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NDSU grad

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Posts posted by NDSU grad

  1. I could guarantee with about 90% confidence I would know everybody on this board who grew up in a small town (less than 2000) within about 2 degrees of separation. I could guarantee I could do it for the people who grew up in Mott, Kildeer, Burlington, and Langdon.

    BTW, if you grew up in a small town in ND and don't mention it as your favorite you have no soul. :)

  2. I take issue with Wyobison and others. The idea that I was posting in this thread to fish people into an argument is way off the wall. There are contrasting ideas that some of you cant handle. Obviously when you turn it into a personal argument you have lost. I expect the renwal will be a matter of fact at some point in the future, but the reasons to avoid it are sound. I hope none of you are offended because I take that side.

    This is really some good stuff. This thread should be pinned to the top and receive legendary thread status.

  3. Poke around Bisonville and you'll find Bison supporters reporting this is based in truth. Roll in that the numbers of graduate students are fairly accurate ...


    I guess whether the numbers are accurate or not is not really the crux of my argument. I'm just bothered by people arguing for a position based on an op-ed piece of a newspaper and anonymous posts on message boards.

    For the record, I am not bothered at all at UND's position of using tuition waivers to support athletes. I am likewise not bothered by NDSU using them to support graduate students. It is very common for tuition to be waived for graduate students as part of their stipend. I do think this information should be in the public domain, however.

  4. NDSU has been 'buying' their growth in graduate programs. After adding 20 new PhD programs since 1999, they have also grown their graduate student enrollment through full and partial tuition waivers. NDSU has about 1600 graduate students, and about 900 have a tuition waiver. UND has 2100 graduate students with 740 (35%) with a full or partial tuition waiver. NDSU graduate program has 500 fewer graduate students, but 150 more students on tuition waivers. Perhaps this is NDSU talks so much about needing more funds.

    So now you're using what basically amounts to message board comments to back up your points? It should also be noted that the extremely poorly written article in the Bismarck Tribune was an op-ed piece and not a news story. I'd be interested to see how all the universities in the NDUS define tuition waivers.

  5. OK, after perusing the NCAA manual (who knows, the one online is probably outdated anyway) I think I am like 5% positive UND will be counted as a DII opponent in 2008, regardless of how many I-AA opponents they schedule. After looking back at NDSU's 2004 schedule, we played 6 DI opponents and were still counted as DII opponent and were part of the DII record book. So, based on this, I don't think UND will be invited to the Great West until 2009, and if I were Gene Taylor I would not schedule the Sioux until that same year. If the Bison don't have any DII's on the schedule, I might consider scheduling the Sioux in 2008 depending on what the rest of the schedule looke like.

    I have reached this conclusion by looking at section

    EDIT: The section is on page 366 of the manual.

  6. Does anybody remember when UND-Ellendale was closed. Was there strong sentiment for keeping it open? A couple of years before my time so I was just wondering what the political climate was then.

  7. A three paragraph brief in today's [sept. 15] "Albuquerque Journal" announced the verbal of Jessica Kielpinski to the University of New Mexico and her cancellation of visits to four other schools.

    Per regs of this forum, I will not post all three graphs nor follow-up articles. Suggest SiouxSports moderator look at http://www.wolf-bytes.net...

    As for UNDbb, many folks in New Mexico are very interested in Jessica, even if those in N.D are not. [No, I am NOT a relative -- haven't even met the girl -- but I know she already has celebrity status in this basketball-crazy state.]

    Have a nice winter...

    Wow, that link is really an eye-opener.

  8. When I lived in Iowa, the audio was free and absolutely terrible. Sounds very similar to what UND is experiencing right now. They then went to the fee-based system and it would maybe buffer once or twice per game. Absolutely worth the money. Last year I watched the SDSU and Southern Illinois game on the webcast and I thought it was worth the money. Video quality wasn't great, but much better than Montana's was in 2003. I've never watched anything on dataflix so I really can't make any comparisons to that.

  9. Last year the first snow fall was the night of October 5/6. Given our dry summer, my guess for the first snow fall this year is Nov. 13th.

    The latest I've ever seen snow is June 2nd, about an inch accumulation, gone by about noon of the same day. The earliest I've seen snow is probably late September.

  10. Is that the same league for indoor watersports that NDSU is in?

    I know NDSU has had a major domed facility filled with water twice in the past.

