractor hired a subcontractor. John Oliver is trying to blame the oil company. 

    If the recent BP Gulf cases are any indication, you can sue everyone in the chain of work, especially if they contributed to the harm in some respect.

  4. That would almost align to this past story: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/188905#.VhUah_lVhBd 

    If that past story is true, the Russians and Iranians would want to fight back with what means they have (short of an all out shooting war).

    Summary of the two concepts:

    - Saudis open the spigot to drop world oil prices thus hurting Iran's economy (and ability to build a nuclear weapon). Collateral damage is Russia (need oil at $70 for Siberian shale to be of value), but Saudi is OK with that because Russia is giving Iran nuclear tech. Additional collateral damage is US, but Saudi is OK with that too because Saudi expects the US to deal with such matters and the US isn't doing it this time. 

    - If the first bullet is accurate, Volley's report of Russia supporting Iran (and what Iran may do to jack oil prices) makes sense as a counter move against the Saudis (as Saudi oil needs the Straits of Hormuz open). The Russians and Iranians need oil at $70+. 

    Considering Saudi dropped its oil pricing to Asia and the US late last week, I don't see them buckling on the production front.  And they still are the 800 lb. gorilla in OPEC.


  5. I really have no clue what the best part of this is.  So much to choose from, in no particular order:

    1. Continued complete lack of understanding of trademark law on top of admitting he's doing it for the sole purpose trying to (unsuccessfully) impede UND's process
    2. Use of old stationary that is 25 years old
    3. Picture of bison that is apparently struggling with something
    4. Signed as N.D.S.U. Grad
    5. "Roughriders Sports Team"
    6. Spells President Kelley's name wrong
    7. Equates a 71 year man retiring as "fleeing"
    8. Signs name with nickname




    The fix is in!  Sundogs it is!!!!  :0

  6. Not really a fan of any of them.  I'm not sold on Rough Riders since any historical ties to the actual military unit TR organized are tenuous at best.  The unit was largely organized in the southwest for the specific reason they wanted men who were used to hot, nasty climates, even though it probably had some troopers from NoDak.  Besides, Rough Riders seems like a cheap and easy way to rip off Red River based on contrived historical convenience, regardless of awards, unofficial mottos, etc. 

    Yes, I said "NoDak" as I've referred to myself that way many times, and I'm bemused by those who are offended by the term. (Nodak, please!)   Better that than being a "Pumpkin Head" from West Virginia.  ;)   Not really a fan of it for a team name. 

    Sundogs and North Stars?  Really? 

    Fighting Hawks?  Meh.  Maybe, if only because I'm fond of birds of prey. 

    So, who knows?  I'll probably hold my nose and flip a coin for Rough Riders or Hawks, sort of like I do in most general elections ...

    • Upvote 1
  7. Ah, yes, but have verified your email address against the voting database?  It appears that unless you have one of the .edu addresses that you have to do this according to the link on page 5 of this thread...  I checked it out, and it found me and verified my information.  I can just see this being the next stupid technicality.

    According to the email it already has me registered based on the email address they have on file.  I should still have an und.edu email address I used for Facebook years ago, but I have it forward any messages to my Gmail account. Be damned if I could recall the UND email address, let alone the password ... ;)

  8. How about locking up stores after 7 or 8pm especially in repeated robbery locations. If people need gas pay at the pump, if you need smokes or a candy bar go to a grocery store.

    Or you add internal security to your stores with thick plexiglass partitions, push through money slots, etc.  For the companies, the costs probably outweigh the benefits for "customer experience" and the relatively small amount of cash these robberies take.  It's also easier from a liability perspective if the employee just gives the money without any hassle.

    • Upvote 1
  9. The clerks need tazers or mace.

    Or drop safes that ensure a minimal amount of cash after a certain time. Some clerk making minimum wage should not be expected to deter a robber, armed or otherwise.

    • Upvote 2
  10. http://www.grandforksherald.com/opinion/letters/3832479-letter-long-were-reconsidering-und-nicknames-aviators


    Can the Herald please stop printing these worthless letters to the editor?  I am not sure what poeple don't understand.  As this thread title clearly states, the voting process has been announced.  The names to be voted on are already decided.  The debate about what names should make the list is over.   Why doesn't the Herald publish letters about what we can do tincrease our relations with the Sioux tribes to keep the Sioux nickname while they are at it........oh wait...to late!!!

    What?  And deprive us of the entertainment value of reading the "opinions" of the utterly clueless? :lol:

  11. This guy thought they were just "retiring" the UND nickname, not picking a new one.  :silly:

    All seven members of his family that graduated from UND are so proud of their University of North Dakota degrees that they are contemplating whether to support the school anymore based on "North Dakota" not being an option.  You literally cannot make this stuff up anymore.  



    If that's his stance, then his "ties" to UND aren't as strong as he thinks they are.

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