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Everything posted by siouxstudent

  1. Selling 2 tickets for Friday Night Section 110 Row B. $45 each PM if interested.
  2. He didnt need to post because we all knew the prediction already....
  3. That being said they would probably see the similarities and shoot it down.
  4. Those are pretty sweet actually, add some feathers, Fighting Nokotas..The Nokes... Not horrible, better than 95% of other stuff I have seen/heard here.
  5. Yup no doubt he should be, also sounds like last year they played rather chippy/dirty and it didnt sit well with alot of the guys....
  6. Their foam party got pretty nuts one year. Can't imagine what a mess it was to clean up the next day. Simple just tear down the house.
  7. Just something to add to this thread, many of the players I know do not like Duluth at all, in fact a few of them went as far as to say they were right up there with the Goofers on the hate list...
  8. Agree, inanimate objects = super lame
  9. Not a fan of arrows sorry too lame for me, just blah when you actually think about it. How about SuperSonics?
  10. Reading these posts with all these ( I hope sarcastic) ideas is depressing.....
  11. Welp that was fun. So how do I watch the Sioux get the Split tomorrow? Is NCHCtv the only option?
  12. Someone stated FCS was going to have the Sat game, is this true? I dont see it listed anywhere....
  13. I dont think any of Miami's big guns (Coleman,Barber, Czarnick) had a single point last night. Not sure if thats good or bad for tonight. Hoping for the same tonight.
  14. Im gona go out on a limb here and say we see our first shootout this weekend....
  15. Safe to say this is a big weekend!!
  16. I'll take that location over my couch any day.
  17. If you have not been inside to see you are correct. The place is absolutely TINY!
  18. Anyone interested in 2 SRO ticket packages I have extra. PM me if so.
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