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Everything posted by Chewey

  1. Charles Kupchella wrote a pretty good letter to the NCAA; it was a very good letter, in fact. It's just that UND is not FSU so the NCAA basically said "who gives a s#$!".
  2. End tenure please. Like someone said in the comments section of the GF Herald, these academics need to be cycled through the private sector and forced to find jobs. Bet your bottom dollar, Kelley's mindset would not be preoccupied with such a mundane and pedestrian issue. Gosh, that's sort of like the nickname isn't it? Seriously, what sort of hopelessly frazzled mind finds offense in the Beer Grandma or in the nickname or in not using the "gender neutral voice" in writing or some other such garbage? Focus on teaching students to get along better in the real world and have a thick skin and teach them how to produce widgets better than the Chinese and Indians and Koreans. Does anyone think that there is an entire emotional glass jaw segment of those societies that carp about such a trifling?
  3. You presume that it all "glorifies" beer drinking. It doesn't. That's entirely presumptuous of Kelley and it's indicative of a proclivity to create a tempest in a teapot. So, an 85 year-old still likes to attend hockey games and - gasp - have a beer. If anything, she's being recognized for her commitment to the program and she's being commended for her ability/willingness to attend games at her age. Are people going to see her and justify getting drunk because she's having a beer? Don't think so. I don't see how that promotes or glorifies beer drinking at all. Just shows Kelley to be an overly fastidious and pedantic fussbudget with too much time on his hands.
  4. This is just the sort of meaningless minutia that preoccupies administrators who have a complete disconnect both with sporting activities and with those who attend them. He needs to get out of the office more and interact with people outside of the occasional petty wine socials with other like-minded sorts. I'd say his duplicity concerning other issues reflects much more negatively upon the university than the Beer Grandma. Good Lord, even an 85 year-old, life-long hockey game attendee who enjoys having a beer and who gets recognized at games can pique the effete social consciousness of this guy? That speaks volumes. Aren't there bigger and better things to complain about?
  5. Yes. Kendall Baker looks pretty decent in light of Robert Kelley and Kendall Baker was about 100 floors below Tom Clifford.
  6. Well, for starters, the article about ND going to HE was in College Hockey News. Curiously, no mention of the nickname was made. What was addressed was ND's TV contracts and how they're going to get more $$$$ in HE than in the NCHC. HE caved to their demands, I guess. Shaft really stepped in it with this. Pretty easy to show that he does not know what he's talking about and is just throwing this out there for effect. How's that gonna look, Grant?
  7. Yes, it's the Committee for Understanding and Respect and the Spirit Lake Sioux Tribe.
  8. Nope to both. Can't say more than that.
  9. Ahh, a timely paradigm of the SCSU perspective. Waxing poetic and saying so much with so few words about why the decision to admit SCSU is wrong in so many ways.
  10. Well, we'll see how it plays out. I have a father in law who's been on the faculty there for years and the place is a mess in more ways than one. Good to see you referenced yet another low-point for massive arrests other than October, 1986 when a bunch of SCSU students rioted, basically, and tossed a couple of kegs of beer out of one of the top floors of one of the high rises. I went to St. John's and had friends at SCSU and was there. Bottom line is that SCSU is a terrible choice with no national championships and a paucity of post-season victories to its credit and the whole credibility of the conference went down a couple of notches with its admission. Gino better get a big bonus.
  11. A.) Financially they're on the ropes, year-in and year-out. B.) No strong alumni support, financially or otherwise (nexus to point A above); C.) Talked out of both sides of its mouth - "we wouldn't want to be a part of the NCHC, even if asked" vs. "Thanks! Where to we sign?"; D.) A campus environment that really and truly is racist (see neo-nazi groups/signs, etc.); E.) Academic standards are about 5 notches below UND, DU, CC, etc. F.) Commitment to funding hockey in the future tied to state budgetary in-fighting rather than alumni support. Because of its weak alumni support, SCSU is much more dependent on state funding than other schools, even other state schools like here in Mankato. G.) History of members of student body being arrested in droves -- see October, 1986, among other dates. Three reasons why SCSU is now part of the NCHC: A.) Gino; B.) Herb Brooks stated the program; C.) Motzko is a great coach who knows what he's doing. I would say that without reason A, reasons B and C would not have carried the day for admission to the NCHC.
  12. SCSU will be a drag on the whole conference. If they want ND, I'm sure the SCSU admission will really help that.
  13. Has me thinking it's super messed up as opposed to just being messed up. "Trans gender athletes"? My God. So, a man who converts to female would have an upper edge in basketball, sprinting, etc. That idea is seriously screwed up. No matter how much testosterone and other agents a transgendered female to male takes, he will still not be able to develop muscle tone and other qualities to compete effectively in football or basketball or hockey, etc. I know a few transgendered males and they all are excessively overweight and they were not when they were women. They weren't even what I'd call "husky." One or two of them may have stubble on the chin but the face looks supple and has more moisture tone to it (just as a woman's skin is supposed to look).