    Is an NCIKL meet why that was? Will that score big with Douple and the Mid-Con? :blush::huh::lol:

    I'm glad to see somebody over here has a sense of humor. I probably should have used a smiley face rather than a smarmy, pretentious face.

    I can only remember the dome flooding once (2000) and that was in fact for a NCIKL sanctioned event. Unfortunately, NCIKL officials were unhappy with the high sulfate levels in the water and the event was cancelled, which explains why you never heard of it.

  11. Couldn't this be put under that same "speculation" heading that Sioux fans are so accused of lately? :blush:

    Only if nd1sufan had speculated Western Kentucky was leaving the Gateway to join the North Carribean Indoor Kayak League. :lol:

  12. NDSU grad:

    Congratulations for again showing ignorance by making this an NDSU vs UND or Fargo vs Grand Forks spat. Nothing could be further from the truth. Read that editorial I posted again: there is absolutely no reference to UND or Grand Forks. The Forum didn't praise NDSU or criticise UND/'Grand Forks. The Fargo editorial was nothing more than a smear against Potts' character:

    That's good stuff. I never even mentioned the Chapman/Potts fiasco; I was just commenting on your apparent superhuman powers to bash the Forum anytime they take a side you oppose, while remaining quiet on some of the Herald's ridiculous commentaries over the past few years. The article in the Forum yesterday got it right. This whole mess is about inequity.

  13. What in blazes are you talking about? Ethical Limits? ???

    It's actually pretty simple. Any time the Forum publishes an article or opinion praising NDSU/Fargo or criticizing UND/Grand Forks it's "pushing the ethical limits."

  14. Its hard to argue with him about his concern for academics. It has to be number one. Makes one wonder what the priorities at UND are?

    It's bad enough you'd hijack a thread; it's even worse you'd come on a rival's message board and do it. :ohmy:

  15. I think the fact that Potts continuously goes to the media to air his grievances while Chapman refuses to partake in these grade school antics says alot about the leadership qualities of these two men.

  16. What I find interesting is how two people with a fairly modest earning potential (a teacher and an engineer) can amass that much money. People from that generation were just unbelievable when it came to managing money. I suppose it also helped they didn't have any blood-sucking leeches (i.e. kids). :)

  17. I know that you're trying to be funny, but I know you'll be happy to hear that $1 Million will go towards the donor's wishes and the remaining $9 MILLION can be used in any way the University wishes.

    I'm pretty sure IowaBison was being serious. Anybody who's spent any time at Iowa State could tell you how much a garden can add to a university environment.

  18. I could be wrong about this (it would only be about the eigth time today :) ) but I think the SU's will be considered active DI institutions in 06-07. That's why wrestling and volleyball will be tourney eligible this year. Basically, the old rules stated there was a two-year waiting period to be playoff-eligible. Well, institutions that move up still have to go through that two-year period; the NCAA tacked on three years where a school is in limbo (not really DI, not really DII). At least this is the way I interpreted the NCAA manual.

  19. As many of you may remember from earlier posts, I have been against UND's move to Division I. I felt the cost and Grand Fork's geography would prohibit us from being competitive in DI. Over the last few months, I have given a great deal of thought to this and talked to a lot of people around the country and in North Dakota and NW Minnesota (as well as many within UND's Athletic Department). I now am a strong advocate of the move.

    The following are excerpts from a letter recently written to Dr. Kupchella. My guess is that he will elect not to make the move - feeling that it isn't fair to the President following him to saddle him with the challenges of the move.

    While Kupchella may have already made his decision, I would recommend that those of you who are proponents of the move contact him via letter or e-mail in the next few days and give him your thoughts.

    My letter......

    Dear Dr. Kupchella:

    Until recently, I was either

  20. When ndac and sdsu announced they were moving up UND was fresh off their first D-2 football national championship and were looking forward to future ones. Ndac and sdsu hadn't seen one in over a decade so the prospect of postseason ineligibility was trivial to them because they hadn't seen the postseason for that long anyways. Eventually feelings changed and most Sioux fans, alumni, administrators have crossed over into being D-2 proponents. Trust me if UND had partnered with the Ag college both would probably be in the Big Sky right now. SDSU can best be compared to a fat chick who hangs around her good- looking friends hoping some guy picks her up too.

    Yes it had been whopping two years since we'd seen the post-season in football, so your scenario makes perfect sense. :D

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