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Everything posted by VegasSiouxGuy

  1. In need of two (2) tickets for the Friday/Saturday DU series. Preferably lower level. Please text to (702) 612-3492.
  2. Two LL tickets for BSU @ UND, 10/16/21 Please text 702.612.Three-Four-Nine-Two
  3. Are the tickets still available?
  4. Is this ticket still available?
  5. Are the tickets still available? Text: 702-612-3492
  6. I just arrived in Minneapolis from Las Vegas a day early to find tickets for the Frozen Four and am having little luck.. Are there any ticket holders out there who could help a brother out? Please give me a call 702-612-3492. Thanks....
  7. I'll be there...direct from Vegas.
  8. In town and going solo to the game. Need one (1) Lower Bowl ticket for Friday's 12/03/10 game against SCSU. Please call Michael (303) 522-5682. CALL NOW!!!!!!
  9. Yeah, yeah, I know...Three tickets isn't even and challenging to get. I need three for Saturday...In town from Las Vegas and need my Sioux "Fix"...702-612-3492
  10. After traveling through the wind and snow from Las Vegas I am in need of two tickets (preferrably lower bowl) for Friday Night's game between Notre Dame and North Dakota. Thanks.
  11. I need two (2) tickets for this weekend's series, Friday and Saturday.
  12. I need four for tonight, are they still available?
  13. I flew across the country, fought terrible traffic, walked through the rain because the arena is placed in a hard-to-get-to area...only to get this!
  14. The only betting on College Hockey in Vegas is before the Frozen Four at the Imperial Palace.
  15. Selling 2 tickets for the UND/BC game upper deck for $90. Will have at game. Please give me your e-mail address.
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