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Everything posted by siouxstudent

  1. I sit across the aisle from the students and unfortunately its like night and day in there atmosphere wise when they are on break.
  2. Wont be much for students at the games unfortunately
  3. They had a good handful of the big logo patches available still last week.
  4. This thread is depressing, time to shut er down n focus on the weekend series.
  5. No def nothing personal, just see a lot of complaining on here, was mostly joking. Every thread has probably a great deal of that
  6. A lot of people would probably rather not name names on a message board, I wouldn't. As you see how tight lipped they like to keep these injuries. Just a guess
  7. Guess we should just ban injury updates on this message board lol. Obviously does zero good for anyone. People come here looking for info and then complain....
  8. Not sure why people care how many posts you have, and highly doubt that post was looking to troll us about an injury. To my knowledge Mac does indeed have a fractured patella. The question is as stated above what type of surgery was needed. Pure guess but thinking its got to be the lesser of the 2 and they feel albeit a very very small chance, that there is possibly still a chance he could return if they made it to the FF depending on how he heals and responds to the surgery.
  9. CBSSports Fri FoxCollege Sat. Looks like a super early start Fri because of a doubleheader. 5:30 central?
  10. Yeah you just never know, if someone is a quick healer. Over a month till the FF.
  11. Yeah give it a small chance, reason for the guys to get that far to maybe get him back in the lineup.
  12. Realistically though the chance of seeing him again is small.
  13. Ill be surprised if we see him again unfortunately
  14. Mac actually went out for a shift after this happened but when he went to push off his leg gave out and he immediately went down to the tunnel and that was it.
  15. Im going to strictly guess here but I am hoping for 4:30 and 8pm starts.
  16. I live in Fargo and I see double the Sioux gear than Bison gear when I am out. As far as the games go I would say 90% of people are in Sioux gear.
  17. Ill say 75%+ Sioux fans, also not sure there will even be much of a secondary market on these.
  18. I heard it down on the other end but couldnt make out what was said, What i did hear was about 5,000 people telling him to shutup.
  19. Guessing his bro is hobey winner Matt Carle?
  20. Highly unlikely that he would stick around I am guessing. Yeah I am sure they will do something at the Ralph to acknowledge, more important than hockey.
  21. Coach Montgomery's dad passed away this morning.
  22. Was a snoozefest compared to what i am used to I guess lol, I just realized we have a recruit playing for Sioux City in that game as well, he scored I believe.
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