  14. Curious as to why the Herald did not report this. It's been filed since 9/2/11 so there's been plenty of time. It just shows you....
  15. It's only a matter of time, I think, before the folks at Moo U are addressing this issue. Sacred animals and nicknames like "Crusaders" (Holy Cross, anyone) are going to be next. Cattle are considered sacred to Hindus and they might think that using "Mavericks" as a team nickname would be disparaging towards their religion/beliefs. Larry Kraft used to say "mental mast#@$$" and that's exactly what the NCAA and their pinhead academician cohorts are engaging in.
  16. The population of SR has not indicated that at all. If they were allowed to vote, the results of Spirit Lake would be replicated. Your point that the nickname should be retired even if a non-namesake tribe from some distant state objects to it has been employed and failed vis-a-vis FSU. The only tribes that really are relevant in the debate are SR and SL. Any other Tribes in any others states can say whatever they want but such rhetoric would certainly be irrelevant to this debate. Why should the Chippewa like Leigh Jeanotte care? Probably jealousy?
  17. Last I saw, Sioux tribes and other tribes outside of the state of North Dakota did not give the nickname and logo to UND and they were not referenced in the surrender agreement.
  18. I like them too. Actually, they'd probably be the best outside of ND but it sounds as if they'll go elsewhere if ND does not come to the NCHC. Heck, I'd be open to UAH. If you want to see a grateful program that would pour money into it from alumni and area supporters, UAH would be it. Competitive-wise, not there but commitment-wise I think they are. Remind me of UNO of about 12 to 15 years ago.
  19. I actually like attending games at NHC; my in-laws live in St. Clown. SCSU has a decent program but, given the history on the nickname/protests/what its President recently represented, I think the NHC is out of the question. If SCSU were admitted, that would be a huge testament of Gino's connections and influence. If that were the case, they'd have to name a building after him or something. Even with Gino, don't think it's happening. I'd say pick up Tech, Bowling Green/Bemidji State and call it a day.
  20. The Higher Ed Board could be viewed as nothing more than a turf protectorate for the higher education system. That's a cynical viewpoint, admittedly, but I think one would be a bit of a Pollyanna to truly believe that it is simply an entirely altruistic body focused solely on the betterment of education. In 1994 or 1995 when it was created, it was thought that the SBoHE would be free of the politics of the day to "streamline" the ND higher education system and make it more "efficient." Translation: Stop or reduce duplication to save money for the taxpayer (close or restrict VCSU, Mayville, etc.). I have not been a resident of ND for years now but, from my vantage point, it looks like people were duped. Next, why not have some state board that has plenary authority over road construction and repairs and improvements? Why should politics decide that a 4-lane highway from Portal, ND to Jamestown on Highway 52 -- a highway that sees a ton of traffic from SK down to Jamestown en route to Minneapolis -- should be held in abeyance in favor of a 4 lane highway between Fargo and Hillsboro (Highway 81 or whatever it is)? Why not come up with a state board for anything and everything?
  21. Those people are insane and they are themselves the collective archetype of "racism." The fact that this cynical and pathological troupe of racists gets any public funding at all is highly disturbing.
  22. I think you have something there. Why not choose the "Bleacher Creatures" as the nickname? When I went to law school there, I never could figure out what in the hell the damn thing was - maybe an ape - so how could it possibly be offensive to any group? Plus, it's unique to UND. I never could figure out what in the hell was so offensive about it. Hell, he even made an appearance at the Malpractice Bowl one year. I vote for that nickname and, for whatever reason, I am sure it would still piss off the PC police somehow, someway.
  23. It certainly would not look good for the NCAA. One of the tribes for whom the policy was enacted to "protect" and "provide a voice" actually sues the NCAA for not being allowed to have that voice and for being treated differently than other tribes who wish to sponsor schools. If the name is retired, as per the terms of the surrender agreement, choose "Spirit Lake Sioux." The language of the surrender agreement makes reference to retiring "its nickname" and "current nickname" and "Fighting Sioux." Conceivably, UND could just choose "Spirit Lake Sioux" or even "Sioux" and, as long as there is the sponsorship of one tribe, not violate "the policy." The language is limited and vague and seems clear to me that only "Fighting Sioux" is at issue. Also, I think it's fairly clear in the language that UND must transition to a new nickname and logo. Seriously, it seems to me that there is something here. New nickname that is not "Fighting Sioux", new set of circumstances.
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